Viruk wrote:
I've recently bought metal dwarf warriors and khazad guard models and want to paint some before I return to goblins, troll and the rest of the Fellowship. I was thinking about what kind of base would be most suitable for these minis and came up with an idea of making them look like rough mountain terrain covered partially with snow (something like
Next thing that I have to decide on is what colour scheme to choose for the clothes. I don't think that the one proposed by GW (bright green with yellow pattern) is the best solution. I was considering purple, red or blue.
Any opinions and different pictures with suggested colour schemes for dwarves would be appreciated.

And in the meanwhile I started working on the plastic troll (great sculpt imho). I glued him in a different position (he's slightly more bent forward than normally), used GS (not much was needed since the parts fit almost perfectly) to fill the holes and prepared the base. Shame though that I run out of my chaos black spray while undercoating it

Hey Viruk, great work on those guys! For the Dwarves (I only got through the first page) I recommend a nice red. I've painted my Gimli in a dark brown colour scheme, then all but covered it up with a deep red on the leather portions of his armour. I don't always use GW paints, but rather some craft paints by various companies. They are a little "grainier" (as in they don't go on quite as smoothly as GW paints) but I like that quality in leather and cloth, as it makes the surface seem porous, as it should be. It also gives more of a matte finish, rather than the slight shine I've noticed GW paints to have.
Furthermore, on the topic of snow-covered bases, I've found that artificial sweetner works very well. It has a crystaline substance in it that ends up looking like ice crystals when sprinked over a base. The larger part of it is powdery, and looks great covering a mountain-themed base.
Hope I helped.