Not getting the notifications again

I'm still using the 2013 version, will have to try it out on another pc where I have a more up to date version to check the printing thing, seems fine on this one.
The critters missing was a classic error

Forgot to drag down in the DD to DF columns of the printing sheet to capture the new lines when I added them.
As for the google sheets thing, I'd probably have to redo some formulas to make everything work properly. Only really worked with google sheets for simple stuff like grading sheets (makes it considerably easier to have all the teachers grading in the same place).
Edited in the link you sent a bit, for the links that don't work you need to reset them by selecting the proper page, and change the name to match the page number (changed 2 LLs).
Go to column DE in the LL you mentioned to see what else I edited, namely:
DE4: Added the IFERROR(...,"")
DE8: Added the IFERROR(...,"")
Copied DE8 and pasted over DE9 till DE25.
Then Copied the DE3 till DE26 interval, and pasted it over DE27 till DE482
Same idea would have to be replicated over every sheet, although some are slightly different (especially the hero only ones).
No clue if everything else works properly btw
For the Mûmak, which one is the Gandalf rulebook?
In all honesty the book I have says nothing about mumak counting for the warband, and FAQs don't mention it, and it's kinda obvious that the 12 guys warband was prolly meant to fill the 12 spaces of the howdah.
Think it turned out that way cause the place where I add extra units to heroes usually, well... fills out spaces in the warband. Will have to hammer the unit count to add the extra in without filling the warband.
Will upload as soon as I fix the Mûmak thing.
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