Hi Everybody,
Update is in progress...

Some answer to your question Errandir:
- In the early days there were metal minis in blisters with exact numbering in the collector guides, to know which one to order when you wanted only one or two specific mini.
Later came the plastic boxes with sprues. All variations, all minis were in the box, on the sprues.
So when I use names like ...1, ...2 those are (or were) specific minis. When I use 1of6 or 1of12, it means it is one of the six minis, one of the twelve minis that are in the box. (And of course all 6, 12, 8 minis are in the box.)
Maybe this method is not the best, and I wasn't clear enough about it, but I had no better idea how to number the minis.
- I've corrected Merry's entry.
- I've used 1of6 numbering on Knights of Rivendell.
- I've corrected Faramir's entry.
- I've corrected and made new entries for Merry and Pippin, whose are in the plastic Treebeard set, where there are standalone and sitting versions too.
- I want to place every mini only one time in the CG, so the Mumak War Leader is still only in the Harad list.
- I've made a new entry for the Morannon Orc from the Death of Gothmog scene.
- I'm not sure that there are Moria Blackshields as I think those are Gundabad Blackshields, so I made it clearer, but I will check it if has changed.
A big big 'Thank you!' to you Errandir for your corrections and suggestions, all of it made the CG better!
I also used your collection of pictures which helped me a lot to update the CG.
As it was a big update, or at least an update with a big gap, the version is 10.0. Although a new update will be available soon when the "The War of the Rohirrim™" supplement and minis will be released.
Aaaand... I'd like to thank everybody for your wishes!

I'm sure this version will also have some mistakes but we'll work on that continuously!