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 Post subject: Re: Slinky's Journey Books - 18 Sep, FOTR scenario 6
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 9:22 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Nice, thematic battle report. Always encouraging when Good wins!

Is that the ForgeWorld Weathertop? It looks great.
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 Post subject: Re: Slinky's Journey Books - 18 Sep, FOTR scenario 6
PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 9:06 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:12 pm
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DaveT wrote:
Nice, thematic battle report. Always encouraging when Good wins!

Is that the ForgeWorld Weathertop? It looks great.

Thanks, DaveT!

Yes, it's the FW one, a bit spendy, but extremely well cast and looks all round awesome :)

My boys are alternating who plays Evil/Good, by the way, don't think I mentioned that before. I am mostly just referee ;)
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 Post subject: Re: Slinky's Journey Books - 18 Sep, FOTR scenario 6
PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:40 pm 

Joined: Wed May 21, 2014 1:55 am
Posts: 1487
Location: Seattle,Washington USA
This is what I like about SBG, just a few figures, some nice scenery, and you have a very nice thematic battle report - well done! Well done also on getting your boys to play the game, never could get mine pass just playing with the figures.

"Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer."
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 Post subject: Re: Slinky's Journey Books - 18 Sep, FOTR scenario 6
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 6:07 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:12 pm
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The Fellowship of the Ring - Scenario 7: Pursuit into the Wilds

Good - Gandalf the Grey, 6 Dunedain. Gandalf has reduced stats - 1 might, 2 will, 1 fate.
Evil - 4 Ringwraiths with minimum Will (7).


Good - Defeat at least 2 Nazgul while keeping Gandalf alive
Evil - Kill Gandalf, or have 3 Nazgul escape off the south edge.

Special Rules
The Nazgul can use "Cry of the Nazgul" once a game, reducing Good courage by 3. Gandalf can choose to escape off any board edge, he does not then count as slain.


Gandalf deployed on the North edge, the Rangers spread out on the South, and the Nazgul clustered in the middle.

The Good models closed in from both sides. The Ringwraiths divided - 2 heading towards the south, and 2 doubling back to tackle the wizard.

The Dunedain formed a line to block the route to the south. One hang back, spotted a Ringwraith through the trees, and with the Valar guiding him (and a point of Might spent) his arrow sailed true, through the wood, striking and wounding the Nazgul, putting him out of action (for now...).

One Wraith kept heading South, using Compel to force a ranger to move out of bowshot.

Two Wraiths however closed in on Gandalf, both firing off 2-dice Black Darts, resulting in a wound on the grey pilgrim!

Gandalf backed away, using a Sorcerous Blast to fire one of his pursuers back 2" and knocking them prone. 4 Dunedain were able to shoot at the Southern Nazgul, 2 hit, one of them used a point of might to take a 5 to a 6 and then only needed a 4+ to finish off a 2nd Ringwraith, but failed, the Nazgul survives!

The rangers closed in on the Southern Nazgul. 1 bravely charged in! Gandalf tried to keep his distance, but failed to Immobilise the standing Wraith, who kept hard on his tail, striking him with another Black Dart. Gandalf passed his fate roll, so still had 2 wounds remaining. The Dunedain bested the Nazgul in combat, but could not land a telling blow.

Good won Priority, enabling Gandalf to keep ahead of his chasing enemies, but he again failed to Immobilise the closest one. One ranger passed his courage test to charge into the Nazgul, but the other close enough to charge could not muster the willpower to overcome his Terror. The chasing Nazul failed to Transfix the wizard, but kept after him.

Evil won a crucial priority roll, and moved to try to surround Gandalf. 1 Black Dart wounded him, leaving him barely clinging to life. A second Black Dart then flew towards him, but he blew all his Will points and managed to resist it.

Winning priority, Gandalf managed to escape off the board, weary beyond measure. It was now up to the Dunedain to delay the Nazgul and win time for Aragorn and the Hobbits. A volley of arrows felled the Southernmost Ringwraith, and the day was won for Good - But at what price? Gandalf will need time to recover, and will have to limp on to Rivendell.
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 Post subject: Re: Slinky's Journey Books - 22 Oct, FOTR scenario 7
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 9:11 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Sounds like Gandalf was sore pressed!

Nice report, thanks for sharing.
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 Post subject: Re: Slinky's Journey Books - 22 Oct, FOTR scenario 7
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:06 pm 
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Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:51 pm
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Nice to see the continuation of the campaign. The terrain is very close to the book, sounds like a nice project. :)

For scenario and campaign playthroughs, visit
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 Post subject: Re: Slinky's Journey Books - 14 Jan, FOTR scenario 8
PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:15 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:12 pm
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The Fellowship of the Ring - Scenario 8: Amon Sul

Good - Aragorn, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin
Evil - Witchking and 4 Ringwraiths with minimum Will (10 and 7 respectively).


Good - Defeat all the Nazgul
Evil - Kill Frodo!

Special Rules
The Nazgul can use "Cry of the Nazgul" once a game, reducing Good courage by 3. The ancient ruins are warded against Evil and the Nazgul count as broken all game. Whole board is difficult ground. The hobbits all clutch flaming brands and if they beat a Nazgul it must retreat D6".



The hobbits form a defensive ring. Aragorn is not present yet, he can arrive from turn 2 on the roll of a 4+ The Ringwraiths are then deployed around the outside, climbing up from the hill below. One of them slips back and falls prone, how embarassing!


Merry picked up a stone as the Ringwraiths closed in. Frodo backed away as the others grimly prepared for battle. Aragorn did not arrive this turn, however the slipped Nazgul failed his courage test and had to burn 2 of his precious Will points to stay in the fight. Merry's stone hit the Witch King, but pinged harmlessly off.

Evil then won priority and gleefully charged in, with the Witch King charging Sam, and 2 wraiths charging Merry. Still Aragorn did not arrive - Sam managed to defeat the Witch King, driving him 5" back with his flaming brand, however poor Merry was born down under the blows of the 2 wraiths, knocked down and out of the battle!


Good won priority, and Pippin and Sam passed their courage tests to charge in onto one of the wraiths, while Frodo continued to retreat, clutching the Ring. Still no Aragorn!

The hobbits won their fight, striking severe blows with their barrow-blades, and the Ringwraith goes down!


Winning priority again, they charged in. Still Aragorn does not arrive, this is getting ridiculous... The Nazgul close back in, 2 of them manage to get in combat with Sam while one charges Pippin. Frodo flung a desperate stone at the Witch King, but missed.

Pippin wins his fight, pushing the Nazgul back 5" with his burning brand. Sam also wins (who needs Aragorn?), pushing his opponents back 4" and 6".


Sam and Pippin move into a defensive position in front of Frodo, and Aragorn finally arrives! He can't get into the fight this turn, but moves towards the hobbits.

The Witch King rushes in to fight Sam, but Sam once again is victorious! 6" backwards goes the hapless lord of the Nazgul, but Sam uses both his points of Might to drive his blade squarely into the faceless mask, temporarily at least banishing him!

Evil then won priority, charging into Pippin and Sam. Sam wins yet again, his furious frying-pan flying. Pippin loses, but does not take a wound.


Aragorn finally charges into battle, and Sam and Pippin squeak their hobbit battle cries and pile in alongside him. In a disastrous turn for Good, they lose all 3 fights, with Sam being wounded and Pippin falling to the blows of the Evil wraiths!

Taking heart from this, Evil won priority and charged in to try and press their advantage, though one lost a point of Will to pass a courage test caused by the ancient wards of the watch tower. 2 Nazgul charge Aragorn, one charges Sam - Frodo, no longer willing to let his friends face all the danger on his behalf, charged in to assist.

Sam lost his fight, but passed his Fate roll, leaving him only just hanging on, Aragorn won, but could not land a killing blow. Frodo has to spend a point of Might to win his fight, but drives the wraith back 4" with his flaming brand.


Good won a vital priority roll, so Aragorn shepherded Frodo into a corner, out of reach of the Nazgul for now, and boldly charges 2 of the Ringwraiths. Sam shrank into the opposite corner, wounded, exhausted and terrified.

Aragorn won the fight, slaying one of the wraiths, while the other faded away from loss of Will points.


Aragorn charged into the final wraith, and finished it off. All the Nazgul are gone, and now he must use all his healing skills to bring Merry and Pippin back from the brink of death!

It had been a while since we played, and the Ringwraiths magic abilities were forgotten, which could really have changed things. Sam definitely hobbit of the match, winning several fights and putting down the Witch King!
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 Post subject: Re: Slinky's Journey Books - 14 Jan, FOTR scenario 8
PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 10:14 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Sun May 15, 2011 2:37 pm
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Nice report. The shadows in the pictures make the scenery appropriately creepy!

Seems like Good was lucky to do as well as they did given Aragorn's late arrival. You must have set some sort of record for rangerly tardiness in this scenario :)
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 Post subject: Re: Slinky's Journey Books - 14 Jan, FOTR scenario 8
PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:12 am 

Joined: Wed May 21, 2014 1:55 am
Posts: 1487
Location: Seattle,Washington USA
Yay, a battle report! I like battles in tight spaces with limited figures, keeps it interesting!

"Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer."
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