The Fellowship of the Ring - Scenario 5: Fog on the Barrow DownsForcesGood - Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Tom Bombadil, Goldberry
Evil - 4 Barrow Wights
ObjectivesGood - At least 3 Hobbits to escape from the Eastern edge
Evil - Sacrifice at least 2 Hobbits within a Barrow.
Special RulesAn unnatural fog hangs over the Downs, Good models must roll a 2+ to move normally, on a 1 the Evil player moves them instead. Once a Hobbit has spotted a Wight he can begin calling for Tom Bombadil each turn, with a 6 needed on D6. Hobbits defeated in combat do not lose their wound, but instead are Paralysed, and can then be dragged to a Barrow for sacrifice.
The Hobbits were in a scattered group in the centre, heading East. The Wights deployed one on each Barrow.

The Shirefolk pushed on towards the Eastern edge, while the Wights looped around to cut them off.

Suddenly, looming out of the fog, a Terrifying Wight appeared! Trusting to luck, the brave hobbits all piled in as close as possible, so they could all see the Wight and be eligible to try to call for aid from old Tom.

Having survived 2 rounds of fighting with the Barrow Wight, and survived 3 attempts to paralyze Frodo (2 failed, 1 resisted by Will), they managed to call Tom and heard his merry song coming from the forest as the magical fog evaporated. All the Hobbits then ran to try and meet him. The Wights followed, but did not push in to charge, which hesitation would prove costly...

2 turns after Bombadil arrived, Goldberry also made her way onto the board. The Hobbits had now made it back to Tom, and from this point on the Wights didn't really stand a chance, though they put up a fight, with Tom Bombadil failing his first 2 Banishment cast rolls, and Evil winning 3 priority rolls in a row, charging into Tom to prevent him casting, and starting to run down his Will points. The Hobbits also got into a couple of fights, but Samwise proved his worth, fighting back a Wight twice, even taking off one of its wounds!

However, with Tom having 15 Will and Goldberry 10, it was only a matter of time before the Evil spirits were banished back to rest in their Barrows.
"Get out, you old Wight! Vanish in the sunlight!
Shrivel like the cold mist, like the winds go wailing,
Out into the barren lands far beyond the mountains!
Come never here again! Leave your barrow empty!
Lost and forgotten be, darker than the darkness,
Where gates stand for ever shut, till the world is mended."
The Hobbits are now on their way to Bree! An interesting scenario - Evil should probably have pushed harder earlier, as once both the Good reinforcements arrived, they had no chance of keeping a Hobbit paralyzed long enough to drag them to a Barrow.