Monthly Painting Challenge 
Here it is, the ongoing painting challenge open to all. I hope to inspire some motivation for your projects and perhaps some friendly competition.
RulesThe rules to start are simple.
- Pick ONE of either: A hero, monster, warband or terrain piece to work on for the month.
- Submit a picture of your unpainted miniature(s).*
- Paint!
- Submit the picture of the completed miniature within the month to earn your points.
*Guide below courtesy of Gene Parmesan:
Sign up for a site like imgur. Upload the photos there. Copy the URL from the photo.
When writing a message here, there's a button below the subject line marked IMG. Click that and two sets of square brackets appear [ img][/img ] (I've added extra spaces here just as an example so it will show up)
Paste the URL between the IMG boxes [ img]www.example.jpg[/img ]
At the end of the month I will collate the posts into an ongoing leader board so that you can track your progress against others.
I have kept it flexible but this may be subject to change depending on your feedback. The main aim of this challenge is to have fun and if you are anything like me then for clearing your hobby backlog
Leaderboard - TBCNovember - far, feel free to enter and let us know what you are working on!
October - Entries (Now Closed)-Completed

- werrenor - Hero - The Betrayer Foot and Mounted
Progress Made
- Mr Gimli - Terrain - Barrow
September - Entries (Now Closed)Completed

- werrenor - Warrior - Ent
Progress Made
- Mr Gimli - Group - Gondor Rangers
August - Entries (Now Closed) Completed

- werrenor - Hero - Azog the Defiler
- Mr Gimli - Warrior - Rohan Royal Guard
July - Entries (Now Closed) Completed

- werrenor - Hero - Sharkey and Worm
Progress Made
- Mr Gimli - Terrain - Rohan Tower
- perry pug - Hero - Thrydan
June - Entries (Now Closed)Completed

- werrenor - Group - High Elf Captain & Warriors
- Mr Gimli - Single Hero - Aragorn
- perry pug - Group - Rohan Warriors
Progress Made
- Frogmortonjustice65 - Group - Gandalf (Complete

), Merry, Pippin
May - Entries (Now Closed)Completed

- perry_pug - Single Hero - Gwaihir
- Frogmortonjustice65 - Single Hero - Dwalin
- werrenor - Single Hero - Balin
Took Part
- Mr_Gimli - Group - Elendil and Ingold
April - Entries (Now Closed) Completed
- slinky - Group - Uruk Hai Scout Command
- werennor - Single Hero - Golfimbul ft. and mounted
- Mr Gimli - Group - Gandalf and Goblin King
- Frogmortonjustice65 - Single Hero - Theoden
- perry_pug - Monster - Ent
- GreatKhanArtist - Terrain - Pharaoh's Furrows/Maggot's Garden
Took Part
- Gene Parmesan - Group - Fellowship
March - Entries (Now Closed)Completed
- Mr Gimli - Single Hero - Celeborn
- perry_pug - Group - Dunland Command
- Gene Parmesan - Single Hero - Aragorn
Took Part
- zkajo - Group - Mounted Easterling Command
- GreatKhanArtist - Terrain - Orc Tent
February - Entries (Now Closed)Completed
- Mr Gimli - Single Hero - Haldir
- perry_pug - Single Hero -Theodred
- GreatKhanArtist - Terrain - Jungle Terrain (waiting on pic.)
Progress Made
- Something Wicked - Group - Sons of Eorl
Took Part
- zkajo