Thanks Kuribo and Dave!
@Dave, the dam was actually surprisingly easy and quick to make!
I'll post a few work in progress pics I made before I painted it:

Basically it consists of three parts, the dam itself and two mountains. This way it's quite easy to store (you can stack them all together or just put them on top of other things) and I can use the mountain parts in other custom scenarios as well, either standing vertically as in the photo or horizontally (for more movement space).
I didn't use all three parts in this campaign, because the magazine only suggested the Dam. Though I do think it looks better with the mountains on the side, which is suggested in the newer versions of this scenario such as in War in Rohan. Also it looks cool with more than 2 Ents. So I really want to play that version of the scenario as well, though I'm waiting for models for Quickbeam and Beechbone. I'd also need to build the tower of Orthanc. I think it would be a great looking scenario on the tabletop and based on the play of this, a fun one. I also really loved your playthroughs of this scenario with multiple Ents, it looks mighty impressive!
As for the Dam and surrounding mountains, I think you could get it done in two or three evenings (one for building, one or two for painting). Overall cost would probably be about $10,- in materials. I only used cheap EPS boards found in almost any hardware store, wood glue, a few long screws to help stick some parts of EPS stick together, a bit of texturing paint for the mountains and then a finer one for the stone blocks on the dam, cheap acrylic black paint as a ground layer of paint, then mixed with some cheap acrylic white paint to create a grey colour and then finally some Agrax Earthshade for the rocks on the Dam to give it a more weathered look (used less than half a bottle I think).
In the past I used a thermal cutting saw for the EPS, but the wire constantly broke and got stuck so these days I just use a regular bread knife (which is no longer used for consumption). It may be rough and sometimes things break, but it's very fast and works well enough for me. The only thing with EPS is that of course it gives quite a mess, but with a vacuum cleaner that's not too much of a problem.
I was really quite surprised how easy and quick this was to build. After the layers of texturing and acrylic paints, it has also become quite sturdy making it much easier to store.
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