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 Post subject: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:31 pm 

Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2019 11:01 am
Posts: 3

Our group started playing this again after the newest version of SBG.

We like WotR more as it feels more like how. Lotr game would be.

I've poured over the topics here. One person has house rules that dont mess with points and tries to fix armies that way. I think they had a 2018 version but can only find a blurry screen shot. Anyone have a pdf?

Also saw someone did a v2 of the rules. They charge a good bit of money for them though and seems wrong. But the updates do look great

Also we have lots of hobbit minis and looking to use those also.

I'm guessing there is no full consolidation of these house rules?

Is it basically dig through the pages and grab what you want?
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 7:04 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:01 pm
Posts: 30
I've uploaded my 2.3 Wotr material, you can find it here:

It is a collection of pdf and excell files updated with the latest releases of the GW, i spent the last 2 years working on it, adding new Profiles and factions. Command points and rules have been balanced, starting with the suggestions read on this forum and on official's FAQ. I am still working on the faction of forgotten kingdoms(the missing profiles you can not find are probably here) and will soon be uploaded.

But as accurate as it may be, keep in mind it is a house-rule collection and not an official release, because GW abandoned the project years ago. I suggest to get the official rules manual to get a complete experience, and understand the basics of the game.

The goal is to keep alive this game through the community, by releasing free material accessible to all. Feel free to send me your comments and more suggestion to improve the game even more.
I hope you enjoy it.

A special thanks goes to Bairchoro's Blog where i could find inspiration for this work, i suggest to check it on the following link and download his material if you like cause it is amazing.[url][url]

Last edited by Abersk_93 on Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:39 pm 
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Thanks for sharing this with us Abersk, wonderful work! :)
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:58 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:02 pm
Posts: 181
Good work, Abersk. I agree with most of your army lists revision.
I've noticed a few strange choices, though: the Elves have their original costs, while those of the Dwarves have been reduced. Also, I found strange the lowering of the Dragon's cost, that's already devasting game balance at 400 pts.
Hope to see soon the Forgotten Kingdoms!


Aurë entuluva!
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:52 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:01 pm
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Hurin_it wrote:
Good work, Abersk. I agree with most of your army lists revision.
I've noticed a few strange choices, though: the Elves have their original costs, while those of the Dwarves have been reduced. Also, I found strange the lowering of the Dragon's cost, that's already devasting game balance at 400 pts.
Hope to see soon the Forgotten Kingdoms!

To ensure that each formation was balanced I had to apply the same criterion to each one: using an excell spreadsheet I readjusted the values ​​and with great surprise I discovered that some of the originals warriors were correct, while some monsters had to be lowered.

I have included in the uploaded material the excell spreadsheet used to calculate the values ​​in the utility tools folder so that it can be used in the future by anyone who has ideas for new units or wants to make changes to adapt the game to personal tastes (remember that basically these are houserules!)

I didn't tested yet the whole roster (actually just the 60%), but with my friends we noticed that the battles are pretty close now and yes, big monsters like dragons and mumak are powerful, but they are often playable by factions with low quality troops and of course the Monsters have disadvantages too (I killed a mumak by moving troops to the edge of the battlefield and when they were trampled by the mumak it ended up off the edge and was counted as a casualty).

Anyway i am not fully convinced of this solution so in the future i will test these monsters like Dragons and Sauron and in case I will increase the points by increasing the "weight" of some special rules, so thanks for the advice!

The forgotten kingdom roster is almost ready and i'm going to upload it within this or the next week at most. Remember that the forgotten kingdom is not a playable faction, but can be used only as an ally. And that's why i divided it into good and evil alliance, as you will see ;)
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 7:22 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:01 pm
Posts: 30
Army list updated, fixed grammar errors and uploaded the Forgotten Kingdom Roster, you can find the whole material here:
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:01 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:02 pm
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You've made a good and great work, Abersk; and we in Italy are attemping to do the same, so we are much interested in it. But about the monters be careful, it's not just a matter of algorithms. We have experienced the Dragon in three tournaments and it is DREADFUL. We'have not yet elaborated a solution, but certainly it should either cost much more or been downgraded in power. The same apply to Hard/v. Hard to Kill, I suggest you not to go from one excess to another but to work out an intermediate solution. Someone suggests to leave the rule as it is and to upgrade their R to 3. But we are experimenting tables ranging 1-9 (HtD), 1-11 (VHtD) and 1-13 (EHtD).


Aurë entuluva!
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:53 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:01 pm
Posts: 30
The tables ranging 1-9 (HtD), 1-11 (VHtD) and 1-13 (EHtD) are an interesting solution, keep me updated.

Following the suggestion of Hurin, I have developed a new formula for the following legendary formations and monsters considered too strong compared to their point value, here the results:

-dragon of ancient times(stats lowered)---240pts--->360pts
-fellowship of the ring---340pts--->510pts
-thorin's company---370pts--->555pts
-ringwraiths of dol guldur/the nine abroad---325pts--->490pts
-sauron the necromancer---300pts--->450pts
-sauron the dark lord---340pts--->510pts
-great beast of gorgoroth---200pts--->300pts
-mumak of harad---230pts--->345pts
-the watcher in the water---200pts--->300pts
-smaug the drake---310pts--->465pts
-balrog of morgoth---305pts--->460pts
-the white council---345pts--->520pts

fun fact: the new formula is pretty close to the vanilla point values.

Currently i have no time to test these new values, but if you think they work better i will insert them in the pdf army list.
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:54 am 

Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2019 11:01 am
Posts: 3

This is great. I ended up back in October gathering all the info and making my own booklet. It was a pain trying to get profiles for hobbit stuff in there. And doing point corrections based on the formula by hand...wasnt fun

I did use the special rules the french community posted. The stuff on pikes fighting 2 stands deep, elf bows ignore shields etc.

I see this large file has some of what the other blogger who redid points and some of their own stuff.

Confused on some of the choices as it doesent look like points were adjusted? And some other odd things like only the tray for the hero gets his fight value to compare dice bonus?

Either way though it's good to have a more consolidated set.
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:20 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:01 pm
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Scourn99 wrote:
I did use the special rules the french community posted. The stuff on pikes fighting 2 stands deep, elf bows ignore shields etc.

Confused on some of the choices as it doesent look like points were adjusted? And some other odd things like only the tray for the hero gets his fight value to compare dice bonus?

I didn't like the way the "French community" special rules worked and i tried a "new path" more coherent with the vanilla/official game. Also points were adjusted and i am keep testing and updating them. I will add an equivalent mechanics like the Elf bow in the new upcoming version 2.4.

About Heroes: Only the Hero tray (or company as the gw rulebook calls it) uses the hero's fight value (F). It is a bit tricky, i recommend when you have to calculate the dice you roll in a fight do it 1 company at time. There is a pdf in the "utility tools" folder i have uploaded with this informations for a quick reference during games.

Last edited by Abersk_93 on Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:39 am 
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About french community special rules do you speack about this?

If yes it's not the "french community" the creator, it's Xelee
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:43 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:01 pm
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Dreadaxe wrote:
About french community special rules do you speack about this?

If yes it's not the "french community" the creator, it's Xelee

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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:13 pm 
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Abersk_93 wrote:
Dreadaxe wrote:
About french community special rules do you speack about this?

If yes it's not the "french community" the creator, it's Xelee


So no link with "french community" :no:
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:56 am 
Elven Warrior
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French too? This happened with a LOTR mod I made for SAGA v1 as well. It became the ‘German Battleboards’ still they had a lot of community input so there may be definite French influences? Scourn99, I don’t have a PDF on this iPad but here is the Text:

War of the Ring Houserules 2018

General Rules
Will of Iron, change to roll for free, on a 4+, whenever a hero has at least one might point left.
Units with the ‘Counsellors’ rule, may not benefit from might from another unit with that rule.
Overlord cannot be used to allow a formation without a hero to call heroic actions.
Inspiring Leader cannot be used to boost courage vs Spirit Grasp
All Monsters, and all formations with 'we stand alone', may attempt move at the double. These units are
always treated as being within 6” of an enemy for the test unless they have are a hero or have a Captain.

Epic actions
Epic Strike: change to give the hero his base fight + 2 only in duels (ie this will lift it back up from 0, if used). It still gives fight 10 in the rest of the melee.
Epic Charge: change to incorporate the features of a heroic charge
Epic Rampage: hits for the purposes of this rule, cannot be rolled again on 1s to hit.

Crossbows: Disallow the ability of ‘heroic shoot’ to permit them to shoot after moving.
Throwing weapons: ignore note in shooting text about being unable to shoot if you move more than half. If used within 3”of defensible terrain, they are always able to hit troops inside.
Pikes: Against Infantry only - Font base can fight counting full attacks from base directly behind when allocating hits to the front.
Heavy infantry with shields, set a price floor:
1. No def 6 (including shield) troops below 25pts in cost, 30 pts if they have crossbows/berserkers/pikes/special charge ability strength 4+ etc
2. No def 7 (including shield) troops below 30pts in cost, 35 pts if they have crossbows/berserkers/pikes/special charge ability, strength 4+ etc
Banner 15pts; Hornblower/Drummer 10pts; Taskmaster 20pts; Goblin Drum 40pts; Captain 40pts; Shaman/Stormcaller 75pts
Artillery: May turn if they do not shoot. No 360 deg LOS in terrain.
Spirits: Count as defence 7. This does not apply to Monsters. Speed is not reduced within 6” of enemies.
Monsters: 'Hard to Kill' Monsters deduct 1 from all rolls on their table (the same as the former VH2K) and 'Very Hard to Kill' Monsters now use the following instead of the old table: D6 result (+ wound counters) - 1-2: Nothing, 3-5: 1 wound, 6-8: 2 wounds, 9: Dead. On any 6, you apply that result and roll again for free.
Nazgul now Mastery 2 base.
The Witch-king of Angmar: Remains Mastery 3, Gains ‘No Man may Kill Me’ (each hit in a duel is negated on a 4+) – except vs female heroes. His special ability works on any unit whose movement takes it further away.
The Betrayer Rerolls for just for his company.
Khamul the Easterling Save only negates hits on a 6, and reflects those onto other units on a further 4+
The Knight of Umbar Boosts apply only to him and his company.
Druzhag: must pay points to create an off-board reserve of spiders to summon.
Gothmog replace ‘Master of Battle’ with ‘Epic Intervention’ (see Theodred Page 116)
Fallen Realms - Corsair Arbalesters, the Pavise shield only grants a defense bonus vs shooting and spells.
Elves - infantry with glaives strike before other infantry, cavalry with glaives strike before other cavalry.
Rohan - Unstoppable charge and Earthshaking charge trigger on a 4+
Angmar – Buhrdur becomes 'Hard to Kill' (ie he does not benefit from the new VH2K table)
'Strength From Corruption' may only be targeted at a unit inv the Caster's own army. (Darkness)
‘Guide arrows’ Also allows bows/thrown weapons (Not artillery or Crossbows) to ignore shields (Wilderness)
'Wings of Terror' gives a unit +2 Speed and +2 to charge range. It retains its terror on a 6 (Darkness)

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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 3:11 pm 
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Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2013 5:44 pm
Posts: 71
Xelee wrote:
French too? This happened with a LOTR mod I made for SAGA v1 as well. It became the ‘German Battleboards’ still they had a lot of community input so there may be definite French influences?

Interesting ;)
Do you know this md for SAGA v2?
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:21 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:01 pm
Posts: 30
Greetings! I've uploaded the newest edited material for Wotr, version 2.4, you can find the link here:
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2020 5:53 am 

Joined: Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:45 am
Posts: 37
Abersk_93 wrote:
Greetings! I've uploaded the newest edited material for Wotr, version 2.4, you can find the link here:

Hi Abersk_93. How is your revisions related to Bairchoro's Blog? I loved his site/stuff and bought most of the WOTR material on there. But, he never finished creating all of the factions like the dwarves, etc., so I was never able to get the remaining profiles that I needed.
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2020 1:18 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:01 pm
Posts: 30
Hi Abersk_93. How is your revisions related to Bairchoro's Blog? I loved his site/stuff and bought most of the WOTR material on there. But, he never finished creating all of the factions like the dwarves, etc., so I was never able to get the remaining profiles that I needed.

I started from collecting Bairchoro's considerations and replicating his mathematical method for rebalancing the various aspects of the game, integrating his ideas with those of other users over the years. Bairchoro's analyzes were fundamental to understand many mechanics of the game and it was necessary to give him credit for part of my work.

The end result is something similar to the work of bairchoro, but at the same time it detaches itself in different directions: new formations, remodeled heroes, factions revisited following the logic of the strategic battle game, just to mention a few things...
The material is all free to download, complete with all the factions of the game, both the official formations and some new ones born in this and other forums and adapted to the logic of the game and the lore of tolkien.

For the next update i am working on the old-mythological "Battlehost" supplement and reporting fates and fortunes in the quick reference sheet...a lot of work awaits me in these weeks :-D
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2020 11:32 am 

Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:07 am
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Location: Sydney, Australia
Abersk_93 wrote:
For the next update i am working on the old-mythological :x "Battlehost" supplement and reporting fates and fortunes in the quick reference sheet...a lot of work awaits me in these weeks :-D

Epic work mate- can't wait to have a battle using all your rule updates.

Loved the battlehosts supplement.. look forward to seeing that too.
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 Post subject: Re: House rules consolidation?
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:00 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:01 pm
Posts: 30
I have uploaded a preview of the 2.4 Battlehost supplement in the "utility tools folder", let me know is something is wrong and has to be fixed.

The link is in one of my previous posts.
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