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 Post subject: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:44 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:55 pm
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With all the new models coming out at the moment, I was wondering what other figures Games Workshop could come out with in a year of two from now?

I've seen some good ideas in various other threads, but I thought it might be interesting to collect them all together in one discussion ... and just maybe someone from GW might look through one day if they need some new ideas!

Here's a few of my ideas, including some I spotted while re-watching the Hobbit over Christmas:

BOMBUR WITH HORN OF EREBOR: Bombur is shown playing a horn ahead of the Battle of the Five Armies. This could be an interesting model to paint and also give an interesting wargear option for Erebor Reclaimed/Iron Hills armies.

BOMBUR IN BARREL ARMOUR: The scene in the second Hobbit film where Bombur is fighting orcs on land while shielded inside a barrel could make a fun Warhammer World exclusive miniature, like the alternate Alfrid Lickspittle.

FEMALE LAKETOWN SURVIVORS: Hilda Bianca isn't the only woman from Laketown fighting in the ruins of Dale. Maybe a Forgeworld pack of four characters to add even more variety to a horde of survivors.

ROSIE COTTON/FEMALE HOBBITS: Rosie Cotton must be one of the best known named characters without a model. Surely Lobelia wouldn't have been the only woman in the shire to fight back when Sharky's rogues arrived? Possibly a Forgeworld pack of four figures, one of whom has options to build as Rosie or a generic hobbit.

HIGH ELF WEAPON OPTIONS: We currently have Rivendell elves with swords or with spears and shields. Perhaps a new pack (maybe even plastic?) could provide the alternate options of swords and shields, or just spears. Then you could put the swords in the front with cheaper spear support behind.

GALADRIEL ON HORSE/DEER: Galadriel lacks movement in the game compared to other major spellcasters like Gandalf, Saruman and ringwraiths. This could make her more competitive, and could also be a really nice model to paint.

LEGOLAS WITH WAR-BAT: ok, I'm joking with this one ... but I'd forgotten until I re-watched the films how much damage he does while flying around on a war-bat!
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 2:05 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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For me.

More Elven options. For Rivendell and Lothlorien.
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 2:17 pm 
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Great suggestions, I would like to see the men of carn dum

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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 2:58 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:43 pm
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I definitely agree that more high elf options would be great
Maybe something for Arnor as well- cavalry?
Would love some Dunland berserkers
Last Alliance
Woodmen of Mirkwood, werewolves were mentioned in the Legions of middle earth book
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:07 pm 

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Morgoth army option... werewolves, Morgoth, Ungoliant, Dragons, etc.

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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:16 pm 

Joined: Thu May 28, 2015 10:48 pm
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I would like to see, Dol Amroth "ranged" unit
Dol Amroth siege engine
Arnor "ranged" unit
Arnor siege engine
Why, because it feels so wrong that Armies that defend cities(Dol Amroth,Fornost) or fortifications(Amon Sul) have none or have to rely on others to provide a ranged defence. I realise we've no chance of the siege engines, but I can hope for the rest.

On the subject of Arnor, an unnamed Hobbit Hero and some uniformed(ish) Hobbit Archers to represent the (2?) companies that went out to fight for the King.
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:27 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Sons of Eorl on foot. The archers from the Fiefdom famous for its really great archers. Umbar berserkers or whatever they call that unit. Mounted rangers. Mounted Citadel Guard. Grond! But it'd have to be a Forge World model.

"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock." -Will Rogers
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:44 pm 

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Along those lines...will we see a plastic box set for the fiefdoms? Blackroot Vale Archers, Clansmen of Lamedon, and Axemen of Lossarnarch. They brought Angbor and Forlong back, but pulled the old blisters...
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 7:46 am 
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Mounted rangers of north and Halbarad. ppppplllllz


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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:44 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:10 pm
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Mounted Numenoreans.
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 3:21 am 

Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:44 pm
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geke wrote:
Mounted Numenoreans.

A thousand times yes
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:48 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:10 pm
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The cool thing about mounted Numenoreans is they have those black capes. So they would look similar to the Rivendell mounted knights, which I think are the coolest looking mounted minis in the SBG.
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:09 am 
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I emailed GW about a year ago with some suggestions and happily (and probably coincidentally) they have since released a few of them. It never hurts to put the wish lists out there!

So, noting their 'everything in the films will have a model' position and other gaps in the current range, I think the following are realistic possibilities that I'd love to see:

1. Numenoreans (Mounted, commanders, new infantry)
There have been plenty of hints that this army will soon get some much needed and long overdue love. Rounding this army out might also be a good opportunity for some new hero sculpts, like Mounted Elendil, a better Mounted Isildur (am I the only one who hates the current pose?) and Anarion.

2. High Elves (again, Mounted, commanders, new infantry)
Pretty much every reason for expanding Numenor equally applied to the High Elves. Their commander blister set is ok, but a commanders box like most other armies have would be much better. I really want some infantry with the iconic Last Alliance pose too, have wanted to recreate that shot ever since I got into this hobby.

3. Fiefdoms
This is one of the few areas that retains an awful lot of untapped potential. Dol Amroth can, and has to a small extent, be expanded beyond what we currently have. But all the other regions are equally capable of inspiring specific new armies that I have no doubt would be very popular.
For me, introducing Blackroot Vale Archers command with Duinhir was a great start, but a weird place to stop. So much room for growth in this area.

4. Eastern Kingdoms
I really like the current range in this respect, particularly the Easterlings. But, whilst Khand doesn't interest me at all, I think it would be a very popular area to expand on.

5. Mounted Grimbold
Nobody ever seems to agree with me on this one, but I'd really like to see this model. For starters, he was in the films on horseback! The usual counterargument is that he led infantry in the books, but as I say - he rode into combat in the films.

6. Mordor Battering Ram
I don't expect this one to get much love, but my two arguments in favour of this one are 1. GW did an Uruk-hai one, and 2. It's in the film. I'd definitely buy a few if this one got a release.

7. Dale
I think an expanded release for this region would tie in well with some more eastern kingdoms stuff. There's a whole heap of War of the Ring era source material to cover here, and simply combining the existing Easterling range with the relevant Hobbit minis at this stage is a little underwhelming.

8. Infantry expansions
I think GW have seen this need with the release of the upgrade kits, but most of the core armies are in desperate need of fresh poses. I'm particularly looking at Uruk-hai, Warriors of Minas Tirith, Haradrim and Warriors of Rohan. All great armies that by now most of us have an entire legion of, but 100 warriors with identical poses really undermines the epic feel of larger battles.

9. Casualties
This is probably a bit of a niche area, but since GW have moved into the direction of releasing more of these over recent years I'd love to see more.

10. Dwarves & Goblins
I'd like to see some expansion in this area, particularly depicting the struggle for control of Khazad-dum. Definitely think there's room for a great deal of expansion here, with generic dwarf sculpts that fit in a bit better with what we saw in the flashback scenes in the Hobbit.

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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 4:27 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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I've never realized that before, but you're right, High Elves do need a command box with a new sculpt or two.

"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock." -Will Rogers
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:16 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:55 pm
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Lots of good ideas here! A couple more suggestions:

Shield packs ... sets of elf, Minas Tirith, Rohan etc. shields to replace lost ones or to upgrade heroes.

Head upgrades: there are some nice heads in the new Knights of Dol Amroth pack, but a bit expensive to buy just for that. But some generic human, elf, orc heads might be fun for conversions.

Objective markers: maybe could combine this with the casualty figure idea earlier ... a few more models that can represent piles of treasure etc to search in scenarios.

Rivendell stormcaller: could be nice to get a new stormcaller rather than just use the Galadhrim one.
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:20 am 
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Ioreth - a Minast Tirith/Fiefdoms (Lossarnach) healer independant hero.

Any additional ent hero

Radagast on horse

A new Gil-Galad (said this 100 times before, but mounted is needed but a new foot model that looks more heroic would also make sence)

Arnor stuff (it's a very boring and underpowered army list now)


A Moria goblin "taskmaster" (You actually see one 'controlling' the cave troll when it enters balin's tomb - shortly after the cavetroll tosses the taskmaster in the air and rampages towards the fellowship, haha)
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:43 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Alex123 wrote:

Rivendell stormcaller: could be nice to get a new stormcaller rather than just use the Galadhrim one.

Indeed, but they nerfed stormcallers a lot :(

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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:47 am 

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For some reason I’ve always liked the FOTR era Mordor Orcs. The ROTK era Mordor Orcs were a disappointment. It doesn’t seem like we’ll see a new Mordor Orc box set anytime soon, so I say bring back the blisters!
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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 1:43 am 
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Yeah the metal orcs are amazing, would love to see them back or something of that standard released for sure.

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 Post subject: Re: What new models would you like GW to make?
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:07 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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The Templar wrote:
For some reason I’ve always liked the FOTR era Mordor Orcs.

You and the 99,9999% of ME collectors :P And they still don't cast them.

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