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 Post subject: Numenor-new unit ideas
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 6:57 pm 

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So we all know Numenor was a pretty vast kingdom, what units could they have?
F/s s,d,w,c
Numneorean warrior-4/4 4,4,1,3
Armour, sword
Longbow-they had steel bows-2

Heavy Numneorean warrior-4/4 4,5,1,3
Heavy armour, sword
Longbow-they had steel bows-2

Numneorean scouts-4/4 4,4,1,3
13pts(5 for the horse)
Armour, sword, horse
War Spear-1
Longbow-they had steel bows-2
Expert rider

Heavy Numneorean Knight-4/4 4,5,1,3
Heavy armour, sword, armoured horse, lance, lance
War Spear-1
Expert rider

Numenorean King-Gondor king, but 5 points higher and strength 5.
If taken with any named hero, the army loses its bonus and is automatically impossible allies with any other armies. Only one Numenorean King may be included in your force.

Numenorean Ranger 4/3 4,4,1,3
Sword, longbow, armour
Stalk unseen, woodland creature, mountain dweller

Silver Guard
The sworn protectors of Numenor's nobility, these stoic warriors look danger in the eye and make it blink.
Heavy armour and sword
5/4 4,5,1,2,4
Long Bow-2
Armoured horse-8pts

Like this model? You may alter the paint scheme on your Citadel Guard miniature-give him a red cape.

Golden Guard
The protectors of the High King and the inner most regions of the city, these warriors command respect, even from the ranks of the enemy.
6/4 4,6,2,2,5
Intricately crafted heavy armour, hand-and-a-half sword
Great Bow-3
Armoured horse-8pts
Bodyguard, hatred(orc), hatred(spirit), hatred(Easterling), hatred(Haradrim), Terror, Unyielding Combat Stance

Like this model? You may alter the paint scheme on the guard of The Fountain Court, make the wings and helmet gold, as well as the spear shaft and breastplate.

They all have that blood of Numenor rule.

By all that you hold dear on this good Earth,
I bid you stand, men of the West!
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor-new unit ideas
PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:59 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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I always liked the interpretation of Numenor as being the Romans with better sea-craft. I'd envision their post downfall armies in middle earth being something along the lines of the Roman legions after the Marian Reforms. The Numenorians themselves would make up a core of heavy infantry split between regular warriors (shields or steel bows) and veterans ( fight 5, very heavy armor and hand and a half swords with spirit bane). With a minor contingent of Numenorian mounted units in the from of medium cavalry. Then an ample supply of the specialist units including light cavalry, skirmishers, light infantry chaff and so forth coming from regular human levies. Maybe even have these be like the fiefs in that each unit gives a particular specialist troop. Haradrim lancers and archers, Rhovanion melee cavalry, Dunlanding hillmen, Eriador levies and so forth. And then have a chieftain or captain model from each tributary or allies region. I think that would make for a much more interesting army than just expanding it have Numenorian warriors with Minis Tirith levels of variation.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor-new unit ideas
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 2:31 am 

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That would be neat. But gave some unit reineforcments at 50% cost, but liable to turn on you if any captain fails a courage test(you have 3 dunlending captains, 1 fails a courage test, they all turn on you). Because, you know, you kinda took over their realms.

By all that you hold dear on this good Earth,
I bid you stand, men of the West!
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor-new unit ideas
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 6:24 pm 
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I would like some siege units to recreate the siege of barad dur personally.

Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor-new unit ideas
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 3:58 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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I think it would be more practical to give levied units some sort of panic/route function rather than a team switch. If they were all given, say, a courage of 1 for the purposes of a break check or something like that to show that they are only being kept around by the officers once the Numenorians start loosing.

I think it would be interesting to see them with Roman onagers with different types of ammunition depending on upgrades.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor-new unit ideas
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 5:11 pm 

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Could be neat.

By all that you hold dear on this good Earth,
I bid you stand, men of the West!
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor-new unit ideas
PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 12:00 pm 
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Really like the unit suggestions! =)

Especially cavalry, heavy and elite units AND iconic siege weapons (think about what they would really need to lay siege to such a huge fortress like Barad-Dur?! =D)

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 Post subject: Re: Numenor-new unit ideas
PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 10:30 am 
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My ideas for an Numenor army - from the point of view that this is the force Elendil had available after arriving in Middle-Earth till the Last Alliance. Meaning this is still the full might of Numenor just lesser in numbers - assuming that only after the Last Alliance and their battles with heavy losses, the army had to adapt and changed over time to what we see as Minas Tiirth during the war of the ring. So the equipment, warriors, craftsmanship and fighting doctrine is still intact but the army is centered around Elendil and the culture of faithful Numenoreans.

Warrior of Numenor
The main bulk of the armed forces, they are versatile in weapons and stronger than the average man. Forming the front with sword and shield, supporting with spears or harassing the enemy with bow and arrow from a far.

Middle Men Outriders
Consisting of drafts from the non-numenor population in the middle-earth colonies which became part of Gondor and Arnor after the arrival of the faithful. Being more seafarers and living on a relatively small island, Numenoreans never had a big stock of horses and the ones that they did have were reserved for the nobility and elite knights. Nonetheless the Numenor force of Elendil had need for scouts, patrols and skirmisher. To mitigate this they recruited the Middle Men of their lands and their horses. Having done this duties already on their own, their experience and knowledge of the countryside makes them excellent scouts and deadly skirmishers. Lightly armored, with spears, bows and swords - catching enemies off-guard between them and the heavy infantry forces.

Numenor Knights
Being more seafarers and living on a relatively small island, Numenoreans never had a big stock of horses and the ones they did have were reserved for the nobility and elite knights. These Numenor knights however, though not numerous, will hit like a hammers blow. Heavy armor, shields, lances or hand-and-a-half swords make them durable and deadly. Although lances are more common, some knights prefer the unusual hand-and-a-half-swords - their extensive training and special craftsmanship of Numenor, allows them to two-hand the swords and being able to use a shield - a special armor has a shield fixed to one of their gauntlets.

Elite Archers
Their increased strength and craftsmanship allows Numenor to field elite archers armed with steel bows. These special bows are nearly as tall as a man, as are their arrows. Even among Numenoreans only the strongest are able to use these bows. Their effects are devastating and they are only used against special targets. Due to their size and weight, shooting after movement is not possible. Only a handful of elite archers are part of an army.

Numenor Paladins
Only the bravest, toughest and loyal warriors are selected to become paladins. And even than only 1-2 of each selection are able to get through the training and test process. Paladins are the personal guard of Elendil and the royal family. They wear heavy armor and they form an impenetrable wall around the ones they protect. The front paladins wield a shield nearly as big as them and a normal sword. They can decide to use the shield as normal or place it in front of them like a wall unto the ground, increasing their defense and making it impossible for archers to hit them.
Their comrades behind them are armed with long pikes, being able to reach their enemies from behind the big shield of the front.

Hard to come up with something that does not yet exist and at the same time is not to fantasy for LOTR...
Maybe like a ballista but with the possibility to load different ammunitions - bombs, fire balls, stones, nails (specific against infantry)

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 Post subject: Re: Numenor-new unit ideas
PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:17 pm 
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I elaborated a little Bit on my ideas ;)
https://castellan-of-the-ring.blogspot. ... s.html?m=1

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 Post subject: Re: Numenor-new unit ideas
PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:49 am 

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So many "elite" types?
For a mass battle game you could probably get away with them limited to 1 unit per army, or 1 for each 5 common troop units or such, but in an SBG skirmish how are you going to avoid min/max WAAC armies?

I like the idea of a Numenorean force but you would also need to look at what the enemy would field against them. Sauron's army would look very different to that of the War of the Ring. Plus no Isengard.
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor-new unit ideas
PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:10 pm 
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robh wrote:
So many "elite" types?
For a mass battle game you could probably get away with them limited to 1 unit per army, or 1 for each 5 common troop units or such, but in an SBG skirmish how are you going to avoid min/max WAAC armies?

I like the idea of a Numenorean force but you would also need to look at what the enemy would field against them. Sauron's army would look very different to that of the War of the Ring. Plus no Isengard.

Haha yeah my motivation and love for Numenor probably got the better of me^^ And I would really like to see cool elite units for the faction. I also tried to come up with innovative new rules.

But it is true that it could be easier:
1) Numenor Knights could be warriors with more courage and horse + lance
2) The steelbow archers could have other advantages but less strong and be warriors instead of heroes

But I am a big fan of my idea for the Paladins and Middle Men cavalry =)

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 Post subject: Re: Numenor-new unit ideas
PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:13 am 

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Asgarod wrote:
......But I am a big fan of my idea for the Paladins and Middle Men cavalry =)......

Go for it. It would be great to see what conversions or figure options you come up with.
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