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 Post subject: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 5:35 pm 
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Breaking News.

I propose that the good members of this forum knock their heads together and initiates an image salvage operation to save the very best Photobucket-hosted pictures from inactive members. The works of old masters are in danger of being lost forever, courtesy of Photobucket! See more here for Chaos Dwarf Online's unfolding initiative on the issue:


We risk an almost complete breakdown of continuity in images

With the recent Photobucket troublewe'll have to ask ourselves what legends of old should be targeted for photo backup? This is a disaster to continuity and it seems we have scarce time to act before the old photos go completely unavailable. As of now, it is possible to right-click pictures under lockdown, choose view image in new tab and copy it from there.

Remember that Imageshack has already robbed us of archive material, and the Photobucket strike is much larger in scope. We risk losing almost everything old which new members have stumbled upon through the years, taking inspiration from old masters.

I know I'll not have much time to contribute with in the coming weeks. I must fix some Golden Hat entries today and maybe tomorrow, but I could help some after that, within limitations. If many of us could help some, it would add up. This is not drudgery which anyone wish to do during the summer, but it is now or never, unless Photobucket come to their senses and change direction completely.


Can we please gather links to the logs and work of inactive members which we'd particularly like to see saved from the looming disaster? Then we could chew through the threads one at a time and avoid redundant double-work by advancing which thread/member we each pick. An all-out manual trawl of the whole log section could maybe be possible, but it would be true slave labour. Realistically, we should target worthy pictures in particular.

If we can establish a link list, then some volunteers could possibly wade through it to save backup copies on their own computer, to be transferred to some free and currently stable photohosting site such as Imgur. From there, we could re-upload some stuff in big chunks with lots of photos.

Please remember that artwork should be saved along with miniature photos.


Let's take tjub as an example. His stuff is particularly easy to find and save for backup, since he has both a compilation of picture links in his market thread and moreover an index in his monster of an army log. On the other hand, there is a lot of stuff to wade through! But it can be done.

We might wish to target long-since inactive members first and foremost, but this wrecking ball strikes at everyone's Photobucket album, active or inactive.

Also, I suppose it could be good if we tried to name the image file after its creator (e.g. "Snotling 01" or "Snotling Ballista 02" ), just so it's tagged straight away.

Admiralty Miniatures
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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 10:34 pm 
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CDO is well into manually salvaging massive amounts of surviving pictures from olden days. Lots more to do, of course. An organized volunteer effort will carry you far.

This is doable if a few members voluntarily sacrifice some days or a week of sparetime. Such a brief but intensive salvage sweep of old worthy pictures can save years and years of accumulated forum content!

Please think of the very best logs you have, and consider saving their images if their owners are inactive at the moment.

Worst of all? This Photobucket mess strikes in the middle of summer! Wanted to spend these hours outside. But long-term it will be worth it.

PS. Tech-savvy admins of this forum might wish to contact The Red Devil on Lustria Online right away. He might have found a loop-hole to automatically download Photobucket images and transform them into attachments. DS.

Admiralty Miniatures
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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:40 pm 
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How to Automatically Download Linked Photobucket Images, by Sven Arild Helleland (The Red Terror)

Admiralty Miniatures
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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:36 am 
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Red Devil's workaround will surely be blocked by the bell-ends at PhotoBucket when they become aware of it, so it's not a long-term solution.

The best thing is to identify the critical images and save them locally on our personal computers. Then we can figure out how to host them in something run by less idiotic people.

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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 11:48 pm 
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:roll: I am unimpressed by photobucket.

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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:59 pm 
Elven Elder
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I have been a long term user of Photobucket. I have a premium account. I have butted heads with them over ad blockers. That is how they make money.I understand. Things are evolving.I have a buddy that grossed over a million last year on Youtube. Because of policy changes he can't pay his debts.I warned him but he was still blind sided by a change. You can't spend money like there is no tomorrow and expect a positive outcome. Get ahead of the curve don't lag behind. Expect change.

I deleted a huge number of photos from Photobucket. I will wait about a month and delete most of my old WIP photos from this site too.

Currently I have no LOTR or Hobbit projects in the works. The pro GW at the expense of third party models policy has reduced my interest here to near zero.

Flame war= I don't care :P I don't care that you don't care :P I don't care that you don't care that I don't care :P :P :P :P

I will check the news and comment from time to time 8)

"the same as a duck you must be made of wood"
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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:47 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:55 am
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Oldman Willow wrote:
I have been a long term user of Photobucket. I have a premium account. I have butted heads with them over ad blockers. That is how they make money.I understand. Things are evolving.I have a buddy that grossed over a million last year on Youtube. Because of policy changes he can't pay his debts.I warned him but he was still blind sided by a change. You can't spend money like there is no tomorrow and expect a positive outcome. Get ahead of the curve don't lag behind. Expect change.

I deleted a huge number of photos from Photobucket. I will wait about a month and delete most of my old WIP photos from this site too.

Currently I have no LOTR or Hobbit projects in the works. The pro GW at the expense of third party models policy has reduced my interest here to near zero.

Flame war= I don't care :P I don't care that you don't care :P I don't care that you don't care that I don't care :P :P :P :P

I will check the news and comment from time to time 8)

Thats a shame, I haven't been as active here with lots of other projects on the go. Your work has always been inspiring to me. Do you have a blog or post on another forum as would love to continue to see your work. I like to use all sorts of models for my LOTR with Heritage being some of my favourites. Take Care

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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 6:57 pm 
Elven Elder
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, Thanks Quendil. I don't blog but I pop in from Place to place. I use the same avatar.

"the same as a duck you must be made of wood"
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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:45 am 

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Oldman Willow wrote:
, Thanks Quendil. I don't blog but I pop in from Place to place. I use the same avatar.

This is a good forum for a wild selection of gaming

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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 4:10 pm 

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OmW - hate to see you not put your excellent terrain pieces on here, not to mention your expertise and guidance on how to create projects. Even if your terrain making isn't LOTR/Hobbit related, would still like to see it.

Before you delete your wip's could you post your final bywater mill project?


"Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer."
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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:19 am 
Elven Elder
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Mapper wrote:
OmW - hate to see you not put your excellent terrain pieces on here, not to mention your expertise and guidance on how to create projects. Even if your terrain making isn't LOTR/Hobbit related, would still like to see it.

Before you delete your wip's could you post your final bywater mill project?


I am only going to delete the very old WIPs. I organised the later WIPs better so I can leave them. The By water Mill is safe. I have not painted it. I will be sure to update when I can free up some work space.

"the same as a duck you must be made of wood"
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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 3:26 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:53 am
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I came back to this delightful forum after a hiatus with other games, to see the problem. I was going to post some updates to my WiP thread, but instead spent time fixing picture links.

This really is a great place to get inspiration for middle earth hobby action, and I guess most hobby logs are dead for now.

Thanks for your efforts to those who try to recover some of the great work posted here.
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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:20 am 
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Stopgap fix to Photobucket images under lockdown (my emboldening), from Warseer's Captain Brown:


As some long term PLOGers and cornerstones of some of the Painting Log areas, the member Ash has come up with a fix.

"With the Photobucket pictures not showing; if you go into edit post and insert ~original between .jpg and [/img] as in .jpg~original[/img] then the original picture will show again..." and it works!

I have asked him to share that in the stickies at the top of each painting forum, but thought I would pass that on to you who had large PLOGs blocked in the meantime.



Those who have not yet replaced their own Photobucket pictures with identical pictures hosted elsewhere, may want to scour their army blogs and other hobby threads. However,  adding ~original to the address lines will not make the linked images compatible with more advanced solutions!

Note however that we cannot consider this a permanent solution, only a stopgap option. It is possible that Photobucket may come to block this fixture, transform itself beyond recognition or go down altogether as a site.

Admiralty Miniatures
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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 10:28 am 
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Tested and confirmed working. Thanks for finding that, I'll start to resurrect some of the most important images while we work on a more permanent solution to he issue.

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 10:41 am 
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Best of luck, gentlemen! This site is a silver mine of Lotr hobby goodness at the very least. A shame there isn't any Lotr wargaming acitivity around in Sweden, otherwise me and my brother would have tinkered with our many Lotr kits and minis a great deal.

Admiralty Miniatures
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 Post subject: Re: Photobucket Third Party woes as described by Nicodemus
PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2018 7:36 am 
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Update: Photobucket has reverted their pay policy and restored most of their old 3rd party content for free. This means most of the dead threads on hobby sites such as this one can be enjoyed once again, without moderators or users doing anything.


While this is a fortunate boon to hobby forums, it should be remembered that many imagehosting sites have folded or changed beyond recognition (incl. Imageshack), while the once-default choice of Photobucket itself has proved unstable. While the large website of Imgur remains dependable for the moment being, things can change fast, as we saw with Photobucket. Digital storage is insecure and fragile, yet brilliant in its outreach.

As such, do consider these following two steps to backup hobby pictures and artworks for public view:

1. Upload your own hobby pictures into one or more Google Drive folders (or similar), set access to share, and insert a link to this folder in your hobby log(s) and showcase thread(s). That way, even if whatever imagehosting site(s) you are using folds in the future, or play 3rd party hosting rodeo, others may still be able to access your work, admire it and be inspired through this backup folder, even if you yourself have gone inactive.

2. Search out those old treasure threads which you know of, where masterclass work of conversions, sculpting, scenery making, miniature painting or artwork were created by very talented people. Save a selection of these images yourself, upload to both one or more imagehosting sites like Imgur, and to a Google Drive folder. Then you can either pool your and others' backup folders of the best of the best in some common thread, or perhaps commit thread necromancy (if this is not frowned upon on a particular forum) where you share links to these backup albums and folders in the thread in question - or send these links to an active moderator to have inserted into the first post of inactive treasure threads (if threadomancy happens to be frowned upon).

Note that this can be organized as a group endeavour, where a bunch of active members name and link the very best which their hobby site has to offer, and split salvage of these different inactive members' pictures between themselves. If this is done, then it may be advisible to avoid repetitive images, most WIP pictures that lead up to a finished result, pictures of sprues and so on: Salvage selectively, save the very best and don't maximize your voluntary burden.

Other ways of backing up images of others and sharing them publicly are possible - and please talk about them here or elsewhere - but the point to stress here is that inactive members do not save their own pictures for sharing: That is up to the active members to do, if they deem a particular hobby work or artwork worthy to save for future years to inspire themselves and others.

At the moment of writing, a majority of older wargaming hobby pictures online have likely been shared over Photobucket. We have been granted an unexpected reprieve with their reversal of the pay-to-share debacle*, meaning all those dead hobby logs are suddenly up with visible pictures again. A reprieve which we should all consider exploiting while it last: Now is your chance to salvage the true gems of others and help save the very best pictures for the future.

* Which is why one shouldn't even consider to delete one's Photobucket account unless one have already backed up the images and re-uploaded those one wish to share. Redundancy is key.

Admiralty Miniatures
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