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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:05 pm 
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Just curious to what GW could still add to the miniature range. There are some things I could think of, but overall not that much is left to make from what has been shown in the movies. I guess they could only go beyond that and make characters like Golfimbul or Celebrian or something. Those that didn't show up in the movies. As long as they don't ruin the game like they did with Warhammer Fantasy... That still makes me sad if I think about it.. All those sci-fi over the top new miniatures... grrr...

For the gaming aspect I'm thrilled. They might finally make a LOTR rulebook that's accurate on itself and doens't require more addons to function properly.
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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:07 am 
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I very much hope that they fill out The Hobbit range. I was very disappointed that they didn't release plastic kits for the Iron Hill dwarves, dwarves on goats, Twirly Wirlys :-D and the chariots :shock: along with Dain on foot and on boar of course. Same for the Elves, Orcs, Bats, Trolls, Tranduil on Stag etc. The largest battle in the Hobbit Trilogy and we get a couple of Finecast. GW dropped the ball on that one I think.

My local GW rep. told me that because of a mess around with film costume designs etc. that the molds they had made were no good and tooling takes a bit of time, hence we got finecast.

I am guessing that all ME products will be moved to a FW style store, with models in FW resin but I wonder what will happen to all the plastics. All hypothesis at the moment, what I would really like to know is if any forum members will be at Throne of Skulls this weekend ? :pray:
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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 11:06 am 
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Hard to tell what's going to happen, I have a feeling we could get the rest of the battle of the five armies releases but all in forge world resin and no more plastics, I would love for more scenery to be done but I doubt it would happen. No matter what happens I'm excited for any new release!

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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:05 pm 
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if it is from forge world it will be ridiculasly expensive

In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit.
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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:02 pm 

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Meneldor wrote:
I very much hope that they fill out The Hobbit range. I was very disappointed that they didn't release plastic kits for the Iron Hill dwarves, dwarves on goats, Twirly Wirlys :-D and the chariots :shock: along with Dain on foot and on boar of course. Same for the Elves, Orcs, Bats, Trolls, Tranduil on Stag etc. The largest battle in the Hobbit Trilogy and we get a couple of Finecast. GW dropped the ball on that one I think.

My local GW rep. told me that because of a mess around with film costume designs etc. that the molds they had made were no good and tooling takes a bit of time, hence we got finecast.

I am guessing that all ME products will be moved to a FW style store, with models in FW resin but I wonder what will happen to all the plastics. All hypothesis at the moment, what I would really like to know is if any forum members will be at Throne of Skulls this weekend ? :pray:

I know for a solid fact that the GBHL guys are going and very stoked. They also have quick turnarounds on videos as well. I would expect SOMEONE on the internet will be there, and our community isn't exactly huge. I will make a post in the r/MiddleEarthMiniatures reddit as soon as I know anything, as well as every facebook group I can find. Unless its bad news, then I'll just be sobbing somewhere.
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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:54 pm 
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Green_Dragon wrote:
Hard to tell what's going to happen, I have a feeling we could get the rest of the battle of the five armies releases but all in forge world resin and no more plastics, I would love for more scenery to be done but I doubt it would happen. No matter what happens I'm excited for any new release!

If they do finish with plastics or any model, I really hope they give us a bit of a heads up, enough time to get in an order or two. Not like, oh cr*p last chance to buy high elves, better get Tyrion, oh cr*p Tyrion is gone. :o
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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 6:49 pm 
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As has been stated and repeated often, the new Specialist Games will have access to the plastics tooling. See; Betrayal at Calth, Deathwatch Overkill, and Lost Patrol. All new plastics and done by the new "specialist games" (the team that will be forming specialist games, as it were)

I'd be willing to bet that we'll have access to all the current plastics, a new starter set of some sort with new plastics, and all of the - bare minimum - Finecast releases in a Forge World resin print-on-demand style service.

Since they are "preparing" the books for re-release, I can imagine some entries might get deleted if they no longer have access to the masters of certain models. There's also speculation/wishlisting that all unit profiles will be available for free online.

"Special thanks to Judgedoug!"-Alessio Cavatore
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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:45 am 
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So does anyone have any guesses on what will happen with the current range from GW if the license is really moved to a different (part of the) company?

I mean do you think we'll see a 'Last Chance to Buy' like with Warhammer recently? I'm not too familiar with Forgeworld, Specialist Games etc., but there are still quite some models I'd like to buy, should I buy them before the announcement to have a bit of a guarantee that I can still get them?

Might be hard to guess, but I'm interested in your thoughts. The models I'm eyeing total a pretty hefty amount of money (obviously... :p) so it'd be nicer if I didn't have to buy them all in one go.

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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:00 pm 
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I'd get anything that is in metal just to be on the safe side.

"Special thanks to Judgedoug!"-Alessio Cavatore
"Now you've gone too far Doug! Too far... "-Rick Priestley
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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:14 pm 
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Thanks for the reply, I went ahead and bought the miniatures I wanted the most. Probably my biggest order I ever made at Games Workshop, but still cheaper than Smaug. :rofl:
There are still some metal models I'd like to own, but you have to draw a line somewhere. And I'd be quite surprised if they just stopped selling them overnight.

At any rate, looking forward to the announcement!

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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:58 pm 
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Is there anybody 'on this'? I'm very curious about all the new information!
It is in fact this weekend that they will release some more info right?:o
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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:32 pm 
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Sephalo wrote:
Is there anybody 'on this'? I'm very curious about all the new information!
It is in fact this weekend that they will release some more info right?:o

I found this thread containing some information: ...

To quote it here:
Feel gutted for the people who didn't get to come to ToS and hear from Adam Troke. Fantastic stuff he had to say, not sure exactly what we are and aren't aloud to post but needless to say the hobby is safe with Adam and we are getting NEW stuff guaranteed!

Middle Earth SBG. New stuff and Old stuff to be released! There's your headline from me.

What adam said though is he wants us to email them and tell him what we want to see come back and also what we want new.

Send in photos of our painted models and literally support our Middle Earth hobby! Without the support we have shown this hobby in recent years he literally couldn't have got the energy from GW put back in!

They have a release plan up until 2020.
New stuff will be done the FW way.
There will be a new book by the end of the year and the current sourcebooks are going into printing now
We also got to find out why the Battle of five armies release was so small. New Lines barely gave them anything to work with as they changed everything half way through the production process. The result was GW staff did not find out what most of it was until the film came out. Plus side is the initial projects are to fill the gaps.

Sounds pretty good to me! I'm hoping they'll make an official public announcement soon with some expected release dates. :)

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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:59 pm 

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This is great news!
What I want is they fill up the gaps yhey have. Like giving Sons of Eorl some foot miniatures, or a mounted Gil-galad. Stuff like that would be awesome!
Its still very good news and Im excited by every thing they plan to release!
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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 11:36 pm 

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Wonderful news!

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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:19 am 
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Well we'd best bombard them with our thousands of great ideas for the range, I wonder if it's just a matter of emailing the standard hobby service address?

In terms of the re-release of OOP stuff, I wonder if that relates to the Hobbit stuff that is 'Sold Out - No Longer Available' but still on the online store, or the properly discontinued stuff like metal orcs et al.

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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:45 am 

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I think many people just miss good old plastic sets. Personally, for me they could just release again Fellowship of the Ring sets. Loved the movie, love figures and scenarios.
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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:36 am 

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Necromancer7 wrote:
In terms of the re-release of OOP stuff, I wonder if that relates to the Hobbit stuff that is 'Sold Out - No Longer Available' but still on the online store, or the properly discontinued stuff like metal orcs et al.

Heard they discussed Cirdan, Halbarad etc. So think its gonna be some old OOP from Lotr range atleast, maybe even The hobbit miniatures but think more poeple want things from the LOTR range!
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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:17 am 
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From Andreas Fosheim Øwre on the GBHL Facebook group:

(thanks to DCHL and their birds for this information)

Sourcebooks are being re-printed very soon (possibly within weeks)

New Sourcebook to be released by around October. Most likely BoFA but was not explicitly said.

Many Out of Production models will be released again in Forgeworld Resin (Halbarad, Cirdan, etc)

Due to the cost of Forgeworld resin, terrain kits will no longer be sold

Dain (Not on Pig) was shown and apparently looks better than anything we have ever seen. No pictures were taken to show us.

Adam Troke's workload will be minimum of four years! That is four years of possible releases

New Rulebook will come out but only minor tweaks will happen. This will not be an Age of Sigmar type deal. Our guess is that it will be Weapons Rules and Monster rules that will get tweaked. Game is said to largely stay the same.

New Game will be called Middle Earth SBG

The New game will start to go into the Lord of the Rings Appendices and Hobbit Appendices for material but this wont be for years down the road
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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:54 am 

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Here is my original first thought and notes on the first info I got:


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 Post subject: Re: GW to contine support for LOTR.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:39 pm 
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Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:09 am
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Oh man. That's awesome news.

Just dreaming a bit...

Iron Hills Shieldmen/Spearmen
Iron Hills Crossbowmen
Iron Hills Ramriders
Iron Hills Chariot???
Iron Hills Ballista
Thorin's Company on Ponies
Thorin, Fili, Kili and Dwalin on Rams.

Plastic Mirkwood Warriors
Plastic Iron Hills Warriors
Plastic Gunbadad Orcs

Thranduil (robed)
Nazgul on Felbeast (the old pose)

If only half of those would be (re)released I'd be a happy man!
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