Sephalo wrote:
Is there anybody 'on this'? I'm very curious about all the new information!
It is in fact this weekend that they will release some more info right?:o
I found this thread containing some information: ... 85977.pageTo quote it here:
Feel gutted for the people who didn't get to come to ToS and hear from Adam Troke. Fantastic stuff he had to say, not sure exactly what we are and aren't aloud to post but needless to say the hobby is safe with Adam and we are getting NEW stuff guaranteed!
Middle Earth SBG. New stuff and Old stuff to be released! There's your headline from me.
What adam said though is he wants us to email them and tell him what we want to see come back and also what we want new.
Send in photos of our painted models and literally support our Middle Earth hobby! Without the support we have shown this hobby in recent years he literally couldn't have got the energy from GW put back in!
They have a release plan up until 2020.
New stuff will be done the FW way.
There will be a new book by the end of the year and the current sourcebooks are going into printing now
We also got to find out why the Battle of five armies release was so small. New Lines barely gave them anything to work with as they changed everything half way through the production process. The result was GW staff did not find out what most of it was until the film came out. Plus side is the initial projects are to fill the gaps.
Sounds pretty good to me! I'm hoping they'll make an official public announcement soon with some expected release dates.

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