Mapper wrote:
I found a Last Alliance scenario in the Mordor source book, titled the Slopes of Mount Doom, couldn't find one in the Kingdoms of Men book that I have. The first scenario there is The Gladden Fields.
In the rule book that came with the Fellowship of the Ring starter set Scenario 7 is The Last Alliance. Difference being the rulebook has number of figures (240 orcs!) while sourcebook is points driven.
War of the Ring rulebook has The Last Alliance scenario with a much larger point total allowed.
UPDATE - The Free Peoples source book has a Last Alliance Scenario - similar as the starter set rulebook but with points vs number of figures - references the Kingdoms of Men source book to include figures from the Numenor army list.
I remember the scenario from the FOTR book, that was when the orcs were still in metal blisters as well