Gandlaf the Grey wrote:
View the instructions for the diorama challenge, the word duel was listed as it could be two people or whole armies against each other, hence I went for the larger option of a duel between two armies.
Shame I lost votes on not understanding the challenge before casting a vote...
No, I read the rules and understood, I suppose I didn't phrase and elaborate what I was trying to say properly. Sorry about that

Personally, for me a duel conveys more of a focused battle between two heroes. Yours just felt like a scrap between two mobs without any real focal point, everything just sort of gets lost within everything. As other people have said, there's a bit more drama to Mirva's.
I'm not trying to downplay your efforts, you did a wonderful job and you should be proud. There really was no need for such a passive aggressive, somewhat bitter comment though (I won't discount my own fault for a lack of proper clarification). We just have to remember to suppress our egos, which I understand spending so much time and putting so much effort into this lovely hobby, and remember to have fun with it all. I can get like that too, but, ultimately, that sort of thing is just silly. These hobby challenges are here to help motivate and inspire us all to work on our projects, not the glorification of have the highest number of votes. Which they ultimately don't equate to anything except an ego boost if you're so inclined to be that way.
Sorry for the long post/rant. Well done to the both of you and keep up the excellent work

! I look forward to seeing it all.