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 Post subject: Re: Removed idiotic idea of mine
PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:54 am 

Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:43 pm
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Location: Not far from death
Eragorn sbg main rule set
Each game turn is divided in phases. In the first phase,or the move phase, the models move and pivot around.
In the shoot phase, models shoot with weapons such as bows or even huge ballistas and catapults.
In the fight phase, fights are executed and leadership effects are checked
In the magic phase, models may use magic to perform tasks sush as destroying gates or summon water from the ground.
The finshing phase is called the end phase, and that is when reinforcements arrive and exhaustion points from resting are recived

The good side always has priority and after that both players takes turn. The player with priority plays his or hers moves first, and then the other player does.
Line of sight:
A model can see any model who is in front of the model and who is not concealed by obstacles. To check this, lean gently down to check this
When moving, first, choose a number of exhaustion points to spend, up to the models full store. Then move the model that number in inches. When you have moved the model, you may turn the model around.
When moving, a model can attack a enemy, to do this, he must move in base-contact with his foe.
Prone models:
A model can find himself knocked to the ground by several reasons, such as magic or weapon special rules.

A model knocked prone can spend a single exhaustion point to stand up. If a model moves and is still prone, he counts each inch moved as two.

A model may attempt to fire his missile weapons. To do so, he firstly checks if he has any arrows left. If so, he chooses how many arrows he wants to shoot. Then, he attempts to fire the weapon. To do so, he must roll a die. If the die is higher or equal to the models shoot value, the shot hits, otherwise, it misses. Also, shooting costs an exhaustion point per shoot

In the way:
When shooting, there are often models or scenery blocking the models line of sight. No good models nor the human soilders of Galbatorix may fire if there is a friendly model in the way. To see whether the model hits the obstacle or the initial target, roll a dice and check the cart below
1-3: Hits the the object in the way
4-5: Roll again with a +1 on the roll
6: Hits the initial target.
Ignore in the way if the shooter is in base-contact with that obstacle.

Shooting multiple shots:
As you saw, you can fire multiple arrows each turn. If you expend multiple arrows, apply a -1 penealty on To Hit. The maximum number of shots per turn is three.

D0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

S1 4 5 5 6 6 6/4 6/4 6/5 6/5 -

S2 4 4 5 5 6 6 6/4 6/4 6/5 6/6

S3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6/4 6/4 6/5

S4 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6/4 6/4

S5 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6/4

S6 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6/4

S7 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6/4

S8 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 6/3

S9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 6

S10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 6

This is the to wound chart. Compare the Sof a missile weapon with the D of the target hit. Roll a dice. If the number rolled is higher than or equals the number you checked before, a wound is caused on the model. If multiple hits are rolled, roll them together. A model which suffers a wound must reduce its wounds characteristic by one. Once a model is reduced to 0 wounds, it is removed as a casualty.

Missile weapon strenghts and ranges
Thrown stone 1 8"
Bow 3 16"

Shooting into fights:
No model can shoot into a fight

The target has moved -1to hit
The archer has moved -1to hit -2in maximum shoots
The model has moved more than 3" no shooting availible

After shoots are fired, models fight each other. If a model is in a fight, it must expend a exhaustion point or automatically lose the fight, if both models cant exhaust themself, the fight is a draw and no model may strike nor perform special moves.
If both models can exhaust themself, they roll dices equal to their attacks value. The model with the highest dice may then either attempt to wound or do a special move.

To Wound:
When a model wins a fight and wants to attempt to wound an enemy. He rolls dices equal to his attacks value, he then uses the same table as for shooting wounds except that it uses its own strengh rather than the strengh of its weapon.

If a model attacks from behind, or from behind cover, it counts as ambushing. A ambushing model does not have to pay to fight

Morale testing:
As a model is wounded, either through archery or close combat wounding or magic, it becomes more likely to flee the field. A model who is wounded must take a morale test. Do as following, first check the models morale value, who is written in the profile like this 11 / 13 The first number is the wavering limit and the second is the panic limit.
Then roll two dices and add the numbers of wounds suffered in that phase. If the number rolled is lower than the first number, the model doesn't suffer any bad effects except those already suffered. If the number is above the first number but under the second, it counts as wavering. It may not shoot nor use magic for the next turn. If the number rolled is above the last limit, it counts as fleeing. A fleeing model must alwys move at highest speed towards the closest board edge during the next move phase. It may not charge nor perform any other action. If charged it does automatically lose. After thet turn it acts normally. If it reaches the board edge, it counts as a casualty.

Magic phase:
After fights has been resolved, a model with a magic level of one or more attempt to summon his powers to do tasks for him. To do this, he expends the required exhaustion points and rolls a dice, if above the value specified in the magics profile.
Magical powers which counts as shooting weapons add one exhausting point in cost per inch shoot.
If a magical power should deain a model on more than its maximum number of exhausting points, it is merely dead.

These are the magics available to level one mages.

Brsingir: exhaustion points10 4+
Brsingir counts as a auto hitting bow with strength 10. Additionally, all models within two inches also suffers the hit.

Waise Heil:5 2+
The model regains a wound

Level 2

Summoning mist5 5+
Models must take a morale test before charging the model.

Jierda theirra kalfis5 3+
This is a shooting attack which automatically hits. The model hit counts as prone for the rest of the battle.

Level three magicans

Controll15 6+
This is an auto-hitting shooting attack. However, instead of being wounded, the hit model is controlled by the caster for that turn.

A model may attempt to retrieve lost exhausting points by resting. A model which rests must be placed prone to represent that the character is lying down to rest. A model testing may not turn around. In the end phase, roll a dice. The resting models recieve that number off exhausting points back. However, a model can fall asleep whilst resting. Roll a dice for each resting model. If a one, the model has fallen asleep, it can not act unless there's a model in base contact with it or it is attacked.

Exhaustion points: 50
Attacks:0(loses automatically all fights)
Special rules:
Riders uses the horses exhausting points


Eragorn(120 points)
Exhausting points:25
Magic level: 1
Morale:5 / 11
Magical powers
(Za'roc may add +1 to its to wound rolls against shadows)
Special rules
(Eragorn passes all morale tests while Brom is alive and on the board)
Argetlam: All Men of Varden and Dwarfes of Hrothgar automatically passes morale tests while Eragorn is within 5"
Saphira: Eragorn can use Saphiras exhaustion points instead of his own.

Brom(100 points)
Exhausting points: 40
Strength: 4
Defence: 4
Morale:7 / 12
Magical powers
All of the now availible to him.
Special rules:
Storyteller: If Eragorn and Brom rests within 3" of each other, none of them can fall asleep.

Razac(130 points)
Your force may include two Rasacs only.
Exhausting points: 50
Morale5 / 7
Special rules:
Seithr oil:
This is a shooting weopon. It deals a strength 10 hit.
Servants of Galbatorix: The Ra'zacs do not have to take the effects of wavering.

Warriors of Dras Leona:(7points)
Exhausting points:15
Arrows: 15
Morale:4 / 6
Shield(+1 defence)......1point
Pike(+1 to wound against horsemen)

Preist of Dras Leona(15 points
Exhausting points: 10
Strength: 2
Morale:10 / 13
Special rules:
Intimating presence:
Allied models may add +2 to their morale limits if they are within 12" of a Priest.
Crippled: Preists of Dras Leona usually cripple themself to be even more aligned with Helgrind.
Before you move this model, roll a dice, on a 3 or less, the model is knocked prone.

Exhausting points: 50
Arrows: 0
Strenght: 9
Defence: 10
Attack: 3
Wounds: 5
Morale: 12 / 17
Claws and teeth
Special rules
Saphira may move through difficult and impassable terrain without any penealty.
Vulnerable wings:
Models shooting at Saphira, scoring a six to hit, will damage her at strength six. If she suffer any damage, roll a dice, on a one, she loses her fly special rule.
Mind link:
Saphira counts as seeing anything Eragorn sees as well as everything she sees herself.
Charge from above!
If Saphira charges, she knocks all models in the fight to the ground.

Well, that's what I have comed up with for now. There will be a second version, but I want your opinions for that one/ Truck 22

My Scenarios are Like School Food, Too Expensive To Use
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 Post subject: Re: Eragorn Sbg
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:07 pm 

Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:43 pm
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No oppinions?

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 Post subject: Re: Eragorn Sbg
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:04 pm 
Elven Elder
Elven Elder
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Sorry, i did not read the books. :?
I would not worry about comments. :sad:

"the same as a duck you must be made of wood"
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 Post subject: Re: Eragorn Sbg
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:06 pm 
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I think the problem is that this is a Middle-earth gaming site and not a lot of people are interested in Eragorn. The same thing happens in the 40k forum. You won't find many wander into this section unfortunately.

You don't have to be great to start. But you do have to start to be great.
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 Post subject: Re: Eragorn Sbg
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:25 am 

Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:43 pm
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Ok, just an idea on small skirmish games(smaller than sbg) with advanced rules(sleeping, limited arrows, resting and exhausting. Could be changed to Lotr if someone wishes so

My Scenarios are Like School Food, Too Expensive To Use
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