J.R. wrote:
Hm, the spear rules are a bit dissapointing to me, I love the models, but this is just a combination of already existing rules, with such a weapon I had hoped for something that makes the changes to kill for an elf bigger, either attacks, strengths or +1 to wound. but maybe that to OP..

I just hope and suspect we will get a full army book later in the new year incl. more evil and dwarves.
I do think the Elves are very underpowered in killing ability. I mean, they fought armies of Balrogs, at least the High Elves (Noldor) did, but Morannon Orcs, Uruks, among other things are given strength four as a 'quick fix' to give them some validation as a threat. The strength and power is supposed to come from trolls and monsters, the orcs are a swarm, a horde, but that seems forgotten. The armies of good always seem to fight out-numbered and whoever has been doing the stats/profiles has let it get away from them a bit. So, giving Elves rules that increase their killing ability would be a big help, considering that their point cost is still so high.
I like the idea of it coming from their weapons however, so that it's a skill based thing. Perhaps they can have such a thing as 'focused shots' that have to be within a certain range and maybe require a five or even a six to hit a target at strength 4. It does essentially turn them into crossbows at close range, but we've all seen the movies, watch as four-five ranks of Orcs fall from one volley of High Elven arrows in the battle of Dagorlad. Then they seem to get first strike on every single Orc.
I agree back in the day when it was first released, that it was well balanced, but now? I think things need tweaking. My advice would be weapon perks for the Elves. Don't get me started on their armour rating too.
Some of this is born from frustration of not being able to use Elrond in my army lists due to losing too many troop models and thus my army being too small to be competitive. I mostly just use the twins and Erestor, but I'd love to have one hero, couple banners and plenty of warriors. (If anyone has any advice on that, please feel free to tell me!)