Hi there, have been lurking for ages and i am on the hunt again for models to add to my collection. UK based, only trading with EU.
I am after:
Eomer Knight of the Pelennor
Gandalf the Grey on Horse
Legolas mounted
Pippin on horse (or his arm)
Basically after alot of OOP good heroes.
I have quite a lot to trade, mostly from gondor/minas tirith but also have a large selection of loose models.. If you have any of these and are after anything feel free to message me

I have :
frodo and sam mounted
king of the dead
metal old radagast
avenger bolt thrower
Farmer maggot and hounds
3 metal beserkers
merry and pippin armoured
gorbag, shagrat and 3 mordor uruk
Small hobbit rule book
Loads of plastic minas tirith
Citadel guard archers
Successful trade with Galanur.