One Ringers! Having spoken with DMS and co on here, I have offered to help with the updating and reorganisation of the UK section of the One Ring Opponent Finder.
DMS will be sorting through the entire list, removing those who have not logged on for over a year and adding those who have asked to be added.
In the meantime, I will be sorting the UK into regions, adding tournament locations and dates as and when they come up for each 'region', as well as gaming clubs where various One Ringers come together and even days/times that work best for you, along with the usual information such as forum name, real name and where you live.
I'm hoping this will make it easier for new players and returning players to find a game or gaming community/event in their area even easier and that can only be a good thing as we pull together to keep this hobby going.
One I have worked on the UK I may move onto other parts of the world, but will need your help with this project.
UK Regions- South EastDamian - London - Titan Wargames Club
Dave (ukfreddybear) - Southampton
James (Mertaal) - London
James (JimmyRiddle) - Cambridge / Saffron Walden
Kieran (Gondorian Captain) - London (Occasionally) - Club:Titans Wargames Finchly
Michael (Bilbo) - Tonbridge
Sam (SouthernDunedain) - Crawley/East Grinstead
Sean (Cuchulain84) - Stevenage
Tom (LordElrond) - Watford
Wills (Skipinnish or Lanny on TLA) - Brighton
Callum (Swan Knight) - Oxfordshire
- South WestRory (DwarfWarrior) - Dorset
- MidlandsGraham (Sarge) - Northamptonshire - Rushden Phoenix Games Club (Tues & W/E) also Wargames Workshop
Josh (Gildor_Inglorion) - Midlands - Warhammer World
Sam - Nottingham
Dan - Nottingham
James (Lotrchampion) - Nottingham
Craig (UKRocky) - Nottingham
Jay (Jay_Clare) - Nottingham
- South WalesGwaryan Cardiff GW / Firestorm Games
VictoryGin Cardiff GW / Firestorm Games
- North Wales- North WestCallum (GothmogTheWerewolf) - Farnworth/Bolton
Kieran (Gondorian Captain) - Liverpool
James (Thermo) - Manchester - North West Gaming Centre (Stockport)
Jamie (The Newbie) - Manchester - North West Gaming Centre (Stockport)
Ste (Ste271276) - Manchester - North West Gaming Centre (Stockport)
Louis - Oldham - North West Gaming Centre (Stockport)
Mark (KnightyKnight) - Warrington
- North EastKev (Dead Marsh Spectre) - Middlesbrough
Elliott (HighLordell) - Newcastle-upon-Tyne - Club:GW Newcastle
JT (MoriaMadness) - Huddersfield / West Yorkshire - Club:Orc-ward battles
Kieran (Gondorian Captain) - ScotlandDavid (Big Dog) - Stirling Wargamers/GW Falkirk
- Northern IrelandIf UK SBGers could post below with your name, region (approx), city/town/village, as well as your local gaming centre if you have one and usual availability approx that would be helpful. A list of all next years tournaments and dates would also be useful.
Just as Privateer Press has press-gangers to encourage their hobby in certain areas, perhaps we could have a similar go to per region?
Just some ideas, but would be great to see the whole UK scene getting behind this. Greater access to tournaments is fab. Greater access to casual games alongside this would be even better

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