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 Post subject: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:57 am 
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Is it just me or has the forum been very quiet of late?

What happened to gothmog? Its a curious thing but I can't help but briefly consider if something terrible has befallen such persons when they go quiet.

I'm sure its nothing of the sort but ya know what I mean??

Maybe the football has everyone glued to the TV's at every spare moment.

Backlog Status is getting worse all the time...

2014 Backlog Oathtaker (3 points)
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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:27 am 
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I have avoided the football by following the Dust Operation Babylon kickstarter and working on my Cunning Plan. No time to be bored :0

Published ebooks:
Instrument of the Empire
A Note of Defiance
Phantom Ships, Ghost Flotilla
More to come!
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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:58 pm 
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Well with no releases there is not much to talk about and the model front.

New extended DVD is not out and new film trailer is not out, and no other leaking news... so no news on the film front.

There have been a lot of battle reports and tournament reviews.

I would like to reply to everyone's WIP thread but after 5-10 of them I find that I could be painting instead of typing, plus not everyone returns those favors or some don't add any input to the sight at all except their own WIP threads and though I enjoy them, I don't encourage that introvert/anti social behavior.

So yeah, we are kind of in a lull and just have to keep making things interesting by encouraging each other to keep painting, playing and making scenery (those that have not jumped on the "not buying anything from GW train" which is many, and many are people who regularly post on here to support in non monetary ways).

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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:07 pm 
Elven Elder
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Sithious wrote:
I would like to reply to everyone's WIP thread but after 5-10 of them I find that I could be painting instead of typing, plus not everyone returns those favors or some don't add any input to the sight at all except their own WIP threads and though I enjoy them, I don't encourage that introvert/anti social behavior.

I find I often don't have anything to contribute. I do not use gw paint for example. So it is hard to say much. A like button would be nice. I would like to at least to acknowledge good work. I am often frustrated when I take the time to post an answer or suggestion and don't get any kind of response.
My collection is complete. The armies I use have been painted for years. There is not much news. I have not been keeping up with the WIP post like I used to because I have not been around as much.

"the same as a duck you must be made of wood"
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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:22 pm 
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I sometimes just don't know what to write, as I'm not experienced with anything at all.
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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:50 pm 
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Well to be honest after reading this I decided to take some time to look through some of the threads and give a few comments. I've been out of the painting side of the hobby for so long, and my interest lies in the making aspect so much more so I usually won't check the WIP threads. I always found it very motivating when I had my thread and there's nothing nicer really. I'll try and stick around here on the forums to give a comment here and there. When I comment I like to have something nice to mention and something constructive so that it's motivating and helpful (hopefully).
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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:58 pm 
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It has been a bit dead recently, for rather obvious reasons. This is the first time I've actually posted in a while, even...

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 Post subject: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:35 pm 
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Like Oldman Willow said it has already happened to me several times that I really took my time to give some constuctive critizism or advice and didn't even get a reply...
Apart from this I have the impression that on this site there aren't so many "honest" opinions, although I don't know whether that's just me. I often look at a piece and see some things that I don't like so much but only see short positive answers. Then I do not want to be the only one to critizise everything...
Next I am absolutely no gamer or a painter, so I can't value lots of thing properly. And there are quite few sculptors compared to the amount of painters or gamers.
And the last reason: I have often problems with the language... :lol: I am sure that only in this post there are already lots of mistakes and I don't like that at all...

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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:40 pm 
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Oldman Willow wrote:
find I often don't have anything to contribute. I do not use gw paint for example. So it is hard to say much. A like button would be nice. I would like to at least to acknowledge good work. I am often frustrated when I take the time to post an answer or suggestion and don't get any kind of response.

I agree. It is hard because I want to see everyones stuff and encourage them but there is a lot to go through, and after spending an hour or so looking at posts, replying to many... then the next day there are so many more, plus you want to read the other replies to the threads you post on and eventually all you are doing is reading and replying and not actually working on your own hobby (of which time is already limited). A like button would be awesome, but still doesn't say a heck of a lot.

As long as nobody feels they are being ignored by me, or if they can take what I do post with a grain of salt as I am running full steam every day of the week and don't have a lot of time and may jump the gun on some replies without clear thoughts. I want to contribute, but also want to work on my hobby, and I just hope we all are enjoying it regardless (excluding the price wounds and lack of GW support we all feel).

I can tell you, I take all criticism very seriously. If someone suggest a change, sometimes I will actually do it (I changed my betrayer due to color suggestions) or at least take it seriously. I do sometimes take things too harsh because after working for a week of precious hours here and there on a model and sort of told to go back and work on it more can be frustrating, but I still take the info and use it to push my next piece or keep it in mind for when I do work on the same army again. I don't always say thanks (far too busy for that lol) but I do value every positive and constructive reply that ever is made for any of my posts. I am still trying to make a good face sculpt based on UKFB reply to a thread, I hope someday to figure that out and make a face I can be happy with. I don't facebook almost ever anymore, and don't go to any forums for other interests, so this is my only outlet and family and I respect all of you who love Tolkien or the many aspects of this hobby and game.
You scenery guys... I am at a loss sometimes for what to say, I don't know how anyone can have so many kinds of flock layers and rock and leaf and shrub and long grass and tree's and water and wow it is just awesome every time I see that stuff and blows me away, I wish I had that kind of time to do a project like that.

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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:47 pm 
Elven Elder
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Sithious wrote:
You scenery guys... I am at a loss sometimes for what to say, I don't know how anyone can have so many kinds of flock layers and rock and leaf and shrub and long grass and tree's and water and wow it is just awesome every time I see that stuff and blows me away, I wish I had that kind of time to do a project like that.

One day you will 8)

"the same as a duck you must be made of wood"
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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:09 pm 

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Son of Fundin wrote:
Like Oldman Willow said it has already happened to me several times that I really took my time to give some constuctive critizism or advice and didn't even get a reply...
Apart from this I have the impression that on this site there aren't so many "honest" opinions, although I don't know whether that's just me. I often look at a piece and see some things that I don't like so much but only see short positive answers. Then I do not want to be the only one to critizise everything...
Next I am absolutely no gamer or a painter, so I can't value lots of thing properly. And there are quite few sculptors compared to the amount of painters or gamers.
And the last reason: I have often problems with the language... :lol: I am sure that only in this post there are already lots of mistakes and I don't like that at all...

Well, I love critiques, so if you are ever looking at my work please critique away. Sometimes it is difficult for someone to hear that the "cake" they baked has too much salt, but if no one ever tells them then that person will make salty cakes the rest of their life.

I also understand that critiques are not personal attacks, but comments thought out to help one improve. So please, if you are ever looking at something painted by jdizzy, citique away. I don't like salty cakes.
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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:22 pm 
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I read this and felt a little guilty as usually I'm round all the time and try to offer C&C on as much as i can. Real life has been hectic for some time now and i've not been around as much as i once was. Keep painting and hobbying guys.

Note to self : Make more of an effort.

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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:46 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I don't really agree that the forums have been especially quite, seems pretty regular to me.

Things going on:
Painting & Sculpting Challenges
Diorama Challenge
World Cup!!
Tournaments have just happened.

Those 4 alone are enough to warrant a "decline" in the amount of posts. Add to this that a lot of people are getting onto the GBHL Facebook group (and the Australian version for me), so a lot of the short rules questions are being asked there as it is going to get you a quicker reply. O-R isn't going to be replaced by FB groups, but we do need to acknowledge that people are using that medium and it is very helpful. I know some of you guys probably aren't frequent users of FB, but now you know whats going on at least.

Added to that, the GBHL channel has good content churning over, lots of people are working on Battle Companies. *** On the above note, Battle Companies for the next conversion challenge please? One month only!***

In regards to comments on people's posts, I try to do it where I can, the like button would be interesting, but plenty of people on the FB groups don't like things either. In fact, I would suggest that it is better to have conversations with people and build "relationships" rather than just clicking like and scrolling on.

When I give a short positive reply to someone when their work could be improved, I want to be encouraging them to keep going as we all know that we get better with time, and sometimes that is the best teacher, so I don't add any advice unless I have something very clear to say backed up by a helpful reason why or how to make it better. Sometimes, I just don't have the time to write longer posts as well.
In addition, I know that I can hardly do a better job on some things, so I'm not going to be a jerk and tell someone that their NMM or skin tones aren't perfect when that is what I struggle with - I'll wait until I have learned better.

I struggle to read some of the comments about people not getting replies - Yes, it would be nice to have a reply, but if i receive feedback on something it normally goes straight into my brain and goes around and around there while I figure it out and put it into practice so I'm too busy thinking about it to remember my manners and give a reply. So I wouldn't be negative about not getting replies as it mostly means people are thinking about it.

On a final matter, this topic is about an apparent lack of activity, yet I have asked for people's advice about a design for Annatar aka Sauron and haven't got many replies. I know not everyone is interested in the project, but most people have read the books, so I don't see how you can have no imagination or opinion about what Sauron looks like when he is out and about. As I was just asking for everyones thoughts and not exactly criticism or feedback, I would have expected a better response. The thread is here if you would like to add to it:
I'm working on the final design for Celebrimbor and hope to get both of these models sculpted for the Diorama challenge, but I'm not going to start until I have a good idea of what I'm aiming for (getting there..)
Thanks again to those who have already added their thoughts :)

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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:51 am 
Elven Warrior
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I feel bad because I haven't posted much lately. I used to post regularly on the WIP thread to keep encouraging people - and even provided some hopefully constructive criticism - but that has waned (I'm going to pull my finger out and go there in a minute to post some comments).

My work is very demanding so time is always a problem. I struggle to find 1-2 hours a week to paint. Haven't even had time to sign up for a painting challenge - something I used to do almost every month :(

I also don't play the game, so while I enjoy reading things like battle reports I don't have anything intelligent to say. I also avoid some of the debates that rage from time to time - though I do enjoy reading them!

Like John I also worry when regular posters stop posting. You never know what might have happened...

I also think there is lots going on with many different forums - and I find it hard to keep track of all these. Nevertheless, I will try harder to post more often.

"...that there's some good in this world Mr Frodo - and it's worth fighting for."
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 Post subject: Re: Bored anyone?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:15 pm 
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Not bored, but the topics around lately don't really seem to. Be topics in which I can answer well, truthfully and confidently. i.e. nothing about high elves.
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