I regrettably never ordered from GD, I always wanted to and it was my intention to get the rivendell knights from him but I was prioritising on buying metals before they were finecasted at the time
It is a real shame GD was forced to close down and I feel really sad that I never supported him when I had the chance but I agree with Dr Grant that the postage and shipping deals he held were a brilliant idea. On the otherhand though it also prevented me ordering on a couple occasions because I always wanted to hit the £40 target for free shipping (I felt like I was losing out if I didn't!), perhaps my free raffle for anybody spending over £10 will help to attract the smaller orders aswell as the larger ones.
Regards international postage... I will always try to help out international customers with the cheapest possible methods available, however, I do not want to take the support and shine away from your local supplier. If you live in the middle of nowhere without a model shop in sight; fair does, I can and will help you by all means but if you have a local shop I would always encourage you to use them as your first choice and I can be your helpful back-up if ever needed

Obviously I could try and gain all international custom with cut-price deals and offers but I don't think that those particular methods of business would benefit our hobby in any way at all, that little bit you are saving may just be the little bit that your local shop needs to keep running
With that said, if you 'knock at the inn' I will not turn your custom away at any point but I just wanted to express my beliefs in supporting good model shops which make the effort to supply gaming areas and paint stations etc, keeping our hobby alive in stores and not just on screens

Gandalf agrees.