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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:38 pm 
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One more thing, the Rivendell Knights are priced correctly in comparison to the rest of the elf list, but seeing as elves have a tendency to be more expensive than their profile merits, maybe a cost lowering is in order? Though that would, of course, make Galadhrim Knights useless.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:46 pm 
Elven Elder
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Chhers for the commments, let me see..

Constantine wrote:
I have not yet your newest houserules, but I have been expecting them with great anticipation! Thank you for your contribution!

You are most welcome. Evil will be up as soon as possible. Yazneg only when he gets SBG rules. Men of Dale will be added to Good, when they gert rules.

Killerkatanas wrote:
My only comment is about Bombur. Gandalf already has the ability to bring the dead back to life, so why Bombur too?

As a cook, he would give stamina to his companions with a terrific meal, so I think his ability should be to give the party a bonus in their movement, rather than bring the dead back to life.


Gandalf's magical revival is an unfortunate side effect, and not factored into this profile. I would have done reviving Might, like in SBG, but I felt it had enough of that already. S maybe, he adds +2 or +3 to move then whilst alive. Might edit that after I've popped up the Evil profiles.

Telchar wrote:
One more thing, the Rivendell Knights are priced correctly in comparison to the rest of the elf list, but seeing as elves have a tendency to be more expensive than their profile merits, maybe a cost lowering is in order? Though that would, of course, make Galadhrim Knights useless.

They are meant to be costed in accordance with the Elves for exactly that reason. The Galadhrim Knights. If I did them lower it would be another Blackshields the same as regiualr Gobbos fiasco. But the Elves sort of need a boost. Only problem is anything can be taken as an ally, and any leniance can be abused by people. What do you think?

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:05 pm 
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Well, if you want to ally good cavalry, you've got WoMT anyway.

I see the point about the blackshields, but otherwise they're a High Elf style fiasco, not a Blackshields style one (pay 10 points for absolutely nothing relevant!)

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:12 am 

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Hey Goth,

So its been over a month. Have you any updates? Looking forward to seeing the new bad guy stats.

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:21 pm 
Elven Elder
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Sorry 'bout that. Been busy with uni, I had the Evil guys' stats ready not long after the others.

Hopefully, I will have time to get them up over Easter.

Thanx for being patient :)

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:54 pm 
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I'd recommend dropping Gandalf from the company, but have it be that Ganalf the grey may join them (without replaing any and adds his resilienceto them etc.). Keep the price as is or drop by 50pts. Maybe have the bows come from Fili and Kili instead of Thorin?

Not checked a lot of them (as I'm only supposed to be popping on here), but D3+1 supporting attacks for pick-hammers?! Seriously? Even using the Easterling Battlehost means Easterling Pikes add +2 supporting attacks. This does that many or more - very peculiar and odd representation for them, IMO.

Lastly, and kind of my main one (going back a bit in the thread), Guritz can't affect artillery, just archers - but your reasonng was that he's in charge of the catapaults? Surely it should be that it ONLY affects artillery - maybe have it that enemies targeted (or sturck or something) have a -2C test or drop to F0 for a turn?
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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:19 pm 
Elven Elder
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Hashut, tanx for the reply.

Well, it could be done that Gandalf is an upgrade for the company, but not allowing the Epic Hero to join them, as it would complicate the Company of Heroes special rule. I'll have a look at that just before/after I put of the Evil models. So this I could change.

The reasoning behind Thorin, is that he is telling them all to arm themselves with everything so they are crazy-prepared for the taking back of Erebor. Giving part of that to Fili & Kili weakons that, and also decreases the worth of Thorin in the company.

On Pick-hammers, maybe D3 would be better. I wanted them less bland, but wanted the extra points worth it, so D3 on it own wouldn't have worked, but on second thoughts D3 or perhaps D6-3 (to a minimum of 1) would be better.

Good point on Guritz. I meant it to affect archers and artillery. Siege warfare basically, especially since not everyone wants to take artillery, but your idea does reflect the whole severed heads thing better. Something else to revise.

Thanx 8)

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:52 pm 

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Regarding Guritz. Giving any additional "siege weapon" bonus, in my opinion, is not needed.

Keep in mind that there is already a Battlehost for artillery, and that is "Siege Lords." for 75 points Gothmog or Grishnakh can negate defensive bonuses for bows or artillery shooting at them, and when trolls are added to catapults they can roll 2 dice.

In my last huge (3500+ point) game (I posted pics of it), I had a battery of 3x catapults and a battery of 3x siege bows. The catapults had troll loaders, and within 12" of each was Grishnakh and his trackers.

The firepower from this battlehost alone was enough to wipe out several formations of Gondorian foot and mounted, including treebeard, the three hunters, and Gwaihir!

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:37 pm 
Elven Elder
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Wasn't that to make up for the seriously underpowered Catapults though?

I'm surprised the catapults managed to hit such small targets though in your game. How many catapults did you have?

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:05 am 

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I had a formation of three catapults, along with a formation of 3 siege bows.

Well it wasn't perfect hits all the time. I did manage to chuck a rock or two into Grishnakh's troops, but in most other cases, rolling two dice for each catapult, I did quite well because I could take the HIGHEST die. Yes, treebeard and the hunters were a -1 each, but again, rolling two dice was KEY; and when I missed I just used might from Gothmog "overlord" ability to correct one of the shots from a "friendly fire" to a miss.

My other shots were directed at units with four or more companies, or at targets in terrain, hence their quick destruction.

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:30 pm 
Elven Elder
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Tanx Brian, I understand now.

I can honestly promise you that I will have the stats of the evl models up before the end of May.

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:30 am 
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Many thanks for your contribution so far, the house rule stats are much appreciated, and will be used in our LotR campaign.

I'd like to offer a differing opinion regarding Thorin's company dwarves, however - we would like to have individual hero profiles for Bofur, Bifur, Dori and Nori as well, since they most likely took part in the Battle of Dale during the War of the Ring (alongside Dwalin and Glóin). We will be using these characters in the scenario "Dáin's last stand". Incidentally, since GW was kind enough to release Men of Dale, we will be using them in the scenario, too. If only GW would release King Brand - but I guess we could use the figure of Bard the Bowman as a proxy once that is released by GW. So, if you feel the urge to write the stats for Brand at the time you do Bard, we won't object!
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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:53 pm 
Elven Elder
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Celevue wrote:
Many thanks for your contribution so far, the house rule stats are much appreciated, and will be used in our LotR campaign.


Thank you very much for the reply. I hope your campaign goes well. Apologies about the delay. I've been at uni, but I am now finished until September.

I do have profiles for the other dwarves as individuals. If you like I could put them up over the weekend. I will also very soon be putting up the profiles for the Evil models. Until I put them up, I suggest Warriors of Arnor profiles for Men of Dale but I will put them up too.

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 6:48 pm 
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Thanks, Gothmog - individual Thorin company dwarf profiles would indeed be appreciated. Naturally, no hurry from my part, though - at this rate, it will be 2015 or 2016 when we finally play "Dain's Last Stand" and use those surviving Thorin's company members alongside Dain and King Brand (and Men of Dale)! But we'll get there, eventually.
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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2013 1:12 pm 
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First here is the Men of Dale profile. Pretty generic, but they are in SBG. They go in the Dwarf Holds List:

Men of Dale Pts value 20 pts / company
Warriors of Dale Man Infantry 6 4/- 3 4 8 1 4 Common Formation
Captain of Dale Man Hero - 5/- - - - 2 5 2 1-6 companies

Hand weapons and armour. They may take longbows or shields – increasing the defence to 4(6) – for +5pts per company

The first company purchased is automatically the command company. It may have the following options:
Captain of Dale 50 pts
Banner Bearer 35 pts
Dale Hornblower 15 pts

Special Rules:
Pathfinders (Mountains)

Bifur the Dwarf Pts value 80pts
Bifur Dwarf Hero - 4/- - - - 2 5 2 Epic Hero
Single Model
Epic Actions:
Epic Strike, Epic Duel

Special Rules
Terror, Battle Damaged, Pathfinders (Mountains)
Battle Damaged: Bifur may reroll his D6 to win a Heroic Duel.

Bofur the Dwarf Pts value 85pts
Bofur Dwarf Hero - 4/- - - - 2 5 2 Epic Hero
Single Model
Epic Actions:
Epic Challenge, Epic Defence

Special Rules
Resistant to Magic, Mattock, Pathfinders (Mountains)
Resistant to Magic: Bofur may make Will of Iron rolls without expending any Might points.
Mattock: Bofur’s company adds +1 to its To Hit rolls. This is not cumulative with Anduril, Narsil or Aiglos.

Bombur the Dwarf Pts value 70pts
Bombur Dwarf Hero - 4/- - - - 3 5 1 Epic Hero Single Model

Epic Actions:
Epic Defence, Epic Charge, Epic Strike

Special Rules
Lumbering, Raising Spirits, Pathfinders (Mountains)
Lumbering: Bombur’s formation may never benefit from a Heroic Move or At the Double!
Raising Spirits: Bombur’s formation automatically passes Courage Tests. Additionally, Bombur may expend one Might point in order to replenish D3-1 Might points in a friendly Hero within 6”.

Ori the Dwarf Pts value 90pts
Ori Dwarf Hero - 4/- - - - 1 5 2 Epic Hero
Single Model
Epic Actions:
Epic Shot, Epic Defence

Special Rules
Chronicler, Deadeye, Pathfinders (Mountains)
Chronicler: Whenever an enemy Hero or Monster is slain within 6” of Ori, his controlling player may give 1 Might Point to any hero within 6”. This cannot take a models’ Might above its starting amount.
Deadeye: Ori’s formation improves its Shoot value by 1 (i.e. a shoot value of 4+ would become 3+) as long as Ori is alive.

Nori the Dwarf Pts value 95pts
Nori Dwarf Hero - 5/- - - - 2 5 3 Epic Hero
Single Model
Epic Actions:
Epic Strike, Epic Defence, Epic Challenge

Special Rules
Goblinbane, Weapon Master, Pathfinders (Mountains)
Weapon Master: Nori’s’ formation does not receive any penalties for wielding two-handed weapons.

Dori the Dwarf Pts value 60pts
Dori Dwarf Hero - 5/- - - - 2 5 2 Epic Hero
Single Model
Epic Actions:
Epic Defence, Epic Challenge

Special Rules
Overlord, A Good Sort Really, Pathfinders (Mountains)
A Good Sort Really: If Bilbo Baggins is within 9”, he may use Dori’s Might points instead of his own for any use.

C & C Welcome as always. I will put up the Evil models bar Yazneg up soon too.

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:51 pm 
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Splendid, thanks - your efforts are really appreciated! Looking forward to using these profiles in our campaign. We will definitely use King's Huntsman, Guritz, Dwalin, Gloin (unless he joins the Fellowship and is killed along the way), Bofur, Bifur, Dori, Nori, Grim Hammer Kinband, and Men of Dale profiles, possibly also Rivendell Knights (depending on how the overall campaign storyline goes and whether Elrond's battlehost is deployed).
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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 8:24 pm 
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It all looks realy great and thanks alot!

Any time soon I'm going to try out some of the profiles. I especialy like the Beast of Gorgoroth. Although I'm not a fanatic poster on the one-ring I will try to post our results of our battle.

"His people were of great strength and stature, bold and steadfast, mighty among the Children of Ilúvatar."
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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 9:43 pm 
Elven Elder
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Celevue wrote:
Splendid, thanks - your efforts are really appreciated! Looking forward to using these profiles in our campaign. We will definitely use King's Huntsman, Guritz, Dwalin, Gloin (unless he joins the Fellowship and is killed along the way), Bofur, Bifur, Dori, Nori, Grim Hammer Kinband, and Men of Dale profiles, possibly also Rivendell Knights (depending on how the overall campaign storyline goes and whether Elrond's battlehost is deployed).

Your welcome. 8) Do tell how it goes, and if you can do a battle report or two 8)

Lorindol wrote:
It all looks realy great and thanks alot!

Any time soon I'm going to try out some of the profiles. I especialy like the Beast of Gorgoroth. Although I'm not a fanatic poster on the one-ring I will try to post our results of our battle.

Equally welcome :D Reveal all.

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 9:51 pm 
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We've had our battle to day and it was great!playtested the house rules for the beast of gorgoroth and i have to say he did quite good.

The price is definitly correct but I think he might just have to be a little harder to kill. Maybe increase his defence or add a special rule? He ended up against the Kings Champion of my opponent. Because he lacks courage(well off course he does! It's a huge dumb beast) he didn't have the chance to charge and constantly had a fight of 0. It gave the dwarves alot of hits on him which killed him soon enough. The trample bit is quite handy though. I just lined him up in front and he ran over guys like vault warden. Pretty neat hehe

I'll see if I have some tim to write a battle report(with photo's) because it was a really fun game. We used the hobbits as objective counters so eventually one of my trolls was literately carrying a hobbit around haha!

"His people were of great strength and stature, bold and steadfast, mighty among the Children of Ilúvatar."
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 Post subject: Re: WOTR HOBBIT Releases Houserules by GtW
PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:25 pm 
Elven Elder
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Lorindol wrote:

Sounds fun sorry for not getting back to you earlier, glad you liked the Great Beast.

As for his durability, it sounds about right IMO, same as a Cave Drake. Then again a Defence of 8 plus VH2K would be as tough as a troll chieftain, maybe that would be better?

Vault Wardens are a tasty treat for a beast that is mighty.

Hobbits are a good idea for counters. As is the One Ring, Gollum et al.

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