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PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:52 pm 
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It has come to light that a replica of the RMS Titanic is to be built to offer "cruises and will be ready by 2016. At first I thought this could be a good idea - not so much the cruises side of things but the insight it could give future generations into this truly magnificent ship. However in discussion with a friend of mine who has close links with the Titanic and her story I realised just how wrong this proposal is.

The Titanic and her story serves as a memorial to over 1500 people who perished that night in the Atlantic. The time to rebuild and offer cruises will NEVER be right. The mere proposal itself is disrespectful to those who were lost and to the families left behind. The Titanic and her mysteries should stay a memorial to those people and not be turned into a money spinner cashing in on the death of all those people.

I have made a petition which if you feel anywhere nearly as strongly as myself and my associate please take the time and add your name to the list. I'm not sure what this will achieve but just feel that I have to try.

I am going to add the petition to my blog also and for those of you with Facebook and Twitter could you please spread the word. If anyone feels strongly enough that you would like to add the petition to your own blogs/ websites - please do so.


Thanks for your time.


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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:34 pm 
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I agree. Signed 8) :yay:

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:12 pm 

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Totally agree. One of those things that seems like only an insensitive prat could put forward as an actual idea. Signed.
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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:30 pm 
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Signed. And posted to my facebook page. Nice one. 8)

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:48 pm 
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Good to see the signatures and comments starting to come in. Keep them coming and spread the word. Need a lot of names to make them sit up and take notice.

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:15 am 
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signed. Only a fat rich fool like Clive Palmer would think this is in no way a disgrace to those who passed away.

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:37 am 
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For clarification, for me it's a case of respecting the wishes of survivors who openly disagreed with the idea of rebuilding another Titanic when the idea first started being suggested around 2000. The fact that they've all now passed on should not matter. Its not a floating museum it is a themed cruise where the rich can dress up in period costume and pretend to be characters from the original fateful voyage. Blatant abuse of an international tragedy for financial gain. There is no doubt it would put Southampton on the map and boost the local economy but should we sell our souls just to make money? No.

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:15 am 
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Theyre out of their minds to think its ok to do this.

Added to my blog


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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:20 am 
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ukfreddybear wrote:
...themed cruise where the rich can dress up in period costume and pretend to be characters from the original fateful voyage. Blatant abuse of an international tragedy for financial gain.

I totally agree

"pay a drunk to carve one out of soap than give GW more money"
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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:46 pm 
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Good news, A reporter with the Daily Mirror has agreed to publish the link in the story he is doing about Titanic II

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:35 pm 
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:D Thats awesome!!

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:38 pm 
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The letter I just wrote to my local newspaper and posted on 3 different Titanic Forums:

The sinking of the Titanic is without doubt the most notorious shipping disaster in history. A bizarre sequence of errors and events that led to the tragic loss of so many people - particularly those from Southampton. But they did not die in vain. The shipping industry was completely revolutionised as a direct result, in design, safety and communications, making our sea travel all the more safer today. Those that survived would be mentally and in some cases physically scarred for life, and for many it was too painful to recall. When talks of the original being raised were discussed, they unanimously disagreed with it. When rumours of a replica being built with the same name were surfaced around 13 years ago, they unanimously disagreed with it. There can be only one Titanic they said, and it was fated to lay at the bottom of the ocean. It must always stay that way.

Now that all survivors of Titanic have sadly passed away, should we be so quick to brush aside their wishes? There is no doubt that the eyes of the world would be on Southampton if the building of Titanic II were to commence and it sail from here in 2016. It would also create massive revenue for tourism here. But do we really want to be known as the Southampton, the City that sold its soul? I attended the promo at the Grand Café on Tuesday and was astonished to hear prospective passengers could dress up and act as characters from the doomed original voyage. If that isn’t bad taste then I don’t know what is. It seems that this new ship won’t be a full size memorial to all those who sailed upon her predecessor (as it is being billed), but rather a themed playground for the wealthy.

I am a descendant of a survivor, but even those without a direct connection to the disaster can surely see this is wrong. When asked why he is building Titanic II, Clive Palmer arrogantly responds ‘because I can’. I say the question should not be Why he is building it, but more so Should he be building it. And respectfully and morally the answer to that question must be no. There is a new online petition that has recently been started, calling for a stop to any plans for a Titanic II. I would invite anyone who believes like me that this whole affair is inappropriate to sign it.

Dave Fredericks


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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:24 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Guys, not to be rude, but aside from the fact that Clive Palmer might not have the highest of moral scales, it is a 100 years ago. People use Hitler for comedy sketches, with which we all laughed at some point, nearly everyone of you has played WWII games (COD, Medal of Honor, etc.), and quite a few of you probably have miniatures at home of horrible things that happened in the past 100 years or less. Yet we do not complain. Why now?

The intentions of this petition are noble, but let he who is without sin cast the first stone, so to speak. We've all been part of a system that makes money on past horrors, so it seems a bit odd to me to petition now.

I say, if you're against it, turn a blind eye, be angry about it, feel offended, whatever helps. You (and I'm talking to anyone really, not pointing fingers) may not like the idea, but others might. And fair enough, it is a cash-grab of epic proportions, but if anything, it revitalises awareness about the disaster. All of you are talking about it right now while most wouldn't have bothered ever to talk about it unless Leonardo's face pops up on screen.

And if it helps clarify my intentions, I'm not one of the supporters. :) Again, I'm not pointing fingers or passing judgement, just having thoughts about this.

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:31 pm 
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Not sure why you are bringing up ww2. Nobody is comparing Clive Palmer to Hitler. But all I can say to that is its a good job the allies didn't have your do nothing attitude when Hitler began his invade the world plan. There is no shame in standing up for something you believe strongly in. You say you do not intend to judge but that is exactly what you've just done. In my city 538 residents died in the disaster alone. My great grandfather was a survivor and was traumatized by the tragedy so please don't profess to me that the only reason we are talking about this is because of a James Cameron movie.

If you do not agree with our argument, then don't sign it. Simple.

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:18 pm 
Elven Warrior
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You are right saying nobody is comparing Clive to Hitler, because neither was I. :)
I brought up Hitler because WWII happened in the last 100 years and even more recently than the titanic disaster. Even so WWII caused 10000-fold the casualties of the Titanic disaster, and yet we play games etc. That's my point.

Furthermore I do not say YOU are talking about it because of a James Cameron movie, I'm talking about the 6 billion people not strongly affiliated with the Titanic Disaster. When I say I don't judge I mean to say I don't judge the intentions or the feelings of you and others that sign the petition because it is obviously close to heart, and I understand where it's coming from and agree with that. But let's not forget that people who are emotionally attached to this tragedy are very few in number compared to the world population. You seem to draw conclusions that offend you, but I meant no offence. :)

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:11 am 
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Whilst I agree in principal that as a percentage of the worlds population, people with a direct connection to the ship are miniscule in number, I disagree that that they are the only ones who should be offended by these plans. Anyone with a sense of moral decency and code of ethics can see that dressing up as dead people for recreation aboard an exact replica of a ship that sank isn't really on, and should be able to exercise their right of freedom of speech to say so. They are doing so through this petition.
I also wish you wouldnt keep on about the war. During wartime, mass casualties are expected, sad as that is. (And if you think that people don't care much about that either, just think back to the public outcry two years ago when Prince Harry went to a fancy dress party dressed as Hitler.) Nobody boarded Titanic expecting they might die. It is a completely different scenario and cannot be compared to events experienced in wartime. Because it happened 100 years ago, that makes it alright to masquerade as its victims does it? Or should we instead honour their wishes and just not build it? I know which side of the fence I am on.

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:39 am 
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Just signed it guys, how sick! I mean who would step foot on it?

Take any other large disaster, would you rebuild it, no. What some people will do to make money is just unbelievable.

Harfoots-The first of the Hobbit people to cross over the Misty Mountains and enter Eriador.
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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:47 am 
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Harfoot wrote:
Take any other large disaster, would you rebuild it, no. What some people will do to make money is just unbelievable.

I agree, It's a bit like making some reenactment of Hiroshima

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:40 pm 
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Been contacted by a national newspaper today - they want to write a story

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 Post subject: Re: TITANIC II PETITION
PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:46 pm 
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Wow are you going to do it?

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