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 Post subject: [spoilers] Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:27 pm 
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Firstly, I think it's great that we actually get a 'Big Bad' this time around instead of the ominous presence of Sauron, Secondly, what the hell happened to Bolg? Why has GW released a mini of him, intead of his old man? Where was Bolg in the film?? I personally can't wait for the Azog mini, and it just might push me to start an Orc army. Still, I thought Azog was brilliant, although I'm just not clear on things are going to go down.
P.S: Galadriel looking well sexy in the film. I'm gonna have to watch the film over and over again! :D

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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:31 pm 
Elven Warrior
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His meathook left ark was particularly gruesome, thought it looked amazing. And that flashback to Moria was brutal, where he decapitated Thorin's grandfather... He's pretty damn badass.

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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:48 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I also don't understand, why Bolg released now. I'm not sure, but maybe I saw Bolg for a second in the huge fight.
Azog figure is on my wishlist too.
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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:35 pm 
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Yeah, Bolg is in the Moria flashback for a second ;).

The only thing I can't get over with Azog is that he is almost butt naked, even during the war in the flashback. He would look and fit in better with some armour on.

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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:40 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Bartelomeus wrote:
Yeah, Bolg is in the Moria flashback for a second ;).

The only thing I can't get over with Azog is that he is almost butt naked, even during the war in the flashback. He would look and fit in better with some armour on.

I disagree. Those scars are awesome!
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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:11 pm 
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Scars? I thought they might be stretch marks, given his abnormal size. When the hobbit was going to be just two movies, Azog was not even in them, and Bolg was to be the main villain, which explains why he is featured in promotional stuff and why there is a mini of him. It was only after PJ was given the green light to make 3 movies that he decided to include Azog.

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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:32 pm 
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I'm hoping that they come out with an Azog version where he still has both arms. I just think he looked cool that way and for some reason thought the fork through the elbow detracted from him.
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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:55 pm 
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ukfreddybear wrote:
Scars? I thought they might be stretch marks, given his abnormal size. When the hobbit was going to be just two movies, Azog was not even in them, and Bolg was to be the main villain, which explains why he is featured in promotional stuff and why there is a mini of him. It was only after PJ was given the green light to make 3 movies that he decided to include Azog.

I'm pretty sure they were tattoos, or 'carvings' into his skin...

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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:29 pm 

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Bastion.HUN wrote:
I also don't understand, why Bolg released now. I'm not sure, but maybe I saw Bolg for a second in the huge fight.

I remember that in the film but I don't think that was Bolg as that orc was killed.(correct me if I am wrong). It did look a lot like him though.

My guess would be that Bolg will appear in films 2 and 3.
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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:03 pm 
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I hope the sculpt comes with a choice of having the arm attached or not.

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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:58 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Am I the only one then who hated Azog in the movie? I mean I hated everything about him in the movie: his appearance, his role and his over-poweredness.
I wish they would've stayed closer to the book(s) for Azog's story. I felt that his role now didn't add anything and just ruined a lot.
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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:31 pm 
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Fëanor, the mighty elf wrote:
Am I the only one then who hated Azog in the movie? I mean I hated everything about him in the movie: his appearance, his role and his over-poweredness.
I wish they would've stayed closer to the book(s) for Azog's story. I felt that his role now didn't add anything and just ruined a lot.

While I liked the look of him I didn't like that Dain didn't kill at Khaza-Dum him I make a comment about that in a different thread.
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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:35 pm 
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I agree Azog seemed overpowered. The Moria battle scene where he attacked Thorin was reminiscent of the Sauron/Isildur scene. I think they wanted a 'big baddie' for the first film before they could bring Smaug and the Necromancer in. But I don't know why they didn't let Thorin or even Bilbo kill Azog in that last battle scene. Also, I thought it would be easier and more Tolkien friendly if he was Bolg. That way it could be made more true to the original (and less confusing for me!) I was not a great fan of Azog's appearance either.
Also, the way that P.J. kinda condensed the war of the Dwarves and Orks into one battle (with first Thror's death then Azog's within minutes of each other, rather than months and years as they should be) meant Azog and all those orks seemed to have suddenly appeared out of no where, when there should have been a great and destructive war. I just find it could have been simpler if P.J had stayed abit closer to Tolkien on certain points. The thing is, I quite liked the idea orks hunting Thorin and Co, but I thought it was badly carried out. Never mind, I'm sure that the next couple of films will clear this up. Still, much of the story, aside from the added Azog stuff, was fairly true to the book, so I should be abit less critical. Still its often what you disagree with that stays in your mind.
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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:55 pm 
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^I don't consider the length of their war to be a major detail, as far as the film goes. It's more dramatic on film to have the events done in one battle rather than explain the war's whole history in a flashback story. What I'm dissapointed in is that they let Azog live at the end. He should have died at the end of the movie and then let Bolg carry out his revenge.

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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:40 pm 

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I am sure that GW will embrace the war between the Dwarves and Goblins in the coming months. For the last movies, GW produced figure and guide books for many of the Off-screen forces, such as Arnor and Angmar, so I think we will see GW do the same with this War.

There is already Grim Hammer dwarves (seen in the battle in the film) set for release, and I am sure that Azog will follow.

BTW did anyone catch the look of the soldiers of Dale--they looked like they were wearing Mongol atire.

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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:49 pm 
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Killerkatanas wrote:
BTW did anyone catch the look of the soldiers of Dale--they looked like they were wearing Mongol atire.

Moving off topic but when I saw it I thought of Slavic Peoples which I thought was fitting considering where they live.
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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:21 am 
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I personally loved Azog, and I'm definitely a purist. I think it's that the Hobbit itself is rather dull when compared to LotR, so they had to add something in to liven it up. My main problem with him was the end (and the fact that he didn't wear armor, he would look so much better, and be better with D7 ingame, if he wore armor), it didn't make any sense having Thorin be SO awesome in slow-motion, then suddenly lose so horribly and easily. They easily could have had a really cool fight scene where Thorin killed the White Warg or something before Azog nearly killed him, THEN you have Bilbo and the others rush in.

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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:14 am 
Elven Warrior
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Curufinwë wrote:
Killerkatanas wrote:
BTW did anyone catch the look of the soldiers of Dale--they looked like they were wearing Mongol atire.

Moving off topic but when I saw it I thought of Slavic Peoples which I thought was fitting considering where they live.

Or at least the sort of Turkish/Mongol inspired armour and weapons you often see in places like Eastern Europe, especially the Ukraine.

I liked it.

But, to get back on track, if Azog is part of the three movie deal, who was Thorin fighting (in the first trailer), which seemed to imply a similar scene to the climactic battle.

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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:29 am 
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I loved the film but I don't think Azog was particularly strong..... I think he was allowed in after they decided it was going to have three movies rather than 2, but all of the games, and toy makers already made their stuff. This happens often in films/toys actually.
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 Post subject: Re: Time for an Azog thread.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:19 pm 
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Draugluin wrote:
I personally loved Azog, and I'm definitely a purist. I think it's that the Hobbit itself is rather dull when compared to LotR, so they had to add something in to liven it up. My main problem with him was the end (and the fact that he didn't wear armor, he would look so much better, and be better with D7 ingame, if he wore armor), it didn't make any sense having Thorin be SO awesome in slow-motion, then suddenly lose so horribly and easily. They easily could have had a really cool fight scene where Thorin killed the White Warg or something before Azog nearly killed him, THEN you have Bilbo and the others rush in.

Best reply in this thread!!

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