Southern Fiefdoms updateHi everyone, hoping to flood this thread with images of finished models very soon. I've made changes to my Fiefdom collection, including purchasing some of the Perry Models! These are fantastic alternatives and are the closest range to Games Workshops own yet metals are only £1 each thereabouts! I've also added a few Reaper metals for character models, images to follow. These photos were taken last week so I'll post updates for the remaining models shortly.
Golasgil and the Anfalas Guard I've settled on a green tunic with gold details. Under-garments are white. I haven't found the courage to paint the shield emblem just yet. I think I will give the blue leather another highlight so that it looks more like the blue cloth worn by the Guard.
Hunters of AnfalasI was a bit sceptical about these Ebob miniatures fitting within the collection. They are so finely sculpted that they leave no room for painted error. After a light base coat I applied a variety of browns and greens, specifically no greys as a first layer. The reasoning behind the colour choice was to try to vary the uniforms for each fief/province etc. Here they are pre-wash. I won't be highlighting these, just applying different washes with differing strengths.

Breakdown of the colours of each Fief are as follows:
Morthond captures all these colours (green, grey and brown) and blue.
Fishermen of the Ethir were grey and blue with varying browns (no green).
The clans of Lamedon wear brown and greys.
The Men of the Ringlo Vale adorn grey.
The Anfalas Guard wear blue and green.
Pinnath Gelin reknowned for their green.
The men of Dol Amroth wear blue and white
Lossarnach black and green although I've kept GWs cream sash
Men of the Lebennin dress mainly in brown leathers with dark blue banners and tunics.
I've deliberately ignored the warmer spectrum, red specifically. I've started painting the Wardens of Pelargir using the House Baratheon colours from the Game of Thrones series (the guys with the black stag on gold shield) except the shield and cloak will be light grey with a hint of blue and the tabbard will be golden. Armour is all silver at present and under-cloth will be pale coloured, off-white perhaps.
Men of Pinnath GelinThese are Ebobs English knights with Gondorian heads. Basic colours blocked in. I've since washed both the armour and green tunic so it is rather darker now. The shield will incorporate green, white and gold, no more details as yet
Fishermen of the Ethir AnduinDetails of these are on a previous page. They are a delight to paint however I am a bit lazy so will not be adding highlights. So far the grey/blue cloth has been painted after the fleshy parts were tackled. And yes that involved simply washing a brown/flesh mix over a pale flesh coat. The remaining brown cloth sections will be browns and creams.
DuinhirThis was a chance find and a pleasure to paint! It is rrom REAPER MINIATURES and titled Ranger ZANDU VORCYON Pathfinder (item no. 60089). I think it was about £4.50 but then Reaper are fairly expensive.

You can see it unpainted below and next to other miniatures for an idea of scale. From left to right they are; Reaper (Veteran Knight JAMES ST. JOHNSON Dark Heaven Legends 02663), Reaper Ranger, Ebob Wallace, Crusader Miniatures converted to Dervorin and Captain of Lebennin

Final addition is this converted Salute Zero Five "George and the Dragon" miniature By Mark Copplestone, minus the dragon... I've added the top of Isildurs helmet and removed the original shield replacing it with a cast of the standard Minas Tirith shield. Could be a Commander of Pelargir alternative perhaps, not sure yet.

More to follow