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 Post subject: The Fall of Gondolin
PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 4:33 pm 
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I have finally gotten around to re-writing (and tweaking) the Fall of Gondolin scenario, as promised, that several friends and I did a couple of years back. Feel free to suggest changes, use, or just comment on.

Gondolin Profiles
Ecthelion 9/- 5 8 3 3 7 6/3/3
Gondolin Blade, Armor of Gondolin, Shield, Lord of the Fountain Court- 12” range for heroic moves instead of 6”, Spiky Helmet in the Fountain Court- w/in 3” of Fountain, if loses fight with 1 wound left, may choose to lose last wound and automatically slay one opponent regardless of profile.

Tuor 8/- 5 8 3 3 7 6/3/3
Dramborleg- +1 to wound rolls, Gondolin Armor, Shield, Blessing of Ulmo- for every wound he takes, Tuor gets free fate that passes on 5+, My Wife and Child- if enemy within 3” of Idril or Earendil, Tuor gets +1 S, A, F, -1D, and must try to charge model, if heroic move is needed.

Voronwe 6/- 5 7 2 2 6 3/2/3
Gondolin Blade, Gondolin Armor, shield, Guardian- if either Tuor, Idril, or Earendil are on the table, Voronwe passes all courage tests.

Idril 6 4 5 1 2 6 2/3/3
Gondolin Blade, Armor of Gondolin, Earendil- if Earendil is in combat Idril receives +1 A and must try to charge model that charged Earendil.

Earendil 3 3 5 1 1 5 0/0/2
Gondolin Dagger, Armor of Gondolin, Blessing of the Valar- Earendil gets one fate per wound he takes that passes on a 3+

Egalmoth 7 5 6 3 3 7 3/3/3
Gondolin Blade, Gondolin Armor, Final Blow- if killed in direct combat, he makes one strike against every model in direct combat with him.

Galdor 6 5 7 3 3 7 3/3/3
Gondolin Blade, Gondolin Armor

Maeglin 7 6 8 3 3 7 3/3/1
Anguirel, Gondolin Armor, shield, Hatred- If in combat with Tuor, gains F8 and may re-roll one die in deciding who wins the fight. Anguirel- ignores all armor and shield bonuses. Consider the defense reduction when taking wounding into account.

Lug 5/4+ 4 5 2 2 5 3/1/1
Orc Bow, armor, Expert Shot

Balcmeg 5 5 7 3 3 5 3/1/1
sword, heavy armor, shield

Orcobal 6 5 6 3 3 5 3/3/1
Two-handed weapon, heavy armor, Deadly Strength- no -1 for winning the fight with two-handed weapon- still gets +1 to wound and cannot be supported by spears

Othrod 5 4 7 3 3 6 3/3/1
Sword, shield, heavy armor, Master of Battle

Gothmog 10/3+ 9 9 4 10 7 */10/0
Sword, whip, resistant to magic, Mighty Hero- 1 free Might per turn, Master of Battle

Maeglin’s Folk 5/3+ 5 6/7 1 1 5 0/0/0
sword/ shield/spear/elf bow/hand weapon of Gondolin, armor of Gondolin- as a note, one might wonder why they have S5- they were reputed to be amongst the best smiths of Gondolin, or the miners, so combine that with Gondolin blade and one gets S5. The armor gives them survivability.

On account of the betrayal of Maeglin, the forces of Morgoth have found the City of Stone, the Hidden Realm of Gondolin. They have broken its gates and overtaken its walls. Rog and the forces of the house of the Hammer of Wrath have fallen in their great sally from the gates. Duilin and the house of the Swallow have perished upon the battlements. Various other houses have fallen heroically in defense of the city until now, at last, the defenders are backed into the King’s Court in the center of the city, the Court of the Fountain. There Ecthelion, Lord of the Fountain Court, Tuor, Voronwe, Glorfindel Lord of the House of the Golden Flower, Galdor of the House of the Tree, Egalmoth of the House of the Heavenly Arch, and the House of the King, Turgon’s House, there they make their stand against the surrounding armies of Morgoth.

But it is in that hour that great treachery strikes, for Maeglin and his household turn against Tuor and the folk of the Gondothlim. He moves upon Tuor’s home and kidnaps his wife Idril and child, Earendil. Those of Tuor’s guard that escape make it back to their lord and inform him of these doings, so, in the middle of the affray, Tuor makes for his home to confront Maeglin and rescue his wife and child.

Good- Ecthelion, Tuor, Voronwe, Idril, Earendil, Galdor, Egalmoth, Glorfindel, Lord of the West, Legolas. At this point, add every single elf you want to field- for a satisfactorily large battle, at least 100. The more the merrier! Notes on wargear below. The points do not matter. Note- if a model is normally a captain, use it as such.

Evil- Gothmog Lord of Balrogs, Lug, Balcmeg, Orcobal, Othrod. Add dragons and Balrogs to taste (personally I don’t recommend more than 3 Balrogs total including Gothmog and no more than 3 dragons). Proceed to add any other nasty evilish thing that would appropriately be there- Ghulavar, Cave Drake- it has to be either draconic or demonic. Finally, add any and every type of orc in your collection. Orc being used in the broad sense- goblins, orcs, and uruks are welcome! Note- if a model is normally a captain, use it as such. Also on the evil are Maeglin and his house (24 or so of them- mix of weapons).

Use a large board. Personally, I would go at least 6’x4’- which is what I did when playing this scenario. Ruins, buildings in complete repair- however you would like! Put a wall on one of the short ends of the board and have at least 1 building touching it- this is the House of Tuor and is important for a number of reasons. Otherwise, make sure that the setup is like that of a city, meaning leave room for streets. There must be a pool/ fountain more or less one foot from one of the long edges of the board, in the center of said long edge. This fountain and Tuor’s home are the only landmarks that are necessary.

Idril and Earendil begin in Tuor’s House in base contact with Maeglin. His folk start within 12” of him. All good models (excepting Idril and Earendil) may start anywhere on the board so long as they are at least 12” from all board edges except the one closest to the fountain and are not within 12” of Maeglin’s Folk. Evil starts off the board and moves on the first turn. They may move on from all areas designated as streets from the short board without the wall and the long board edge directly opposed to the Fountain.

Good- slay Maeglin, hold out for 20 turns, have 1/10th of the good forces escape, Tuor, Idril, Earendil, and Glorfindel must escape as part of those. Good models, after the 20th turn, may escape by simply moving into Tuor’s house.
Evil- kill all good models, or one of the following- Tuor, Idril, Earendil, Glorfindel.

Special Rules-
Idril, Earendil, Maeglin- Idril and Earendil start as prisoners of Maeglin- he may drag them both 3” per turn. If he reaches the top of the wall then he may attempt to throw Earendil off- roll a die, on a 4+ he succeeds and throws him off. Might from both Maeglin and Earendil and Idril may be used to influence this roll. At the end of every turn Maeglin must fight both Idril and Earendil- he cannot strike blows if he wins. If they win, they may strike blows, and are freed as a result. Maeglin may capture them again by winning a combat against them. Maeglin’s folk will not fight against either Idril or Earendil, though they will fight any other good model.

War Beyond Hope- The forces of good do not take courage tests for being reduced below half-strength in this scenario.

Wargear of Gondolin- all models from Gondlin are armed with a Gondolin blade and their strength is modified as a result of this. Thus, a high elf warrior would have a S4, rather than S3. This applies to Maeglin’s Folk as well and is included in their profile.

Limitless Horde- The evil armies are beyond count- all non-named models on the evil side will return at the beginning of each turn. For monstrous creatures one must roll a die- on a 5+ it returns.

Taking the City- Every 12” from either of the evil board edges is a new “re-spawn point” for the evil armies that may be taken or re-taken. They are taken, simply speaking, when there is no good model between the 12” line and the evil board edge. At that point, the evil models may re-spawn from 12” away from the evil board edge, rather than moving in from the evil board edge. All evil models (no matter where they appear from) may act as normal on the turn they enter play, except they may not charge, though they may be charged.

The idea behind this scenario is that there is a limitless evil horde sweeping through the city of Gondolin, in which the defenders (also very numerous) are preparing their final stand against the hordes of Morgoth. As such, so long as the good and evil forces are numerically similar, it should result in a fairly even battle (at least, one that seems so). In the event that the good forces are falling like leaves, reduce the number of turns (try 10). In the event that the good forces are hammering the evildoers without falling themselves, reduce the numbers of the good models, or lengthen the number of turns. Have fun, and enjoy using a very large number of models!

" the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”

Last edited by Valamir on Mon May 14, 2012 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: The Fall of Gondolin
PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2012 1:58 am 
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If I recall correctly gondolin did not fall that day ;)
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 Post subject: Re: The Fall of Gondolin
PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:17 pm 
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Nope. How very unfortunate for the evildoers. :) Not so historically accurate, but oh well.

" the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”
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 Post subject: Re: The Fall of Gondolin
PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2012 8:29 am 
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Did Maeglin not wield Anguirel? His father eol's black sword? I think he stole it before he and his mother fled to back to gondolin!If so that blade needs some serious special rules, it can cut through any other metal on middle earth!

All Hail The Lord of Light, R'hllor, for the night is dark and full of terrors!
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 Post subject: Re: The Fall of Gondolin
PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2012 10:02 pm 
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Hmm. Very good question- I shall find the answer. If so, I would probably just give him a 4+ for wounding- unless anyone has any particularly special ideas for it. :) Feel free to contribute.

" the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”
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 Post subject: Re: The Fall of Gondolin
PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 3:56 pm 
Elven Elder
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Maybe have it negate all Armor/Heavy Armor/Shield defense bonus'.

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 Post subject: Re: The Fall of Gondolin
PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 5:31 pm 
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Mmm. That would achieve close to the same effect, but would still leave room for those nice D5 armorless heroes to be a nuisance. I think that I like this idea, and shall add it.

" the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”
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