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 Post subject: Sprays, Washes and a fast stripper :P
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:03 pm 
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Hi there,
I have three things which I am curious about and if you could please provide help with any of them it would be great...

1) Is a black undercoat spray can dramatically better than simply undercoating with chaos black paint? and can you spray over the top of an already painted model or would this simply loose the figure's detail?

2) Are the citadel washes worth buying, or would watering down black and brown etc. do pretty much the same job?

3) What is a good way to get paint of a model within around 24h?

(I'm talking about metal models if it makes a difference)

Thanks a lot

Legolas31 :D :legolas:
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 Post subject: Re: Sprays, Washes and a fast stripper :P
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:22 pm 
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I'll do my best:

1) I think it gives you more of an even coverage than with a brush and never tried it but I would say strip the model and start over rather than spraying over the top of old paint. I much prefer a sprayed undercoat to a painted undercoat personally anyway.

2) Just mixing paint with water should be adequate if you get the right balance.

3) Definitely get Dettol Antiseptic Liquid (all the big supermarkets should have it). Use it undiluted, soaking the models for ~24hrs it'll strip both Plastic and Metal fairly easily. I usually give each model 2 soaks to make sure but the ones I'm stripping had paint on them that wasn't watered down originally which made it more difficult to remove, so you may be fine with 1 soaking. The glue bonds shouldn't be affected either, at least they haven't been in my experience. Link to the dettol just to avoid any confusion about which one I mean: ... ene-liquid

Might be worth experimenting a bit on an old model for 1) and 2) because its the kind of thing where I don't think there is a right/wrong answer as such.
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 Post subject: Re: Sprays, Washes and a fast stripper :P
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:38 pm 
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CaptainOfTheWhiteTower wrote:
I'll do my best:

1) I think it gives you more of an even coverage than with a brush and never tried it but I would say strip the model and start over rather than spraying over the top of old paint. I much prefer a sprayed undercoat to a painted undercoat personally anyway.

2) Just mixing paint with water should be adequate if you get the right balance.

3) Definitely get Dettol Antiseptic Liquid (all the big supermarkets should have it). Use it undiluted, soaking the models for ~24hrs it'll strip both Plastic and Metal fairly easily. I usually give each model 2 soaks to make sure but the ones I'm stripping had paint on them that wasn't watered down originally which made it more difficult to remove, so you may be fine with 1 soaking. The glue bonds shouldn't be affected either, at least they haven't been in my experience. Link to the dettol just to avoid any confusion about which one I mean: ... ene-liquid

Might be worth experimenting a bit on an old model for 1) and 2) because its the kind of thing where I don't think there is a right/wrong answer as such.

ok thanks for the help, that dettol antiseptic thing looks pretty easy to get and good value aswell, do you put the figure in a glass or something or wipe it with brush or cloth?
Think i may test the spray then, there is old versions of gw spray on amazon for around 1/3 of the price!
Been testing the water/paint mix, may upgrade to a brown or black gw wash now,

Thanks again :)
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 Post subject: Re: Sprays, Washes and a fast stripper :P
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:50 pm 
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I use a plastic container with a lid but if you don't have one of those to hand then you could improvise with a yoghurt pot with a piece of card over the top. Put them in there for roughly 24 hrs (overnight would probably do tbh) and then scrub them with an old toothbrush. Wear rubber gloves because the dettol can be an irritant on your hands and put plenty of newspaper down, particularly if the paint was applied thickly as it gets messy (I didn't realise quite how messy it does get until I started).

You can reuse the dettol time after time but I like to change it after a while because you get a build up of flakes of paint in the container. Some people like to use a large quantity in a bucket but I prefer a smaller container for that reason.

As a price guide, in Sainsburys the smaller 1 will cost £2.55 and £3 for the next size up. Not too sure how much it costs elsewhere. If you get stuck with anything feel free to ask me again because I'm dettoling every weekend at the moment (and for quite some time to come by the looks of it).
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 Post subject: Re: Sprays, Washes and a fast stripper :P
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:10 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Oh this thread is way more dissapointing then I thought.:( ;)

White spirit does the trick of stripping for me usually. :)

"Mickey, my friend!"
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 Post subject: Re: Sprays, Washes and a fast stripper :P
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:50 pm 
Elven Elder
Elven Elder
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I never strip paint, I just reundercoat. It hasnot remob=ved any detail whatsoever. I only ever have done it to (metal) Gorbag, a metal Mordor Troll and 6 plastic Morannon Orcs and all were fine. All but Gorbag can be seen in my WIP.

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