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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:56 am 
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Maybe, but that would require a complete rewrite of the rules and GW isn't going to do that now that they've gone and published 5 new sourcebooks. As things are, the infantry have to be written relative to cavalry, so that means they should be slower than 10".

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:27 am 
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"Those cavalry are effectively getting a (small) nerf if the enemy has cheaper and faster infantry that can outnumber and overrun them quickly. Not that GW ever cared about the Law of Unintended Consequences. :-X" keep in mind that these are most likely scout urks, aka D5 not D6 that also can not charge in the turn they move 11" which means that if they go first, all they can do is run up to enemy models and attack them verbally that turn and let them charge them and hope for the best (and if those are calvary, then losing a battle probably means 4 chances to be wounded on a 5+ which is pretty much a sure death) OR if they move second, they move 1" away from their opponants and hope they win next turns priority or see the side note from point 1. So alot of room for something to go wrong there, which means that odds are, the drums will get used in the meta game when 11" move will only be able to secure parts of the field. (a significant boon, don't get me wrong, but it also comes with a point penalty) So while this may seem overpowered on paper, my forces of Rohan rest easy and know that a measuring stick is your best defence against a drummer on the field.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:48 am 
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Remember that it's 11" when they have 2 upgrades. So points are down for teh whole army, you can easily take out the drummer with archers and cavalry get the knock down rules (which is waht makes them great) so it isn't game breaking.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:57 am 
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Just quickly, I thought I'd provide a shot of the Great Beast's components:
Top left - Howdah components (4), Top right - the Orcs

All the Orcs are individual and quite nice models should you wish to use them on regular bases or a diorama. Or if you want to make Grond, I'm sure you could find buyers for the Orcs fairly easily. The Great Beast itself is a touch problematic as the two halves don't even fit together, though I've been recommended placing it in hot water and reshaping it together. Apparently this gives a really flush fit which means I won't even need greenstuff for any gaps.
Oh and despite it being resin, it's feels quite solid. I can't imagine how heavy the monstrosity would be in metal :P
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:27 am 

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Did you noticed that GW changed the minis in the FOTR box?

From this

to this

:( :sad: :-X

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:11 am 
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Yeah, that occurred a while ago. They scrapped all their Fellowship kits and combined them into that one. You'll notice that the sculpts are taken from a range of different sets.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:28 am 
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cal585 wrote:
The Great Beast itself is a touch problematic as the two halves don't even fit together,

Oh great !!! Why am I not surprised :roll:

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:06 am 
Elven Warrior
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Thanks for posting Cal, when you say put it in hot water won't that mess the details up? Would greenstuff not fix the problem or are the gaps that big? Really interested in buying this one!

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:48 am 
Elven Elder
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Well, I have just phoned my local GW hs morning to reserve and the Great Beast is one of those.

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:24 pm 
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The problem was actually mentioned by the GW staff when I went up to buy it. I'm not sure if it is all of them or just that batch. But the two halves will not fit together. You can get the back flush for example but then everything else is way out. I'm not too fussed though, it was incredibly simple to fix. I just filled up an old plastic lunchbox which I use to wash my minis in prior to undercoating with hot water and after being immersed a few seconds the resin was warm enough to bend. You can bend it a bit like a metal model but that wasn't really my purpose.

What I actually did was to go outside and undercoat a couple of models while it was sitting in the water and then came back in a few minutes later. When I picked up the two halves they actually fitted together properly. I didn't even really do anything. I don't know if I did something unintentionally but I suppose by putting pressure on them by pushing them together that they bent back into shape. I spent a while more trying to get the head flush without success. It's not a perfect fit and I'll need to use a small amount of greenstuff for some minute gaps but it's looking pretty good and was quite hassle-free. I must say that I'm impressed.

Oh, and the warmth doesn't make it fragile, at least not the temperate I had (which was just straight hot water out of the tap) and I didn't experience any loss of details. I'm going to be building/painting him and Ashrak over the next couple of days in my blog so I can hopefully provide a few more updates :)
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:13 pm 
Elven Warrior
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That's amazing! Quite weird how it becomes bendy but no details are lost! You've sold it, i'm going to have to buy one! Is this the future for miniature conversions i wonder... thanks again

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:14 pm 
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Well i ordered the 3 new big monsters on line from GW and they have not turned up yet, so i went to my local GW in salisbury today and bought the Easterling Kataphrakts and mounted War Priest, they are all very, very good.


you get 2 drummers in the kit so i converted a foot solider to a drummer. You also get 2 standards.

The quality of the horses are fantastic really nicely sculptured with thin, strong legs, the best horses yet. But the old metal ones are better in some ways with more strapping on the rear of the horse.

Looking forward to painting them.

Harfoots-The first of the Hobbit people to cross over the Misty Mountains and enter Eriador.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:34 pm 
Elven Elder
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Would it be possible to convert one of the dead models to be a drummer without it looking ridiculous?

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:35 pm 
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Thanks for the pics you two, its good having a view other than gw's painted versions. Wow the war priest looks great, good knews about the spare flag and drums, what are the easterling casualties like, the same as the ones in the box set of bodies?
The great beast looks nice too, a lot bigger than expected!
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:11 pm 

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I purchased to rohan and minas tirith command, rohan is fine the other has issues. banner and horn blower are missing half their face and have big bubbles beneath the arms.

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:15 pm 

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Harfoot wrote:
Well i ordered the 3 new big monsters on line from GW and they have not turned up yet

In order to get them on day of release you need to order them by the sunday before and have them delivered to the store.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:33 am 
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Harfoot wrote:
Looking forward to painting them.

You built those minis already? You work fast!

I'd love a set of the new easterlings but I've no excuse at the moment because I don't collect easterlings. Saddening.

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:19 am 
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Easterlings look great. So let me get this straight, if the great beast does not stick together, then put it in warm water and then it'll beable to bend so i can make sure that it is fixed? And a guarentee of no detail loss or strength loss?
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:22 am 
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Do the Easterlings need a specific hero to upgrade to F4? I'm thinking of buying the mounted Dragon Knight at the same time as my books, but if I need Amdur or someone else for F4, I'll get that instead. F4 Easterling front line backed up by Morannon Orc spears...F4 Easterlings punch holes in the Dwarf shield wall, allowing Morannons to engage the D6 archers which my opponent always keeps there...

Also, I'm guessing a warband will have to consist of only one model type? So I would have to get separate heroes to lead by 6 Kataphrakts I am getting, and then another to lead my 5 Khandish horsemen?



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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:42 am 
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Maermaethor wrote:
Do the Easterlings need a specific hero to upgrade to F4? I'm thinking of buying the mounted Dragon Knight at the same time as my books, but if I need Amdur or someone else for F4, I'll get that instead. F4 Easterling front line backed up by Morannon Orc spears...F4 Easterlings punch holes in the Dwarf shield wall, allowing Morannons to engage the D6 archers which my opponent always keeps there...

Also, I'm guessing a warband will have to consist of only one model type? So I would have to get separate heroes to lead by 6 Kataphrakts I am getting, and then another to lead my 5 Khandish horsemen?



As far as I understand it, it is quite litterally mix and match. So for pure demonstration purposes, you could have the dragon knight lead 6 kats, 5 kands, and a easterling all in the same warband. Only limit is it can only be a troop type from their list. So you can't have aragorn with dwarves in his list.
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