Got to read majority of the books today

Right, some changes I remember:
Elves are good. Thranduil can upgrade all woodelf warriors to havea 2+ shoot value for two pts, his staff is now better, can cast natures wrath once a game
balin axe upgrade got cheaper by 10pts, if you take the duo-friend dwarfs, warriors/rangers can be upgraded to S4 for 2pts
If you take durin, you can buy what is effectively bodyguard rule for 2pts
Thinks thats about it that was WHOA
You can take tom and goldberry in normal games......
Rohan still the same, outriders aren't heroes.
the marksman dude re-rolls 1's, and if he slays a monster or hero gets his might replenished I think
Grey company are practicaly unplayable. You need 1 ranger/dunedain for every 4, but the ranger/dunedain CANNOT lead a warband, so you still need other characters..
Riders of the dead are cavalry! But they only have 1 character, the king, who still sucks.
Err.. think thats it
Cave drake got M/W/F, think its 1/3/1? Similar to that, and a 25pt rise
The stand on rock big hat character makes fury a 5+ rather than 6+ whilst he's alive (no range!), 5 pts cheaper than goblin king
prowlers and blackshields are 1pt more.
Gundabad shaman got the reroll 1's against dwarves and elves, which works with tremor..
spectres got blades of dead, and their ability cant make models move into combat.
For some reason in Moria the spiderqueen is a single character (cant lead warbands) but in Moria isn't... oh and costs 115 pts for same stats and rules as before, spiders are 5pts less
beast shaman can upgrade spiders to reroll ALL wounds
spider character has an ability where if you wound him, or he wounds you he paralyses you like a barrow wight, other than that he's shaman.
Dweller is ok, only D5 is its downside. 3W, 3A, gets wounds back when it kills someone.
Mauhur makes all uruk scouts 8" move for 1pt (better!), ally in a blak guard drummer for movement 11"

sharkey and worm are in there, cant remember what they do, but they're CHEAP
amdur gained the not fall over rule.
Easterling kataphrakts get wardum (same as orc drum, +3", effects all easterlings and Khand)
Easterlings can upgrade to F and C4 for 2pts
corsair arbalesters aren't unarmed in combat.
harad can have 50% bows if they only use certain warriors
warriors can be upgraded to either C4 for 1pt, or shoot value 3+ for 2pts, cost 1pt more than before
Warbands work as 1 hero leads 12 warriors, bow limit goes across army, not warbands unless you ally in other lists.. heroes don;t have to lead anyone. If a hero consists of 2 models, like elf twins, you pick one as leader, other counts as a warrior (so 2 heros and 11 guys)