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 Post subject: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:09 pm 
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Down at gw this after noon for a 40k game (which was fun) when a GW employee walked up to me and said "hey you coming in on saturday, well you should, new white dwarf spanking new modells too". "What models?" i asked, "cant tell you" he said. (Damm) "Ill tell you this, LOTR".

So as he's already seen the white dwarf as he said, and seen these anonymous minis. So number 1: cool. 8) number 2: its good to have a lotr release as its been...too long. :-X and 3: WHAT COULD THEY BE?? :roll:

So if this is true, then what some of us thought about no new releases before the hobbit is wrong. Cant wait to see what they are.

I have my issues with GW but in the end, secretly, I am a GW fanatic.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:28 pm 
Elven Warrior
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IM A ENT!!! wrote:
Down at gw this after noon for a 40k game (which was fun) when a GW employee walked up to me and said "hey you coming in on saturday, well you should, new white dwarf spanking new modells too". "What models?" i asked, "cant tell you" he said. (Damm) "Ill tell you this, LOTR".

So as he's already seen the white dwarf as he said, and seen these anonymous minis. So number 1: cool. 8) number 2: its good to have a lotr release as its been...too long. :-X and 3: WHAT COULD THEY BE?? :roll:

So if this is true, then what some of us thought about no new releases before the hobbit is wrong. Cant wait to see what they are.

:shock: :shock: :shock: THATS REALY NICE! Please take some photos! I want to see them too!!! Because there is no GW SHop on my country...or any shop that would possible sell the new LOTR mini' s :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:33 pm 
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Hope they are not re-releases in finecast..

If they are new models it's gonna be so cool :D

Can't wait can't wait.. keep us informed!

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:36 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Whatevier wrote:
Hope they are not re-releases in finecast..

If they are new models it's gonna be so cool :D

Can't wait can't wait.. keep us informed!

Indeed..i hope its not re-releases in finecast too...would be a disappointment :-X

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:44 pm 

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From TLA:
So, while I was at my local GW, chatting with the manager (who was completely unaware of the changes for LotR), the new issue of WD came in. Sadly, he couldn't show me the inside, but he did manage to give me some information, which I'll gladly share with you.
(For those of you doubting this, keep in mind my track record whenever new rules came out in WD)

There will be three larger kits. Two of them will be priced at €50, whereas the third is €35. All three are Finecast.
It was heavily implied that one of the €50 kits is the Watcher in the Water, though not outright stated.
The plastic cavalry set is either Kataphrakts or a new Easterling cavalry type.
Easterlings are heavily represented in this wave.
Apart from the single plastic kit and the three larger kits, there will be several new characters released in Finecast.
There are mounted characters.
The characters haven't been released before, so they're not yet another reissue of Aragorn and the like.
There is some Elven stuff released as well.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:52 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Dînadan wrote:
From TLA:
So, while I was at my local GW, chatting with the manager (who was completely unaware of the changes for LotR), the new issue of WD came in. Sadly, he couldn't show me the inside, but he did manage to give me some information, which I'll gladly share with you.
(For those of you doubting this, keep in mind my track record whenever new rules came out in WD)

There will be three larger kits. Two of them will be priced at €50, whereas the third is €35. All three are Finecast.
It was heavily implied that one of the €50 kits is the Watcher in the Water, though not outright stated.
The plastic cavalry set is either Kataphrakts or a new Easterling cavalry type.
Easterlings are heavily represented in this wave.
Apart from the single plastic kit and the three larger kits, there will be several new characters released in Finecast.
There are mounted characters.
The characters haven't been released before, so they're not yet another reissue of Aragorn and the like.
There is some Elven stuff released as well.

What about blisters? Those new Characters will be in the Larger kit's only? Or will be available new blisters too??

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:55 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Hope it's some light cavalry for the Easterlings, I still haven't assembled my metal Kataphrakts, they were such a pain to do so.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:13 pm 
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Whatevier wrote:
Hope they are not re-releases in finecast..

If they are new models it's gonna be so cool :D

Can't wait can't wait.. keep us informed!

Guys there may be re finecasts version models, but the employee was clear that the models are ones no customer has ever seen (yet). So it could be both finecast re do's and new spanking models or just spanking new models, which is great. Unfortunatley for me this is going to test my phsycological powers to resist buying the new models as i promised myself not to buy any more LOTR before the hobbit and spend my full hobby budget on 40k (sorry but ive been collecting LOTR since the movies came out and i need a change until the hobbit :) ) But will see depends on what the models are.

Chris i can take some photos if you like, but you could just go onto the gw site in a 4 days time and look it up :).

I have my issues with GW but in the end, secretly, I am a GW fanatic.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:20 pm 
Elven Warrior
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IM A ENT!!! wrote:
Whatevier wrote:
Hope they are not re-releases in finecast..

If they are new models it's gonna be so cool :D

Can't wait can't wait.. keep us informed!

Guys there may be re finecasts version models, but the employee was clear that the models are ones no customer has ever seen (yet). So it could be both finecast re do's and new spanking models or just spanking new models, which is great. Unfortunatley for me this is going to test my phsycological powers to resist buying the new models as i promised myself not to buy any more LOTR before the hobbit and spend my full hobby budget on 40k (sorry but ive been collecting LOTR since the movies came out and i need a change until the hobbit :) ) But will see depends on what the models are.

Chris i can take some photos if you like, but you could just go onto the gw site in a 4 days time and look it up :).

ok thanks! 8)

Want to see all my work and my collection of mini's? Check here
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:24 pm 
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Constantine wrote:
Hope it's some light cavalry for the Easterlings, I still haven't assembled my metal Kataphrakts, they were such a pain to do so.

I can relate to that, i bet there like the dol amroth metals, that just didnt go togther and you would need like a truck load of green stuff.

I have my issues with GW but in the end, secretly, I am a GW fanatic.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:31 pm 
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Here are the first photos.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:36 pm 
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Here is some more information, translated via Google.

    * LOTR Rules of strategic battles in hardcover, 50 €, no timetable but I assume it is for the February 4 as the rest.
    * Mines of Moria, the box already exists, € 65 and no date set.
    * The Watcher in the Water (the ugly bug Moria Gate, really nice mini, 10cm high and 18 cm long), 56 € and FINECAST ... for February 4.
    * Great Beast Gorgoroth (a kind of Rhino with a lot of ugly orcs of Mordor in the hump), 56 € and FINECAST too ... for February 4. "Rhino" avec des du Mordor orchestrated south are two.
    * Cataphracts del Este, box of 6 minis with control group, 29 € and plastic for the February 4. Includes cataphracts dead.
    * Dragon Knight (hero of The Horse), blister FINECAST € 18.25 for the February 4.
    * Militant Priest (cleric of the East Riding), blister FINECAST € 18.25 for the February 4.
    * Amdur, Lord of the Sword (foot and horse), blister of 26 € FINECAST for the February 4.
    * Grôblog king of the deep (a goblin with a crown by the jet aberronchado to live in a column rocaje dwarf), blister FINECAST € 12.50 for the February 4.
    * Ashraka, related to spiders (a goblin shaman), € 12.50 FINECAST blister for the February 4 but puts the January 14 but that is a little difficult unless it is in the warp ... although being Finecast not recommend it.
    * Raider Worg (a wolf billet with 3 riders in the hump goblin), blister FINECAST € 19.50 for the February 4. A avec gros loup gobelins 3 cavaliers south are two.
    * LOTR low (a lot of deaths of various races) and 23.50 for the February 4. As it goes on the list price is only new direct sales. Figurines représentant des morts (comme des Pions objectif in quelque sorte) of various races (ou pas des des morts vivants esprits).
    * Rohan Commanders (2 heroes, standard and musician, some are the same that were in metal), box of 31 € FINECAST for the February 4.
    * Commanders Dwarves (2 heroes, standard and musician, some are the same that were in metal), box of 31 € FINECAST for the February 4.
    * Commanders Galadhrim Elf (hero Tell the hand, magician and musician banner are the same ones that were already in metal), box of 31 € FINECAST for the February 4.
    * Commanders of Gondor (2 heroes, standard and musician, some are the same that were in metal), box of 31 € FINECAST for the February 4.
    * Dweller in Darkness (a kind of demon that seems to have been kicked in saving is the part), 32.50 FINECAST box for the February 4.
    * Books for LOTR: Fallen Kingdoms, Free Peoples, Kingdoms of Men, Mordor, Moria and Angmar, € 19.50 per book, if it does not cover hard or soft but it sure is soft for that price, for the February 4 as well.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:39 pm 
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OMG!!!!!!! those are awsome!!!!

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:00 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Wow.. I am stunned.

Time to get my Easterlings back out!

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:01 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Aside from the obvious big kits that warrant discussion... noticed the Easterling Cavalry includes a drummer. Perhaps a hint that "musicians" will play a more prominant role in the "new" SBG.

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:02 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Oh yeah, I love the watcher and the Great Beast Gorgoroth!!! I also like the deaths.
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:05 pm 
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Nice to see some of the existing Easterlings are getting mounted versions and a foot/mounted Amdur.

I hope that sets the tone for completing missing models (like Sons of Eorl on foot).
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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:07 pm 
Elven Warrior
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:shock: :D That's so cool!! I love Easterlings a lot, and everything else sound really cool as well. Thanks for posting Farmer Maggot!


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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:13 pm 
Elven Elder
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I can hardly contain my exitement. Thank you very much, I have added thatt page to my favourites, I cannot help but keep looking at them, I want at least one of nearly everythingh there. Blast it couldn't they have been released in January I have Christmas and Birthday money.

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 Post subject: Re: NEW release LOTR models
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:16 pm 
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I've been saving my birthday money, knowing that something had to come out at least by December this year. Wasn't expecting to be able to spend it so soon.
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