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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:44 am 
Elven Elder
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Jobu wrote:
In the UK or in the US?

And it now says 6-7weeks for mounted RRG.
But Castellans ship in 24 hours
Axeman of lossarnach are also 8-9 weeks.
Men at arms are 3-4 weeks.

I am in the UK but i do thin they keep changes, the only guaranteed ones are those No Longer Available.

CaptainOfTheWhiteTower wrote:
Could be more to follow, on the UK site right now you can't add the Mordor Orcs Boxset to your basket.

Thanks to you I have just noticed them do that. It would seem silly of GW to stop one of their best selling plastic LOTR sets but I have guess of why, and if I am right, the Orc Drummer and Taskmaster will soon be no longer available too and possibly (but less likely the Shaman). This is because I think they may be reworking the box set after the success of the SKoDA and MKs etc to incorporate plastic command model options into the set. I hope I am right, but GW may just be eejits.

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:14 pm 
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[quote="GothmogtheWerewolfGW may just be eejits.[/quote]

WTF is an eejit?

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:36 pm 
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Telchar wrote:
[quote="GothmogtheWerewolfGW may just be eejits.

WTF is an eejit?[/quote]

eejit = idiot

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:22 am 
Elven Elder
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Telchar wrote:
[quote="GothmogtheWerewolfGW may just be eejits.

WTF is an eejit?[/quote]

Sorry, as Beowulf says, I forget that not everyone knows what it menas, i like the word 'eejit' better than 'idiot'

EDIT: Aslo, more items have been removed from the site, I have re-edited my original post to iclude them as well.

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:02 pm 

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'Mordor Orcs'
'Haldir's Elves with bows'
'Gandalf the grey mounted'
'Kamul the easterling ft+mounted'
are 'no longer available' could just be out of stock but no sign of a ' will deliver in 2-3 weeks' ect!

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:47 pm 
Elven Elder
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OLD NEWS Read from page 7 of this thread, the list is much longer than that Khamul will likely be in FC III along with other mentioned on page 3, Orcs are a mystery. and I have already explainned Gandalf (the ft version is in the fellowship FCset) and haldir's Elves would obviously go because they're already in plastic. READ PAGE 7.

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:00 pm 
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Tried to buy 4 boxes of Mordor Orcs from Wargames Foundry (25% off RRP). Got an e-mail saying they couldn't supply all but one of the four boxes I ordered.

Two things.

a) Call me 'old fashioned' but you shouldn't really advertise something for sale that you don't have;

b) Yep! Mordor Orcs look like becoming a 'collector's item'.


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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:27 pm 

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BoromirofIpswich wrote:
Tried to buy 4 boxes of Mordor Orcs from Wargames Foundry (25% off RRP). Got an e-mail saying they couldn't supply all but one of the four boxes I ordered.

Two things.

a) Call me 'old fashioned' but you shouldn't really advertise something for sale that you don't have;

b) Yep! Mordor Orcs look like becoming a 'collector's item'.


You would think that the website would automatically deduct what they have sold and only advertise what stock they have, and i don't know about mordor orcs, maybe they're going to re release them in more interesting poses, I think them and the warriros of minas tirith could be re done for better poses ect, guess we'll just have to wait and see, I can't see the discontinuing them as they're such a major part of the storyline and hobby, guess we'll have to wait and see :)

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:29 pm 
Elven Elder
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@Abminiatures, I asked you to read my theory on MOrdor Orcs which is that they will be released (not just in different 'poses') but with plastic command optyions included in the set!

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:39 pm 
Elven Warrior
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote: theory on MOrdor Orcs which is that they will be released (not just in different 'poses') but with plastic command optyions included in the set!...

thats not new for us because we already create our own conversions with new poses and weapons, and is only a new way to increase even more the prices?

I already gave up on the GW! I am looking for forums which allow you to buy and sell minis, and I bought several boxes and bliesters very cheap .. and not have to wait 2 weeks! And often wait 2 weeks and then they say that there is not available, or that I can only get half of what I asked!!

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:52 pm 
Elven Elder
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Chris wrote:
it is only a new way to increase even more the prices?

It certainly is. GW are always trying that. You know originally, I always bought the official models (includuing metals) for everything, but then the prices increased from ridiculous to ludicrous and I have had to adapt to avoid bancrupcy and a small army.

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:07 am 
Elven Warrior
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There is still much demand for miniatures lord of the rings and are nothing cheap ... do not know what they are doing ... why do not deliver half of the requests? why remove countries from the list? my country is no longer on the list of GW from a lot of time ........... GW has become a company that does not want to sell? lol? :x

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:14 am 
Elven Elder
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GW are a puzzle to me to, I am sure this a thread in 'news and rumours' somewhere in which someone comments on GW's ludicrosity, but I can't remember what it is. Anyway, GW are eejits, they want to make more money so they put the proces up which makes people like them less. There's a lot more too, anyway, on my next visit, I will put a question to the friendly local GW employees, to see what they make of it.

EDIT: Another item removed from site, see page 7.

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 Post subject: Re: Easterlings in Finecast?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:40 am 
Elven Elder
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Dwarf Command II and Dwarf Command I
Isengard Uruk-hai Commanders
Galadhrim Banner Bearer
Elven Stormcaller
Haradrim Command

FYI, all of these are still available in the US, including the Mordor Orc box set, Amdur and a few others.

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:19 am 

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Part of what we may be seeing is a reboxing as well. With the hobbit coming out they may not want the boxes to have the same model/movie images.

richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..
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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:40 am 
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I'll die of shock if they release anything new before the hobbit hits. A ton of finecast conversions, sure, but much as I'd love to see new plastics I think it's too much to hope for.

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:43 pm 
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Thanks to you I have just noticed them do that. It would seem silly of GW to stop one of their best selling plastic LOTR sets but I have guess of why, and if I am right, the Orc Drummer and Taskmaster will soon be no longer available too and possibly (but less likely the Shaman). This is because I think they may be reworking the box set after the success of the SKoDA and MKs etc to incorporate plastic command model options into the set. I hope I am right, but GW may just be eejits.

I think you're right. If GW still regards this game as having a future in the long term then realistically I don't think they can remove something as fundamental as Mordor Orcs from the range. If they do rework the sprue then it'll come at a cost in more ways than one. I know from the Knights of Dol Amroth that the banner takes up a lot of room so there's no chance of 24 models staying on the sprue (20 at best I should imagine). Plus its an excuse for a price hike. With WOTR and fewer models on the sprue its also an excuse to sell more sets. I'd much prefer it if they worked on a new boxed set, such as plastic warriors of Dol Amroth or plastic Rohan Royal Guard Mounted. Not much chance of that though.

I think for anyone that wants some Orcs and is concerned that they will now be considered a collectors item need not worry because I don't think plastics will be particularly sought after and will still be available cheaply on ebay e.t.c. Discontinued metals are where the collectors are at.

Fortunately from my own perspective I'm looking to repaint my existing models rather than add any more at present (aside from any discontinued metals that I may find on ebay).
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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:08 pm 
Elven Warrior
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If it comes down to it, and this possible new Mordor Orc box gives you less miniatures for a higher price, Mordor gamers could always use the Wargames Factory Orc Warband boxed set, which gives you 24 miniatures for $20 (US). Now, they don't look nearly as great, in my opinion, as GW's Mordor Orcs, and they are of course, not "legal," but they can be broken up into groups of 8 for WotR players and, assuming the Mordor Orc box becomes more expensive, are likely around half the price.
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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:06 pm 
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I'd be happy enough to pay a little extra for a new set of Mordor Orcs anyway. Hoping that's what GW are actually up to.

As someone who's scoured eBay for a long time trying to pick up the old metal orcs for the sake of extra poses, a new boxed set would be a welcome addition.

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 Post subject: Re: new finecast coming soon!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:55 pm 
Elven Elder
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Jamros wrote:
If it comes down to it, and this possible new Mordor Orc box gives you less miniatures for a higher price, Mordor gamers could always use the Wargames Factory Orc Warband boxed set, which gives you 24 miniatures for $20 (US). Now, they don't look nearly as great, in my opinion, as GW's Mordor Orcs, and they are of course, not "legal," but they can be broken up into groups of 8 for WotR players and, assuming the Mordor Orc box becomes more expensive, are likely around half the price.

Are those roughly the same size as the GW ones? I actually like those better than GW's models.

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
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