I'm just starting out painting really. These are some of my Uruk Hai scouts.

And more of my painting is here:
viewtopic.php?f=46&t=21650I am painting some wood elves and don't know how to do their hair or their base.
What is a good yellow for their hair? I will be painting Legolas too.
And what can I use to get the look of brown leaves on the base, as if they're in a wood? I glued sand on the base before we undercoated them, and can paint it, but wonder what the best colours might be, and if there's anywhere I can get a leaf effect. I have some dark green grass, as on my Uruk Hai scouts.
I really like these elves, although I know mine won't be anywhere near as good:
viewtopic.php?f=50&t=17771&start=60THanks for any help you can give me,