Sticky Fingersss wrote:
To be honest, If I was running a shop which purpose was to get customers to buy MY products, I wouldn't allow other companies to come in. There is a difference between a gaming club and a GW. GWs are for GW games....
I completely agree - however, if they don't make a model, but have a profile (e.g. the Werewolf for War of the Ring), then there should be absolutely no issue with them allowing a conversion made from Warg parts and Green Stuff. No, I would not have allowed a unit of Reaper or Mantic figures, that's different.
On the same subject, say I do not care at all for the cave troll model that GW makes, and I really like the pose of the Warhammer troll from the old Skull Pass set. There should also be no problem with me using that as a basis for a conversion for a LoTR troll. Now, with the licensing agreement with New Line, my troll would not be eligible for photograph/publication. But if I was given a hard time about using a Citadel based miniature in a GW store...

I'd not be a happy person.
For example, I had one customer who was scratch building an entire Tyranid Hive Fleet for Battlefleet Gothic out of bitz. Again, no issue. However, there was one cusstomer who brought in Helicopter models to represent Valkyries. We could not allowed him to use them because they were not Citadel models, nor were they converted from Citadel models. They were nicely painted, and we told him so, but also asked him to put them away for the reasons stated.