Lorizael wrote:
Oldman Willow wrote:
they're not making models to make you happy.
That is the problem with your argument a business makes a profit by making customers happy.
I don't often agree with you Oldman...

Of course GW are making models to make people happy. That's kind of the point! I buy a GW model because it makes me happy and satisfied- if it didn't then why would I ever buy it?!
I'm going to have to side with Dezartfox on this one, he's right. It's all about the almighty $ now and not making customers happy. Stop trying to sugar coat things Lorizael
Listen even though this forum establishes itself as a fanbase for Lotr miniatures, it's GW that makes those miniatures, therefore this is a GW fanbase forum. Along with all those other forums out there for WHFB, WH40K and more, with thousands and thousands of members all into this hobby, all GW clients. And with GW's recent actions which prompted up a storm of anger and disappointment lighting up the internet boards, you're going to tell me Lorizael that the internet fraternities are a small voice among millions!? And just where are you going to hear the voices and opinions of the rest of the customers if not the internet where you're free to have an opinion? In the GW store? Who the hell is going to show up to the GW store just to outright blast the company on their business decisions!? That must be one hell of a dedicated GW fanatic. "


Oh by the way Bob can you pass me a blister of those Waywatchers over there, thanks."
Of course GW employees are on these forums listening to what their fanbase has to say. This is kind of our way of communicating. But if it is true that we can rant all we want our complaints are only going to fall on deaf ears, or in this case blind eyes. Well then my message is just for the newbies that starting up into this hobby that just happens to be coming across reading this, "Beware of being ripped off by the man!"
You guys say that 8 GBP is nothing for one model. I don't know how much that translates into Canadian but it costs $16+tx over here. For $16 cdn I can get 12 litres of milk or 5 loafs of bread. Does one small plastic model (and forget about the idea of it being a character, but taking it for what it really is) equals to that? Then you get this one character model plus another different plastic character model, then you're up to $32 cdn quickly. You can buy a bloody box of 10 plastics or more for that amount! And you guys think that this isn't a bit devious?
If GW was still at affordable prices I would already be making a second WHFB army, but thanks to their price gouging that stopped that idea. All for the better I suppose.
Still I like you Lorizael, nothing personal

My Lotr backlog: 305/952
32% completed
Painting Lineup: Mumakil x2, Rohan Heroes x8, Haradrim, SKoDA