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 Post subject: My bigest paint problem-Eyes!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:22 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:07 am
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So before some days i got the colors i need to paint my goblins and minas tirith warriors...
But all the times i tried(with a fine detail brush) i couldn't paint skull white the eyes and then paint the iris chaos black. :(
Any suggestions or help?
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 Post subject: Re: My bigest paint problem-Eyes!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:40 pm 
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My suggestion is to not worry about eyes on your basic troopers. Only paint them on heroes/characters, as those are the showcase models in any force. As far as technique goes, I generally just use my finest brush and turn the mini sideway so I can do a small vertical stroke in each eye socket, and then I just barely touch some black/blue/grey to mark the pupil. Also, depending on the pose, I vary where I place the pupil to indicate that the character may not be looking straight ahead.


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 Post subject: Re: My bigest paint problem-Eyes!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:39 pm 
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Something I found useful is to use a toothpick to dot the eyes with Chaos Black or any other color.

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 Post subject: Re: My bigest paint problem-Eyes!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:50 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I still think a toothpick is to large.. I paint them with my finest brush, but it's hard to do, if you want to try the toothpick, perhaps you should use a needle, which is even smaller 8)

The only thing I suggest is you should practise it, that's how I learned it, and it's getting better these days!

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 Post subject: Re: My bigest paint problem-Eyes!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:27 pm 

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25+ years of playing with miniatures I have seen eyes done well once. Don't even bother, trying to paint in the eyes just makes the fig look all bug eyed and unnatural.
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 Post subject: Re: My bigest paint problem-Eyes!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:46 pm 
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Generally I'll give rank and files a black dot for their eyes. Usually the model sculpts don't allow for much more than that anyway.
Heroes usually have a proper eyeball sculpted, which is a bit easier.

Either use the finest brush you have (and holding your breath while doing it sometimes helps) to paint Skull White first then, as mentioned, give it a black dot or vertical line. My fiancee bought me a size 0000 brush the other day; it's ideal for eyes. Any bigger and you risk messing it up.

Otherwise you could paint the white, then give it a black dot with a fine felt-tip pen. This works better than you'd expect.

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 Post subject: Re: My bigest paint problem-Eyes!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:55 am 
Elven Warrior
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I agree painting eyes can be difficult and a little time consuming but if done well can really bring a model to life and make it 'pop'.
It does take practice and steady hand and a fine tip brush ( I havn't tried the cocktail stick method as yet...)

Heres a pic of what i do:


1. block paint base flesh colour
2. give a wash of brown colour, this will define nose and eyes
3. paint a white line across eye, this is usually the easy bit. If you make it too wide, let if dry and brush over with a slightly darker tone to base flesh tone you used (to match the base flesh tone plus wash)
4. Now do a vertical black line through the middle of the eye, starting by resting brush tip on middle of eye brow, and drag downwards. I find this far easier than trying to stab a black dot in the centre of the white line with a brush tip that will deform as you do so. It also helps your aim and focus and fines out the brush tip as you drag downwards.
5. Now reduce the excess black line carefully brushing over with a slightly darker tone to base flesh tone you used.
6. Add highlights to face to finish.

I will agree, this can be hard depending on posture of figure, and other things getting in the way; bushy beards and eyebrows, hats and helmets, especially helmets with face guards... but its still possible...

Best of luck

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 Post subject: Re: My bigest paint problem-Eyes!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:15 am 

Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:07 am
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Thanks for the help i will try and see how it will come... :-D
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 Post subject: Re: My bigest paint problem-Eyes!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:45 pm 
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Only thing I can add here to the advice you've already gotten, is to have your character's eyes either looking left or right (depending on the model's stance). You will get a more natural look to the figure and avoid running into the model looking like he has a lazy eye.

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 Post subject: Re: My bigest paint problem-Eyes!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:52 am 

Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:07 am
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Then sure I will let it at my goblins :-D
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 Post subject: Re: My bigest paint problem-Eyes!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:37 am 
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I tend to paint the eyes oversize then 'cut back' with the basecoat. Also I paint the eyes by adding a dot of white either side of the blak undercoat. Much easier on figures with hard to reach eyes. A general rule is that if they are incredibly difficult to paint or reach, dont! Just have them as peering eyes. Many a great paint job has been ruined by 'golf ball eyes' or, as I call it, 'The Simpsons effect'. Take your time and relax and, if you make a mistake, keep at it til you get them how you like! :-D
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 Post subject: Re: My bigest paint problem-Eyes!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:07 pm 
Elven Warrior
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What I like to do for most bad guys, and some good guys is to paint the eye white and just not paint the pupil. It kind of makes the orcs look creepier imo, and the good guys look pretty good to.

Also another trick I've heard is to partially mix a little bit of black or maybe even blue into the white so you paint the eye and the pupil at the same time. I've never actually tried this method, and I can see a few problems happening with it, but it might be worth a shot.


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