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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 7:38 pm 
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It's pretty hard to keep the shareholders happy when you're losing clients. Everything is going up in this world but the salarries it seems. The GW hobby is a want and last time I checked; wants should be prioritized last behind necessities.

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 11:36 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Er, I don't get a 10% or 20% payrise every year.
Kids pocketmoney doesn't go up 10 or 20% every year.

Lots of people in the British Isles have taken pay cuts for the last few years.

And we are asked to imagine that a price rise for something that is utterly useless is a good idea? In what weirdo alternate earth?

Dreaming of getting back to painting...any month now.
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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:16 am 
Elven Warrior
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At the end of the day GW products are a not a necessity, they're an item you buy after bills and food, which is why they can get away with it.

The current trend of people at the shop either buy nothing at all because they're broke, or they buy stuff in one go. Grey knights have flew off the shelves at my local store, and they're not cheap..

In a few weeks people will forget there was a rise and just get on with it. We go through this EVERY year.. so many people shout and cry exclaiming they will quit and never buy anything again. GW doesn't care.. in fact it's probably that that causes the rises?

Last year their sales were down, but profits up, so they were selling less.. but because of the price rise.. they actually made more money!

The ONLY place that they are struggling in is recruitment, with the starter sets being so high, it's getting harder and harder to recruit new gamers, especially when you have to promote it to their parents too...

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 9:07 am 
Elven Warrior
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Yes, my local manager tells everyone who get's in that you need 120€ to get started, and because they don't know better, they just agree with it (it's this, or my kids play videogames all the time). +Whatever they have to pay for making the molds, transport and stuff, 25€ for just 2 models?! People think you're mad when you tell them you pay that much for just 2 little tiny figures.
3d Why do all the novels go up to? They're not inflicted in any of those things.
4th I think it's just all about the same fact: people don't realise that GW asks waaay to much. They just think: "I need 5 ork nobz, so now I have to pay 40€. They look cool, don't they?"
5th, I went to my local Gw yesterday and you know what? The manager used it as a sales trick: "You better buy that codex and battleforce, cause they're gonna get a lot more expensive next week!"

Seriously, I which there was a way how we can send a message to GW (with the whole wargaming community)!

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 9:34 am 
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For me it's still not as much about the price hike as it is about the price fixing from country to country. The rubbish they used to explain it away was laughable.
I'm hoping that we'll maybe put together a list here of people in countries where the prices are cheaper who don't mind acting as buyers and posters for us (I'd even be happy to pay them a commission for it, it'll still be cheaper than the 200% hike we have down here).
I can get discounted (compared to here) miniatures and they can make themselves a little on the side as well.

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 12:14 pm 
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I won't be giving up gw products completely as there are still a few figures I'd like to buy over the course the lifetime of the lotr license. However, I will be looking on ebay first and buying fewer on a whim when I have some money left over at the end of the month or buying more from other ranges. I've already switched from gw's hobby supplies to other brands so overall gw will a lot less from me compared to a few years back. Not that I hold any ill will to the company as I understand they are doing what they think necessary to keep their business going. But I'm not going to buy their products out of some sense of loyalty.

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 4:14 pm 

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Dezartfox wrote:
In a few weeks people will forget there was a rise and just get on with it. We go through this EVERY year.. so many people shout and cry exclaiming they will quit and never buy anything again. GW doesn't care.. in fact it's probably that that causes the rises?

How true! :yay:

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 7:28 am 
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Dezartfox wrote:
In a few weeks people will forget there was a rise and just get on with it. We go through this EVERY year.. so many people shout and cry exclaiming they will quit and never buy anything again. GW doesn't care.. in fact it's probably that that causes the rises?

This might be true, but if the prices do increase i'm forced to quit.
I'm a student ad for 2 years i'm fighting for a job, i still haven't got a job.
So if it does increase then i just can't pay it anymore.
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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 4:48 pm 
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Dezartfox wrote:
cereal_theif wrote:
Resin is cheaper BUT requires new molds, new quality assurance precedure, new product cleanings

It's not resin. It's not cheaper, it just wont increase in price as much as the metal does.

They're also changing the molds a little, so that they can spin more models at once and keep up with demand.

The internet is on fire with so many angry gamers, a lot of what is going around is actually wrong.

There's a generic annual price rise almost every year, this isn't GW being greedy, this is them trying to cover the costs of oil, fuel, transport, materials etc etc all going up in the last year.

Also they're a business, with shareholders, to keep the shareholders happy they have to keep making a profit.

Agreed, They are basicly renewing their manufacture lines. It may sound like a small change to you, but you never know the technology they are updating. For example Mars Co. paid an engineer to make a new manufacture line to pack/cook Lasgane it cost £2 million. Say it costs 5% of that to update a manufacture line thats £100,000 and if you have 50 lines to update thats £5,000,000...

And then in general all costs of everything is going up.. electric and gas bills go up for the public as for businesses. Material costs are going up, they all have to compensate for these rises in profits. And then ofc they want to make money, there first priority is to Shareholders, then to customers... its been shown that sales have gone down but profits have gone up due to price increases, so the incentive is to keep going.

Dave / Aurielia (game name)
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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:44 pm 
Elven Warrior
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rikker wrote:
Dezartfox wrote:
In a few weeks people will forget there was a rise and just get on with it. We go through this EVERY year.. so many people shout and cry exclaiming they will quit and never buy anything again. GW doesn't care.. in fact it's probably that that causes the rises?

This might be true, but if the prices do increase i'm forced to quit.
I'm a student ad for 2 years i'm fighting for a job, i still haven't got a job.
So if it does increase then i just can't pay it anymore.

I'm also a student.. I play with what I've got, or do without ;)

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:53 pm 
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Dezartfox wrote:
I'm also a student.. I play with what I've got, or do without ;)

This. No one is forcing us to play the game. Still though, we do have every right as consumers to be hurt and saddened when the prices put us out of the game.

Personally, I'm going to be looking for alternative models. Every GW store within 20 miles of me has closed down in the past couple of years (including the one where I first saw the Fellowship on display back in '01 and decided to start collecting. That was a heavy blow, lots of great memories there) so it's a non-issue. There seem to be plenty of great historicals available, and I've already been eying some Vikings and Saxons to stand-in for Dunlendings and Rorirrim, respectfully. Next challenge is to find some nice, plastic, 28mm Egyptian Mamluks and the like.

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:48 am 
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I stopped buying new minis from GW two years ago unless I was given a gift voucher by somebody. I already have over two thousand lotr minis in the backlog plus all the sourcebooks, which is more than enough to play with. I don't need GW anymore and would not care if they went under tomorrow personally. But they haven't only lost me. I've told my boy that he can't have any more new 40K stuff because it is too expensive. This new 'innovating' development gets the two finger salute instead of the thumbs up from me, but good luck to everyone who continue to support GW. You are obviously doing far better financially than I am to afford such luxuries. :)

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 9:48 am 
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afford such luxuries

I have far more issues with GW than price alone. I went through my financial difficulty in the late 70's- the last time the economy was this bad. Hopefully, things will improve but I am afraid they might be worse in the short term.
I always enjoy your post. I hope to see some new sculpts. I really like my Giant and the Ent's
Charlie :kitten:

:kitten: :kitten: :kitten: :kitten: :kitten: :kitten: :shock: :shock:

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:43 am 
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Cheers Charlie. I'm definitely moving towards commission work for extra cash. Sculpting privately or for other manufacturers means no overheads for me. I'm toying with the idea of selling the molds of my existing stuff to another mini supplier. I just can't afford to give it the dedication it deserves anymore. I will still sculpt stuff, I just won't mold and cast. I'll leave that to others now.

Nice cat model by the way. Very life-like.

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:55 pm 
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I could by from the internet to, cause that is not that expensive.
But my parents do not trust the internet so i'm not allowed to by from the internet.
So the only way to get minis is from GW.
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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:53 pm 
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I was quite looking forward to the new figures for The Hobbit, but with the stupid prices and the move to resin, forget it. And my young son, who desperately wanted to play 40K, saw the price of a box of Space Marines and gave up on the idea straight away.

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:32 pm 
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There could be a lotr release from gw to coincide with the war in the north video game to be released at the end of this year...
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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:39 pm 
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Dezartfox wrote:
cereal_theif wrote:
Resin is cheaper BUT requires new molds, new quality assurance precedure, new product cleanings

It's not resin. It's not cheaper, it just wont increase in price as much as the metal does.

They're also changing the molds a little, so that they can spin more models at once and keep up with demand.

The internet is on fire with so many angry gamers, a lot of what is going around is actually wrong.

So, how does that explain Mantic retiring their set of 5 metal Wraiths for £14, and releasing a new set of 10 plastic resin Wraiths for £14?

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:36 pm 
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SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
There could be a lotr release from gw to coincide with the war in the north video game to be released at the end of this year...

Is the game about the sieges of Erebor and Lorien? If so, then I can't think of anything they need to add for Elves, Dwarves, Mordor or Fallen Kingdoms...

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 Post subject: Re: GW Price Rise
PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:42 pm 

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SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
There could be a lotr release from gw to coincide with the war in the north video game to be released at the end of this year...

That could be quite clever... and therefore GW probably won't do it. :rofl:

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