Actually I only spent 2 games using those prices before I found the FAQ and showed it to my friends. (Although I really didn't want to show them
![Very Sad :sad:](./images/smilies/crying.gif)
since it was my first 2 victories). Just to show ya I'm no cheater although I am a stat whore who's trying (alas House Rules to keep myself honest). Onto...
Battle Report #2 using my House Rules. 800 points match on a 4 x 4 table with no terrain.
Mordor Test ArmyEpic Hero'sKhamul
The Betrayer
Common Formations9c Mordor Orcs with 2-Handed Weapons and a Banner Bearer.
6c Morannon Orcs with Shields and a Banner Bearer.
Rare Formations1c Siege Bow
1 Troll
Elven Kingdom (I found a 1000 point army on the forums somewhere and reduced it)
Epic Hero'sGaladriel
The Monkey Twins (I stole that. Do they look like monkeys? Its Elladan and Elrohir)
Common Formations4c Wood Elves with Longbows
3c Wood Elves with Glaives
Rare Formations4c High Elf Cohort
Round 1, Elves go first and they sit because their long bows are in Range. The High Elf Cohort hide behind the Wood Elves to hide from Mordor's Siege Bow. Mordor cast Wings of Terror on both formations but fail. They move up on the double.
Shoot Phase Galadriel's Wood Elves with Longbows shoot down 13 Mordor Orcs. Their dice total, 48.
Round 2, Elves go first again. Galadriel's formation moves up to be in casting range. She casts Aura of Blind Light, Light of the Valar and spends a might to Transfix Khamul's formation. Elladan's High Elf Cohort and Elrohir's Wood Elves with Glaives move up to be just out of range of Khamul's Essence Leach and form a line. Khamul's Pall of Night counters Aura of Blinding Light. Elladan uses a Might to resist Enfeeble. The Betrayer casts Pall of Night on Galadriel's Longbows which fails to resist and Enfeebles the Cohort. The Siege Bows sees a lane and stays put will the Troll moves up staying out of Line of Fire from the Longbows.
Shoot phase Galadriel calls Herioc Shot and the Longbows kill 8 Mordor Orcs . The Siege Bow can see the Cohort, fires and misses.
In the Charge phase the Cohort fail their charge so the other twin stays put. The Betrayer charges in knowing full well there will be a duel.
Herioc Fight called by the Betrayer and Herioc Duel called by Elrohir and Elladan. Good wins the roll-off. Elrohir cuts thru 3 Morannon Orcs and puts only a wound on The Betrayer. The Herioc Fight continues. Evil focuses their 3c on the Wood elves and they are badly hurt with just over a company remaining. The Cohort take only 3 hits. In the end, Morannon Orcs win 11-16 and the Elves are disordered. The Betrayer chooses to recharge in to finish off Elrohir. In the second duel only an Orc falls. Evil wipes out Elrohir and his Wood Elves and the Cohort lose 3 more. The Morannon's lose their second tray and are 4c strong.
Round 3, Priority is won by Elves who go first. Again Galadriel goes all out and lowers Khamul's courage by -4 and Tranfix's on a 6. This basically takes them out for the round. Elladan is bestowed a might point. With his brother gone he does not want Galadriel to be involved with The Morannon so his Cohorts block them from moving into a chargeable position and saves a lane for the Wood Elves to fire upon Khamul's orc's. The Troll moves into close range of the High-Elf Cohort. The Betrayer is the only caster so he casts Pall of Night on the Cohort.
Shoot phase 1c of Orcs Killed in which Khamul cannot save and the Siege Bow kills 2 Cohort.
Charge Phase, The Morannon Orcs and Troll charge the Cohort.
Fight phase, Elladan revenges his brother by over-killing The Betrayer with 5 rolls on the chart. The Troll takes a wound counter of 2 and each side lost 5 total. Draw.
Round 4, Evil wins Priority and happily goes first. Khamul casts Wings of Terror and moves to within a stone throw of Galadriel and casts Pall of Night upon the archers. The leaderless Morannon move into potential charge range of Galadriel. Might is given to Elladan and moves next to Galadriel. Galadriel Enfeebles the 2-Handed Axe wielding Orcs. Elladan's Wood Elves on the double to get all bow fire on the Orcs and to stay out of the Morannon's charge range. The Cohort ignore the Morannon and focus on the wounded Troll.
Shoot Phase, Siege Bow fires and kills 2. Galadriel calls Herioc Shot, Khamul reflects one back and loses 6 orc's to bow fire.
Charge Phase, the Troll is in and Khamul's 2-H Orcs move into the Wood Elves. No one has failed their courage tests yet and no one will.
Fight Phase, Elladan calls Herioc Duel and sends Khamul to join the Betrayer. The Wood Elves superior fight is showing and all those extra dice are finally evening the numbers on the field. The Orcs lose 3 full companies while the Wood Elves suffer half of that. The Troll is killed but reduces the Cohort to 1.5 companies.
Round 5 and on. The Elves use their superior mobility. The Siege Bow is destroyed next. The Elves stay out of charge range and attack the Orcs from the rear and win with about 4c of Elves plus Elladan and Galadriel.
Conclusion: The amount of dice the Elves got was insane. I'm starting to like the +2 Battle Skill rule. Wood Elves are still weak in melee but they should be. I should of used Epic Defense with them. The Glaives +1 Fight was nice enough without adding more but I would like to re-add the original rule to ignore the second roll for hits. If your Enfeebled, the Elves are in trouble vs. Def 7 units so Glaives vs. Wraiths is nice to have. Plus they take out Siege easier. I was surprised they won honestly. I do think if more rolls went evils way they would of won so in fact I feel it was quite an even match. I might have to rethink the Mordor army really. They need some Might aswell. I think a large scale game would be very interesting. That's all I got for now.