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 Post subject: Dealing with Epic Strike
PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 3:43 pm 
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Ok…so now that the FAQ confirmed Epic Strike works in Duels. Everyone realizes how deadly it is to slaughter a good chunk of a Formation when you've got a steroid-boosted Fight value and just about every army is going to be packing one or two ES Heroes. Any non-ES Heroes are becoming a liability (a recent game at our LGS found Amdur challenge a Dwarf Shieldbearer and took out 12 Def8 Dwarves in the process) which is very sad considering all the flavor and tactical options they give otherwise.

So let's get some discussions going here on options to take down those ES Heroes. I think we should break this into Good and Evil tactics since different options are open to each though there may be some General Tactics as well. Let me get things started with a few quick thoughts:

- General Tactics -
- Burn Might. Most Heroes with Epic Strike appear to only have 3 Might. If you can get them down to one by calling other Heroic / Epic actions or else resisting spells, then just never challenge them in a Duel. If they challenge you then they used that last Might and can't call Epic Strike. This doesn't help against a Touched By Destiny and there are other Heroes or tactics that get around this too but it will probably be an option in at last 50% of situations.
- Kill the Formation to kill the Hero - if you're lucky you may have a situation where the ES Hero is in a weakened Formation. If you can surprise them (lots of bow fire, Epic Shot, spells that kill off models, etc) with enough damage to destroy the Formation before they're in a position to call a Duel then the Hero just goes away. Good luck. This probably won't happen much but if the opportunity presents itself it's probably something you should go for.
- Match him - If you have another Hero with Epic Strike then go head-to-head and hope the dice treat you better (use Might to help here if needed). Alternatively if you have a Hero with a Fight of 7+ or a Hero that gives you multiple dice in a Duel, you may not even need Epic Strike. You start a couple points behind but if the dice are in your favor you may still tie or win (again use Might).
- Don't Engage - This is a hard one. That Epic Strike Hero is going to try to get into Duel range with your weakest (Fight) Hero. If they can take out a Wizard in or other such specialist at the same time then so much the better. One way to prevent this might be to use loss-leader techniques to block the ES Hero's Formation using Formations of your own that have no Hero in them. This is a stalling action and will only help if you're getting close to a victory otherwise or perhaps are trying to burn thru the ES Hero's might as noted above.

- Evil Tactics -
- Black Dart - deal a couple hits but, more importantly, reduce their Might (see "Burn Might" above). The ES Hero will either suffer the loss of Might or have to spend a Might to resist. Either way is good for you. Only downside is you have to be close and so you may well be charged (and face ES) in the process.
- Black Breath - Mostly a "Burn Might" trigger. They might try to resist (waste Might). They can still Epic Strike after being hit with this so it's more of a force-the-issue than a prevention.
- Shade - This is probably the best, and only, real counter to Epic Strike. According to the FAQ it's confirmed that the Shade will still reset the Fight even after an ES is declared. Position the Shade, challenge to a Duel (even with a generic Captain) and spend Might if needed to get the win. Rinse and repeat. I can see Shades becoming a required ally in almost every Evil force for this reason alone.

- Good Tactics -
Recruit a Shade. :-P
Not as many spell options to force a Might Burn, but there are still some.

So it would seem that there are some General Tactics that I can think of that might help. Those can be used by either side. Evil has a couple extra options to help out with those general tactics as well as some extra options, plust the Shade. Good has it a little harder it would seem.

Thoughts / comments / other suggestions?

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PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:05 pm 

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Among the Good Tactics shouldn't it be mentioned that Good armies tend to have more Heroes who are suited for Heroic Duels.

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PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:20 pm 
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I think that just plays on the Match Him "general tactic". If there's an ES Hero you call a duel against him and try to take him out. Depending on your list you may have a lot of options for this or very few. Having more available isn't really a tactic of it's own.

It's definitely a point to keep in mind though when considering your army based on what your local play group (or perhaps current tourney trends) are doing.

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PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 10:20 pm 

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I have always played that epic strike can be used in duels.

Regular captains take a beating in duels. Together with their relatively high points cost few of them are fielded around here. Occasionally I will put one in a unit that I want to keep out of combat, so that I can use at the double.

For evil, black dart is the preferred way to deal with epic strike heroes. The Dwimmerlaik is also good, as he can make them burn more might. Although shades work, they usually die to missile fire on the first or second turn.

Good needs to take a hero with epic strike, or take things like mithril coat to let the hero take a beating but still live.

The last option is to take very few heroes, thus avoiding duels all together.
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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:28 am 
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for good I think Boromir should be the good side equivalent to the Shade. The mix of Epic Challenge, Epic Duel, Epic Strike, 6 Might points and above all of that the Mighty Blow makes him a killing machine.

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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:01 am 
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The thought of taking almost no Heroes except serious duelists isn't always that practical, and in my opinion ruins so much potential in WotR. Sadly it's one of the best General Tactics it seems. :( I suppose the other option would be if you use such Heroes to keep them back positions until the duelists have done their damage to each other.

So for any Gondor based list Boromir is a good and obvious choice. On the side of Lothlorien Galadriel's war-aspect has a Fight of 10 already and so get's the Epic Strike level benefit without having to burn a Might ( :yay: ) and can couple it with Epic Rage to crank up her Formation if needed. Several other Good Heroes have Epic Strike and some have some extras that help boost them up but I'm trying to investigate options other than ES vs. ES too.

Can anyone think of ways that Good can threaten an ES Hero from a distance? The Black Dart spell and Lurtz's Assassin Shot are two examples Evil has. I am not sure if Good has much to offer up at a similar level though.

I just hope to see ES at a level where it can be potent perhaps once in a game, but not where ES actions dominate the whole battle field. At that point the game just comes down to picking several ES Heroes and not about actual army building and playing. Not much use in that game. :roll:

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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:26 am 
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To be honest, unless there is a pressing reason otherwise (say free formation-wide abilities on the target), the best idea is to simply leave other ES heroes alone, and they will usually leave you alone.

It costs 2 might to initiate an ES duel and it is exceedingly likely your target will survive it. Worse, the duel is only slightly slanted in your direction as initator and there is a risk to you. So, unless you have might to burn and the reroll like Boromir, ES heroes actually do not counter other ES heroes well at all. Most of the most pressing targets of duels (because of their influence in how the actual companies fight) are far cheaper than the heroes that can reliably kill them and those heroes have far less impact than their targets in other aspects of the game.

Captains getting hit by ES duelers does suck, but life is cheap in this game. IME, unless the target is a Cav formation, getting hit with the collateral attacks from an ES duel is liveable.
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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:25 pm 
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Here's my problem with the "ignore them" tactic: It only works if the only Heroes on each side are ES-capable Heroes.

I was chatting with some friends in our local group about a recent game they had out our LGS - Fallen Realms vs. Dwarves. Amdur, leading 6 Companies of Easterlings, engaged two 3-Company formations of heavily armored Dwarf warriors, one of which included Gimli and a Shieldbearer. It should have been a good battle, fairly well matched, but Amdur called an ES against the Shieldbearer. Easterlings rolled a 6 (of course) while Dwarves rolled average, and with his extra bonus (ES plus Amdur's other Epic action which I can't remember right now) plus the bonus for calling the Duel, he won by about 9. The results on the chart wiped out about almost two Dwarf Companies and the Shieldbearer. In the Fight that followed the Easterlings focused on that Formation and managed to take the Command Company down low enough where it vanished, taking Gimli with it, as well as cutting into the second Formation a little. If it wasn't for the ES targeting the Shieldbearer things would not have gone that bad.

So here the Dwarves had a perfectly logical, well themed (and damn good looking) force with a couple Epic Heroes and a few supporting Heroes which really added to the flavor of the army and also worked to his strategy. But with the ES targeting the supporting Hero there was no chance to win that Duel and the damage done to the Formation iself did irreparable damage to the Dwarf army as a whole where he couldn't recover…on just Turn 2. So now such secondary Heroes (or even Epic Heroes with no ES and a Fight of less than 7) are starting to look like a liability in an army more than anything else.

I have no problem with Epic Strike being used in the Duel. Doing so generally drains most of a Hero's Might, puts them at risk and helps recreate such scenes as one of the major heroes of the films cutting their way through hordes of Orc on their way to his goal. But in a game there really should be some way of defending against it without having to throw out all low and medium Heroes for your army and just get into an Epic Strike Hero arms race.

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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:35 pm 

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This isn't exactly a tactic, but perhaps Legendary Formations aren't a good idea: the Heroes who lead them tend to have only Resilience 2 and not great Fight values.

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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:12 pm 
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Beowulf03809 wrote:

I have no problem with Epic Strike being used in the Duel. Doing so generally drains most of a Hero's Might, puts them at risk and helps recreate such scenes as one of the major heroes of the films cutting their way through hordes of Orc on their way to his goal. But in a game there really should be some way of defending against it without having to throw out all low and medium Heroes for your army and just get into an Epic Strike Hero arms race.

From what you describe, IMO you do have a problem with ES being used in Duels. You aren't the only one I've seen put the problem in those terms. Good thing that was Amdur in an Easterling force and not Faramir allied into some other force, so it was at least not done so cheaply as it could have been.

There are ways of defending against it but, and this is the same with some of the Ringwraiths, countering it requires more resources than the targets. theskinnyhobbit's list all work reliably, though I think you really need something like Lurtz's shot to get 'Black Dart' singing. Boromir, since he can burn mass might, is the most reliable duel counter. Otherwise, it's quite likely the Wraith will not die.

Otherwise, assuming your opponent is inclined to unleash the ES attacks, heroes are a bit of a target at the moment.

(edit) Though, looking at the Drawf army list, they have some mean dueler counters. Balin is great and the King's Cahampion should be able to avoid dying from a duel and suck up all the enemy hero's might through repeatedly issuing Epic Challenges to divert them.

Last edited by Xelee on Fri May 21, 2010 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:25 pm 

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Galadriel Protectress of Lothlorien has F 10 already, that's a tactic for the good side. But again this is like fighting fire with fire.
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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 11:02 pm 
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Beowulf03809 wrote:
I have no problem with Epic Strike being used in the Duel. Doing so generally drains most of a Hero's Might, puts them at risk and helps recreate such scenes as one of the major heroes of the films cutting their way through hordes of Orc on their way to his goal. But in a game there really should be some way of defending against it without having to throw out all low and medium Heroes for your army and just get into an Epic Strike Hero arms race.

I think thats due, at least in part, to preconceived notions and expectations of the game.

Tons of people wail, gnash their teeth and pull their hair over ES used in duels and how it basically breaks the game and their enjoyment of it.

Personally, our group of 10 people have no issue with this. So either ES really isn't as much of an issue as so many portray or we are an oddity and the vocal and eternal white noise produced by the internet forums users who think they know more than anyone else how the game "should be played" are right. (not directed at you but at other posters on other forums mostly who voice their opinion on this mater at every opportunity even when the subject has nothing to do with ES)

I agree with Xelee's two posts in this thread. They pretty much sum up my feelings on the matter.

I think it comes down to what a group of people expect to glean from the game. If a group are into pick up games with no communication prior to the game and making utterly competitive (and frankly, painfully un-fun) lists, then ES in duels really is a problem in the truest sense of the word. But then again so are the counselor engines and anything else which you have to ask why a person feels the need to take a very thematic game and turn it into a game that is as competitive as Magic the Gathering.

Although if a group are into making fun thematic lists which don't abuse every single opportunity to be competitive, then ES in duels hasn't been an issue thus far. Sure it sucks when you get slammed by them, but like Xelee noted this is a game with very high casualty removal.

Concerning the dwarf example you listed, I frankly fault the dwarf player and not the list. Gimli should have called ES (response to amdur calling heroic duel and resolves immediately) and then also called a duel against amdur and then it would have been a roll off to see whose duel goes first.*

* Though this is assumption that amdur called a heroic duel and not an epic duel, which is more likely since the cost is the same but has better odds of winning by such a huge margin as you noted. In this case the results would have indeed been dire for the dwarves, but at least there would have been recourse and Gimli likely would have won due to the extra dice for the epic duel already being used on the shield bearer. In short, amdur possibly would have died (gimli has the advantage of calling the duel) and his F10 would have been dust. The outcome would have been very different if the player had "played better" so to speak. He basically let amdur roll over his formation without using the tools ready at hand which is Gimli's response to Amdur's challenge.

But thats a case where two armies and two formations with the same capability are dueling.

If Gimli had not been there, the battle could have indeed gone as you described (even though amdur's roll was quite good and the shield bearer's roll was quite bad for this result to occur. Such is the fickle nature of chance) and the unit rolls up.
Amdur basically wins by simply calling ES. Its now left to chance how badly the shieldbearer will lose (or possibly tie, however unlikely) Amazing how a 165 point amdur can slap around a 25 point shieldbearer... Whats really amazing is how people expect it to be any different.

So given the failure of the dwarf player to respond with the tools in the unit when he should of, what else could he have done? Charge the hell out of that unit containing such volatile epic heroes for one. Expecting that single dwarf unit to take the duel and subsequent charge of that easterling formation is pretty much rewarded with failure.

I dont suffer units containing such things to last long on the table and devote a large amount of tactical resources to expunging them from the field. Its why I dont fear aragorn anymore. Because I make sure that if I am dueled, I do my best to ensure I am charging him from a flank or rear with another unit if possible. Punishing them for the hubris os calling a duel. Two nice sized units will generally eat a decent unit that contains such a juicy morsel who has the feared "ES".
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PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 9:35 pm 

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it is a laborious task protecting non es heroes from even strong heroes. my ard boyz dwarf army had such a problem. i had one spell caster (Gandalf) and i knew he would be the target for heroic duels. here was i planned on doing so as to protect him.

KEEP HIM BEHIND THE LINES: Gandalf has inspiring leader and many other traits that make him valuable. when i used that tactic i was very successful enemy spellcasters and duelists could not get to him.

GIVE HIM A BODY GUARD: now that i look at it i had a ton of ES heroes, Dain Aragorn Gimli and Balin. i wanted to declare a duel and ES on any body attacking gandalf only had to try this tactic once. a dragon attacked gandalf and would have one but i reduced his fight with magic. i also faced Lurtz and another dwarf army with similar heroes to mine and a minas tirith army with aragorn and borimir in round one. but no one attempted to duel gandalf out of fear for the nastiness surrounding him.

PICK ANOTHER BATTLE: aside from keeping Gandalf behind my lines i put him in archer units or fighting units away from enemy hitmen.

KEEP THE ENEMY USING MIGHT: gandalf cant sap might like a raith but he has some nasty spells and after enemy captains have spent their might the epic hero has to start. you have to make your opponent respect your magic and dueling abilities then they wont just keep duelling you.

SAVE YOUR OWN MIGHT: i have to admit i used the counsellor might machine but did two people i faced in the six ard boyz game. and with evil having 8, 125 point spell casters and all evil armies having access to 100 point shamans i dont feel bad. but thats for another post. i made sure that gandalf had a large store of might so i could at least ensure that his dice score equalled six.

we had a stint in my group where there were duels every turn of combat but duels are only affective for precision strikes. if amdur or some other hero wants to drop 2 might points to duel and ES then i'll miss my captain or my wizard but i can control heroics and he wont be able to adjust any dice.

i havent noticed any absurd amounts of hits on the formations during duels, the Amdur player cant count on those kind of rolls every time.

as far as my evil forces ES is critical for keeping raiths alive. thats why they have one might and only epic strike. if im using raiths i save that might point until the very end. if im playing against one im chalangeing the raith to use his might at every point i can.

i think ES adds a degree of strategy and helps offset some of the special rules people.

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PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 2:06 pm 
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Why worry about ES?

The duellist has just burned up 2 Might, minimum, to do what exactly? Take out a 50 pt hero and, on average, about 7 rank and file (ES equates to FV10, average hero FV4, that 6 point advantage and the +1 equates to around 7 rank and file figures, that's all).

I think the rules use 25 points as being equivalent to 1 might. So you've burned 50 points to take out a 50 point Orc/Gondorian/Moria etc. hero and a company at 20-25 points.

[Okay, there's a slight advantage in terms of points but nothing like the advantage 1 point of Might gains you when you Heroic Fight on your terms - normally, when I play, the Heroic Fight sees 2-3 companies disappear.]

Moreover, if I have been playing well (which is rare) I've gained some advantage by using 'bog standard' heroes which offsets the 25 points I'm down anyway.

Finally, in my experience, few Good or Evil Epic Heroes like to waste 2 Might taking out a standard, 50 point, Hero when other the enemy has their own Epic Heroes lurking around the battlefield.
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PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:09 pm 
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Ok…so maybe ES isn't as bad of a balance risk as I was fearing. Some of you have obviously played many more WotR games with ES units than I have and from the sound of it those that initially started raising it as a concern after the FAQ came out may have been overstating it as a tactic. ES has not been an issue in our local group yet as we have usually just used it to challenge another major Hero or as a deterent to being challenged (in the case of Nazgul, for example). The Amdur vs. Dwarf example above is the first time we've seen it locally take out a decent formation of warriors, and as noted above Gimli could (should?) have called a duel himself and had a chance of avenging.

My start of this thread was prompted by the comments that came out after the FAQ was released where it seemed people were seeing situations of an army bulking up on ES models just to prey on generic (low Fight) Heroes for the sake of chunking off large groups of otherwise tough Formations.

I don't think it's an issue of how I expect the game to play not matching how it actually does. I obviously would expect a named hero to be able to take out an unnamed generic hero in a Duel, and I have no problem with the way duels spill over onto the rank and file in the Formations. I think it's actually a very cool concept. But if a typical win of an ES duel against an unnamed Hero results in 1-2 Companies being taken out, and the attacker still has F10 for the followup Fight phase, that has a chance for abuse. Is it worth the 2 Might or could they be spent better elsewhere? Maybe, but not sure. I'm not saying that eliminating 2 Companies is the typical result, but based on other posts, people seemed to indicate that.

Power gaming is seriously discouraged in our LotR group and if ES starts to unbalance the game then I'm sure it will find an equalibrium locally at least. I worry more about the impact of such cheese on tournement play where things are not as friendly. Having seen GW tourneys for LotR decline and vanish I hope that WotR will rejuvinate that area, but with such a new game system there's always a chance of abuse. I didn't get involved in SBG until about the time the OR edition came out, but I heard about many growing pains from players that had been with it from the FotR rules. Even so, forces like the GC and multiple Spider Queens risked balance issues in a fairly mature system. In such a new system like WotR the risk is even greater, so perhaps it was more "fear of a thing than the thing itself" in this case.

Wait ye the finish! The fight is not yours.
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PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:51 pm 
Elven Warrior
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It's a reasonable concern based on some of the commentary. I think it's fair to say that while opinions differ on what the implications are for list design, everyone at least takes it into account. But we have to take a lot of things into account. IMO it is an obvious distortion in the game mechanics that we would be better without but that doesn't mean it will be significant most of the time.

Personally, I don't take captains for my cav but don't mind them for foot. Others don't take them, others haven't had an issue at all.
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