why is your battle line so deep????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!
you will quickly be surrounded, even by elves
not to mention that i dont see the point of having goblins at the back... they are the meat shields etc....
with a line that deep the units like the uruks will be stuck at the back with nothing to do....
anyway, seeing that you are facing elves, you can make some slight changes.
i would switchout some of the orcs for goblins and have them do some flanking type stuff (a small group mainly to distract the enemy). and seeing that all bows are s3, drop most of the shields (shielding in usful) and give them spears (or bows if feel like it

) cause then you have lots of spear support even when the line gets messed up (and to support prowlers that choose not to wield 2h)....
a side note, you have express/expained for the absence of wargs and riders, but i think that having a few wargs (3-5) would be great, hears y:
they are fast and can head for archers/outflank etc... their main purpose would be to distract the enemy and and divert their attention (chaos makes it hard for the enemy to make good tactical decisions) not to mention that having a few expendable/fast models gives you ALOT of flexability.
most people like to have a large block of sheilds w/ cavalry and bows somewhere else. i do that and more, i have a few small(and cheap) groups of models that flank and attack at the best moment (or try to shut down bowmen)
even if you dont agree, i think that at some point you should try it
how do my comments end up so long....