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 Post subject: Best Cavalry in the Game?
PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:32 pm 
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Does anyone think one army has a cavalry force that is superior to most others? Or to put it another way, what do you think is the best cavalry on the Evil side, and the best cavalry on the good side?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:56 pm 
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For Evil.

The humble Warg rider. Cheap, strength 4 and effective. Through in a captain and a banner possibly even a shaman or a ringwraith and you have a pretty hard hitting force.

For Good.

I'm a big fan of Rohan Royal Guard the bodyguard rule on a mounted figure is to good to pass up, and lets face it throwing spears are awesome. Though Swan Knights come in a close second.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:58 pm 
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Is this for SBG or WotR :?
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:00 pm 
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what about morgul knights?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:01 pm 
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DainIronfoot wrote:
Is this for SBG or WotR :?

SBG was what I had in mind.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:12 pm 

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for evil probably mahud raiders. 2 attacks, strength 4, and camel spike attack things.

for good i would say elf knights. although they have a low defence and average strength, f5 is amazing and their horses have the speedy-horse-who-gallop-through-woods-without-penalty-and-move-12" special rule.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:59 am 
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mahud raiders are super powerful. for good i would say SKODA.

When Isengard marches to war their is no stopping them.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:42 am 

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Tackitis wrote:
For Evil.

The humble Warg rider. Cheap, strength 4 and effective. Through in a captain and a banner possibly even a shaman or a ringwraith and you have a pretty hard hitting force.

I would have to agree. As a force, Warg Riders are in my opinion the best for the exact reason above.

isengard owns wrote:
for good i would say SKODA.

I agree, the fact that they count as within range of a banner from Rrince Imrahil if they are within 12" of him, Fight 4 and lances.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:08 am 
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antlion wrote:
Tackitis wrote:
For Evil.

The humble Warg rider. Cheap, strength 4 and effective. Through in a captain and a banner possibly even a shaman or a ringwraith and you have a pretty hard hitting force.

I would have to agree. As a force, Warg Riders are in my opinion the best for the exact reason above.

isengard owns wrote:
for good i would say SKODA.

I agree, the fact that they count as within range of a banner from Rrince Imrahil if they are within 12" of him, Fight 4 and lances.

plus pretty good defence
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:33 am 
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Well it can't be Galadhrim knights... I read on TLA recently about a typo in the WD where their rules appear, and they have 1A and 0W, so they die immediately when the game starts. :-D

Really funny!


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:51 am 
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well over all for evil its warg riders, but ignoring the cost it would be morgul knights

for good, regular rohan riders... cheap and effective, but ignoring cost... for me its a tie btwn swan knights and galadrim cavary (i have faced galadrim cavalry before and i tell you this IF THEY GET INTO WOODS THEN THEY WILL TEAR YOU APART AND ONLY HIGHLY CONCENTRADTED BOWS WILL TAKE THEM OUT (all the bows you have....))

but if the galadrim dont get woods then swan knights win... (but the extra movement speed that galadrim get is still amazing)
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:56 pm 

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As far as a general cavalry force goes Harad are pretty good, Raiders are cheap, serpant guard are strong, mahud raiders are total beasts and then you can get a khandish chariot, also you can ally in Easterling kats.

For a single unit the Easterling kats are my choice, armoured horses really make a difference, particularly against bow fire. S2 and S4 both need a higher dice roll

i don't use any good forces, but i've always found rohan royal guard to be a pain

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:38 pm 
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For evil it's Haradrim Raiders. They're cheap, and you can change their weapons to suit different battle roles. If you want them for combat, lances are great and can really help you in a fight. If you want them for shooting, bows with poison arrows are also good. Or you can have both (like me) to do both shooting and combat. There only weakness is properly their low defence.

Wargs come at a close second, as although they can't take any fancy equiptment like Haradrim Raiders they are stronger, can take shields and there is a chance the Warg can stay in play if the rider is killed. They aren't that great at shooting though and are a bit more expensive, and have a lower courage.

Khandish Mercenaries are great for their points. Although they have a low courage and might not turn up to the battle, they have fight 4 and are only 9 points!

For good it's properly Knights of Minas Tirith for me. Although they arn't as good as SKODA, they're alot cheaper and are still good - they have defence 6 with a shield and also have lances (which is why I prefer them over Riders of Rohan). However, Riders of Rohan have bows, are a bit cheaper and have Expert Rider. As you can tell I prefer cheaper cavaly over the expensive elites. :)

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:57 pm 
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Blue Dragon wrote:
Well it can't be Galadhrim knights... I read on TLA recently about a typo in the WD where their rules appear, and they have 1A and 0W, so they die immediately when the game starts. :-D

Really funny!

Lol, yeah, I saw that too, rofl :rofl:

For good quality-wise I would say Sons of Eorl, they have 2 attacks (3 if they charge), get to move 12" (and can't remember if they count as armoured or not)

For good all-round wise I would say KoMT as they are cheap, tough (if you give them shields), and hit hard because of lances.

For evil quality-wise it's definetely Mahud raiders because of free S4 hit and 2 attacks.

For evil all-round wise for combat anyway serpent riders I would say for the poisoned weapons and F4 and they're not too expensive but if you want shooting I would say Haradrim raiders.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:24 pm 

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Knights of Minas Tirith are great; they're reasonably cheap, have lances, and a good defence.

This is slightly topic, but does anyone think Rohan Royal Guard should have the option for an armoured horse?

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:46 pm 

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personally don't think they should. because in the film i wouldn't describe the horses as heavily armoured. You might have a different impression from the book however

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:08 pm 
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For evil

#Morgul Knights (never over look Terror) and if you add to them a mounted Shadow Lord or m. Dark Marshal then the impact might be very very very devastating

#Mahud, seem to be very tough on paper :rofl: but i have no experience with them what so ever

#Well not actually a cavalry model, but i use Giant spiders for the job, cause they have 2 attacks which means that they fight like a regular cavalary whether they do get charged or not :rofl:

For good

#Defenitly the SKODA :rofl:

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:15 pm 
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mahud are incredible! incredibly powerful and incredibly expensive!

When Isengard marches to war their is no stopping them.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:19 pm 
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oh ya, i forget about haradrim and mahud....

for evil..... mahud hands downs
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:55 pm 
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What if we were to change the focus to WoTR? (main purpose is to not create another topic)

Would the cheaper units, like Minas Tirith Knights still hold superiority over SKODA? Wargs of Morgul?

And with the addition of the new elite cavalry in plastics does that change anyones mind, especially considering the sizes of formations in WOTR.
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