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 Post subject: Elves
PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:28 pm 

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Does anyone else think that High Elves are incredibly overpowered? What's the best way to play against them? They basically just own half my army, if not more, before I can get to them. Then I get owned in combat against Elrond, Gil-Galad, the elf twins etc. They are so overpowered! Anyone have any good tactics? Even Aragorn has trouble against Gil-Galad and Elrond. I use Gondor (Minas Tirith), some Rohan and some Numenoreans by the way.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:47 pm 
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No, they suffer from numbers, and you have to make that work for you. Gondor is pretty good for swarming.

It sounds like you're charging them across an open field, in which case, yes, their bows will own. Try to make good use of terrain.

You might be better off with an Evil army, that gives you access to models that reduce their courage, such as a goblin or troll drum, and of course the Nazgul.
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 Post subject: Elves
PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:46 pm 
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No, i wouldn't say that High Elves are "overpowered"
I've been in the hobby for 18 months now and mostly use my High Elf army, never won a game. :sad: I can say from experience that High Elves can suffer a great deal from an Isengard army.
I've got a sheer lack of infantry in my Elves army, so I have to fill in the gaps with tons of heroes. Even ones like Elrond and Glorfindel, Lord of the West get slaughtered by my friend's Uruk-hai.
Uruk-hai have a good strength value and are rather cheap in points (for thier profile), so you'll have a good sized force made up of strong models. Use a mixture of crossbow armed uruk-hai, scouts, uruk-hai warriors and throw in some Warg Riders and Berserkers. Make sure that you've got an Uruk-hai captain in there as well. Using Grima can also help, he stops your opponents using Mght as much. Try and get the Uruk-hai crossbowmen to shoot down some of the high elves early in the game. With the high defence and the high strength of their crossbows they can do some serious damage before the first combats have begun.

Hope this helps.

Anar kaluva tielyanna!
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:15 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Try charging these heroes with knights. Alternatley a large enough group of rangers should should pick of a few of these characters.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:26 pm 
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i recently played high elves using my uruk hai they are not over powered

we justed played kill every thing in site

my uruk hai captain sluaghtered his elves. he killed erestor, high elf captain w/ HA and elven blade , and 3 high elves with elven blades and HA. :lol: i lost cause my captain failed his courage test and so did my shaman which made everyone else run away to :oops:

but my point is that after the game i realised that he had 600 points and i only had 500 and i still almost won:lol:

Gothmog: "Fear... The city is rank with it."

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:11 pm 

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Ok, I think I'm probably struggling because when we play, my friend doesn't keep to the rules of 33% of your force with bows. He has a force with bows, then one squad at the front, with Gil-Galad, Elrond and the elf twins and a few elves with swords and moves those around. I'm usually pretty good tactically, but from now on I'm going to enforce the rule of 33% of his force can have bows.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:07 pm 
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ya same with the game i played he had like 40% bows but i let it slide luckly for me that he wasnt rolling very good 8)

Gothmog: "Fear... The city is rank with it."

Gothmog: "Move into the city. Kill all in your path."
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:43 pm 
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Messia wrote:
Ok, I think I'm probably struggling because when we play, my friend doesn't keep to the rules of 33% of your force with bows. He has a force with bows, then one squad at the front, with Gil-Galad, Elrond and the elf twins and a few elves with swords and moves those around. I'm usually pretty good tactically, but from now on I'm going to enforce the rule of 33% of his force can have bows.

Yeah, that would do it. Even all-bow Goblins would own.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:41 pm 

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Yes, I've rarely won against Grey Company for the same reason - all bows just destroys you. The only times I've beaten them is in scenarios that require you to claim an objective.

Elves are excellent archers and fighters, but Gondor has some tricks of their own.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:10 am 
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Ooo, i gotta put my two cents into this discussion!

My two friends battle sometimes, elves against the fiefdoms.
One of them has an ent(allying rules usually ignored) and persists with throwing stones at any juicy targets and usually works.
With evil armies it's numbers, numbers, numbers! This is incredibly obvious but elves are high pointed as well as being skilled, so a force of elves can be overwhelmed by a swarm of orcs(or goblins) of the same points value.
Also my friend who collects elves dreads black numenoreans.

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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:35 pm 

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When I think about it even elves can be reduced to not shooting at certain targets (I only know that this works in WotR) if you have a ringwraith like the SHADOW LORD with his cloak of darkness which works on his formation, quit like having a elven cloak in SBG, meaning that his formation cannot be shot at unless in close range. It works if you have a large formation of crazily weak things orcs or orc trackers and want to turn them into an invisible but deadly force. Say if you were Mordor and had 33% of your army as orc trackers fighting in the hilly reagions around Rohan, (unlikely) you could take the high ground (if there is any) and place them there include the SHADOW LORD with them, a loss in combat :-X but a gain if you could keep your enemy's force far enough away so that they can't see you but you could see them. :D . It could even drasticaly change the outcome of the battle if you had 40 bowmen raining death on the elves without returning fire. :D
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