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 Post subject: El Desafío 2024 / The Chanllenge 2024
PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:16 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Joined: Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:30 pm
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Good afternoon everyone.
I open this post to inform the rest of the few of us left here.
If the administrators see that this information that I am going to leave does not meet any requirement, please delete it.
The thing is to propose that the painting contest that was held a few years ago be organized again, and that as administrator of the sister page is Spain, The War of the Ring, we continue to organize for the Spanish community, and that we launched in 2016 after requesting permission to The One Ring who already did something similar.
It is a painting contest in which we try to make the competition with oneself, trying to paint a number of miniatures every month. Since 2016 we have been organizing the contest without interruption and the truth is that we are very happy with the reception it had and with the participation we have, which is why I have decided to present it to you here too, in case we could do something similar, or At least offer it to whoever may be interested.
The Contest itself is called El Desafío, The Challenge in English, and consists of painting a company of 8 infantry miniatures in a month, which could be 4 cavalry, or two troll-type monsters, or one larger one.
We also have three more contests, one of Custom, in which miniature conversion work, alternative miniatures to the official ones, or a small background of our company counts when scoring.
Another of the contests, bi-monthly on this occasion and not monthly, is for Scenography, and finally another for painting a single miniature in a month of a certain profile (one month orcs, another men of Middle Earth, another Captains of the Light, etc...).

Anyway, I think that the websites referring to our miniatures game are increasingly scarce, and although now, at least in Spain, there is a lot of movement, it doesn't hurt that we help each other, and we propose doing something similar here in The One Ring, or if you see that it is a lot of work, offer you the possibility of doing it in The War of the Ring.

I am not going to put links to The War of the Ring, I ask the administrators for permission to do so, and if they do not see it feasible to hold a similar contest here and they have no objection, then I will upload it.

Ah, at the end of each month a small magazine is made with the results, everything is in Spanish, but if the English-speaking community participated, there would be no problem in translating, I give you the example of one of the magazines that was made.

Anyway, I hope you are interested, and above all, that the administrators of The One Ring consider the possibility of doing something about it.

Greetings and thank you.
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