The One Ring

Rohan Campaign Turn 5 - Westemnet
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Author:  Warlord [ Mon May 04, 2015 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Rohan Campaign Turn 5 - Westemnet

We just completed Turn 5 of our War of the Ring Rohan Campaign. Saruman sent a force to stop the ent army from coming to the relief of Helms Deep. Since the battle was fought in Westemnet on the open plains of Rohan, there was minimal terrain and no woods or forests for the ents to use their Tree Slumber special rule. The game was a straight up fight.


The Fangorn army contained Treebeard, Quickbeem, Beechbone (using UK Freddy Bear ents), three additional ents and twelve Huorns converted from dryads.


Fangorn won the battle destroying Saruman's siege engines, but suffered heavy loses. The highlight of the game was when a company of Uruk-hai sappers passed their courage check enabling them to detonate their demolition charges causing nine Strength 10 hits to everything within 12" taking out three ents and two huorns, with only minimal damage to their own formations. But it was not enough to kill Treebeard who destroyed an Uruk-hai company the following turn bringing Isengard to their break point.

For a full battle report, follow the link below and you can follow the rest of the campaign.


Author:  Erunion [ Mon May 04, 2015 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan Campaign Turn 5 - Westemnet

This is really cool. Thanks for sharing!

I have some dryads that I am planning on converting to huorns, although I think I'm going to put three on a base and have them "counts-as" Ents.

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