The One Ring

Battlehost supplement - units in different battlehosts
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Author:  Stan158 [ Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Battlehost supplement - units in different battlehosts

Hi everyone,

I'm quite new to this blog, but not new to the hobby. I've been painting and collecting for years, but I should play my first game soon. I want to make sure I prepare correctly! I've got a question about the WOTR Battlehost supplement.

Can you use the same units to field different battlehosts. For example, is it right to use the riders of Rohan eored for the Riders of Westfold battlehost and also count them for the Eomer's riders battlehost. This way, you pay for 2 battlehosts but the units benefit the special rules from both.

In the rules, it says that if "two different battlehosts require the same epic hero or legendary formation in order to be fielded, you take one or the other, but not both". It seems to say nothing about common formation.

Thanks for the help,


Author:  daersalon [ Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlehost supplement - units in different battlehosts

Good question, and indeed it isn't explicitly stated in the BH rules, but in answer: No. A battlehost is a distinct set of formations with it's own special rules and leader. They are encouraged to have similar uniforms and a unifying 'look' to make them stand out and make it clear which troops are in the battlehost.

In the rules they are considered a single 'bloc' and come on as one entity, for example as reinforcements, i.e. the entire battlehost arrives at the same time. (especially useful in 'Maelstrom' scenarios where they arrive on the same board edge together).

If you wish to take a second battlehost you need the additional companies as a separate 'bloc'.

There is an example or two of a battlehost benefitting from another battlehost and sharing rules (not troops!) such as the 'Swanhost of Dol Amroth' and 'The Fiefdoms of Gondor' get 'The Men of the Outlands' special rule if you field both.

Author:  Stan158 [ Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlehost supplement - units in different battlehosts

Alright, thanks daersalon! I'll modify my army list a little I guess!

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