The One Ring

Gondor 1000pts Army
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Author:  Rich1982 [ Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Gondor 1000pts Army

Hi all, as you may have read in my other topic I'm just starting to get back into WOTR and am planning on getting a Good army to go along side my existing Misty Mountains force. I was thinking about Dwarfs but have been playing around with the points and am now thinking that Gondor may be the faction for me. Well, here's the 1000pts list I'm thinking of, let me know what you think.

Epic Heroes
Aragorn (200)
Ally - Elladan (35)
Ally - Elrohir (35)

Common Formations
3 x Minas Tirith Warrior Companies (100)
3 x Minas Tirith Warrior Companies (100)
3 x Knights of Minas Tirith Companies, Shields, Captain, Banner (175)
3 x Knights of Minas Tirith Companies, Shields, Captain, Banner (175)

Legendary Formations
3 x Osgiliath Veteran Companies, Cirion, Banner (220)

I realise that the Formations are on the small side, but I've tried to sqeeze in 5 seperate units to overcome the threat of multiple Wriaths. The Twins will lead the Minas Tirith Warriors and Aragorn will move to which ever Formation needs his combat prowess. I was thinking that Epic Journey could be used early on to position one of my Formations behind my opponent, trapping them and opening them up to a charge in the rear in the next Turn.

So what would you change?

Author:  Xelee [ Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor 1000pts Army

Hi Rich1982. Firstly, this is a much better vehical for your original plans than the Dwarves list, IMO. Morranans hit Def 8 Dwarves and Def 7 WOMT equally as hard but the MT units are obviously much cheaper. Better yet, you have access to 25pt 2HW units. I think that Aragorn + Gimli would possibly be feasible for Gondor (since the troops are so cheap) even at 1000pts.

Leaving that aside, your costings seem off in a couple of ways. 3x Warriors comes to 75pts. You have the Knights w Shields right... but are paying 90pts for a fragile cavalry unit, which you then add almost as much again in upgrades to.

I quite like the Osgiliath Vets as a unit for starting out with (especcially as a way to use up the Archer figs from the boxes) but think the aim would be to have those points in basic warriors and/or archers + an Epic like Faramir.

I like the thinking with the three Epics, and if you just split those sunk upgrade/legendary points between more troops and more cheap Epics (Faramir is the obvious place to start) I think you would be better off. Then you will have the best benifit from the flexible MSU you are aiming for. Luckily, MT infantry is plentifully available on the secondhand market and the paint is easily stripped via something like 'Simple Green'.


Author:  Rich1982 [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor 1000pts Army

Cheers for the comments, taking all your advice on board how about the following....

Epic Heroes
Aragorn (200)
Faramir (90)
Ally - Gimli (175)
Ally - Elladan (35)
Ally - Elrohir (35)

Common Formations
3 x Minas Tirith Warrior Companies (75)
3 x Minas Tirith Warrior Companies (75)
4 x Knights of Minas Tirith Companies, Shields, Banner (155)

Rare Formations
3 x Axemen of Lossarnach Companies (75)
3 x Axemen of Lossarnach Companies (75)

As before it has smaller units to ensure that there are 5 seperate threats. I'll have 4 Epics with Epic Strike and three different units with +1 to their dice in combat which can all be combined with Aragorn's +2 and Gimli's Epic Rampage to great effect (if I did it with the Knights I could even use Epic Rage too to get auto hits against Defence 7 or less, as I'd be hitting first so the lower Defence wouldn't matter against Infantry).

I think if I came up against Khamul, Faramir may be the key...if I can get the charge with him in a unit, he calls Epic Strike, Epic Sacrifice, Heroic Fight and Heroic Duel against Khamul - best case scenario he kills Khamul thanks to some lucky dice, worst case Faramir dies but his unit have a 3+ save against any deflected hits and Khamul has used his only Might point. Either way I should win the combat and get to charge in again to cut down even more Orcs.

So is this any better?

Author:  General Elessar [ Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor 1000pts Army

You've spent over half your points on Heroes, that's too much in my opinion.

Author:  Xelee [ Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor 1000pts Army

I agree, Gimli + Aragorn would be the maximum I would go for, at this points level. That is only two heroes, but pretty capable ones.

If you give up the rampage combo, then all the rest minus Gimli would be a good way to go.

In terms of the list structure, I don't think banners are worth their opportunity cost in other MT troops and I'd be putting all those Axemen together. I find that MT warrs can work in 3s (though 4s are preferable, where points permit) but that, since def 5 troops often die twice as fast, they need to be in at least 5s (which is double the wounds the three coy formation can take). That's just my experience though.

I've found that the best way to run this list is as almost a cloud of smallish MT warrior formations, which swamp the enemy line then heroes jump to the right place each turn. The Axemen make a good killer unit with Aragorn to help take out key threats more quickly, though even in a larger size they will go down to focused fire and spells (or whatever else the enemy is packing to really kill something). I like the idea of having multiples, since it spreads the threat and spreads the risk, but if so they both need to be bigger - expensive unless you get alternate figs or convert.

Author:  Rich1982 [ Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor 1000pts Army

Okay, perhaps I did go a little over the top on the Epics! :rofl: How about this?

Epic Heroes
Aragorn (200)
Faramir (90)
Ally - Elladan (35)
Ally - Elrohir (35)

Common Formations
4 x Minas Tirith Warrior Companies (100)
4 x Minas Tirith Warrior Companies (100)
4 x Minas Tirith Warrior Companies (100)
6 x Knights of Minas Tirith Companies, Shields, Banner (215)

Rare Formations
5 x Axemen of Lossarnach Companies (125)

Still keeping the 5 seperate threats which are all now larger and more durable. I would have gone for a second Formations of the Axemen instead of one of the Warriros if they didn't cost as much as they do to buy (there's no way I can justify buying 80 of these models for 2 x 5 Company Formations).

Is it looking better?

Author:  Xelee [ Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor 1000pts Army

It is looking better, the only thing that jumps out at me now is that you could get up to 2x 4 strong Kinghts formations by losing the Banner and dropping one of the warriors units down to three. That will be three harder hitting formations. You should probably just play around with things yourself and see what mix works best. I don't find banners to be worth their points.

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