Of course they are still in combat after the combat phase, are you joking? In a battle after the initial charge formations are locked in a melee. Why would they separate and charge again? It's nonsense i'm afraid. It says nowhere in the rules that formations move apart at least 1" after the combat phase in order to charge at each other again the next turn. If you can find somewhere that it does then fair enough. It does say that the formations separate but that is only so the players can see they have resolved the combat phase, next turn as far as I understand it they continue the melee which means they do not charge again they enter the combat phase. That's the way it reads. If they intended it to mean they separate by 1" ready for a new charge next phase then it needs to be far more explicit In that section on page 50, Determine Victor, it isn't obvious what the outcome is at all.
As for quoting the order of turn at me, so what? Not everybody does everything every turn, not everyone shoots or moves every turn, so why assume that a charge is always a part of the order for formations already in combat? Pretty simple it seems to me that you do not have to charge every single turn, that is just senseless. Once in melee formations can only move away, be pushed back or destroyed as far as I can see.
So essentially you think that formations charge, fight, separate, charge again, fight, separate, charge again...? Really? It which battles historically did that ever happen? Once in melee formations fight until one side forces the other back or destroys them. I suppose if we treat the combat phase as an short clash of melee from which the two sides fall back to charge again then it makes sense.
I think the rules aren't clear enough. I admit that charging every turn into combat is more interesting than simply locking swords for the next several turns, but as i've already said it isn't clear anywhere that this is what is intended to happen. The rules are ambiguous at best, poorly written at worst. It needs to be explicit that formations move 1" apart ready to charge or be charge in the next turn. Can anyone find anything that comes anywhere close to saying that?
By the way, I don't play Warhammer.

page 44 'A Note On Charging and the Spirit of the Game' is interesting, but again inconclusive.
p.s. Your blog is excellent Blackmist.