ferrumvir wrote:
Well I've personally not got a copy and the little I have read, seems to enable some armies to include extra special rules, with a cost reduction. At the moment I'd not be confident that it's fair. Just one reason I started this thread. So thanks...
Definitely leave them out then, as TO you would want to be familiar with everything that might turn up, and it's an optional extra anyway.
ferrumvir wrote:
We just want games that are fair well balanced and maintained consitent/themed armies. And so yes, stopping the 4/500 poinnt models was part of it.
I understand that, and I think if you don't want dragons or balroths, just say so. There will always be some collateral damage with any restriction, the trick is to minimise it. One army I saw would not get through here is a Last Alliance themed elf army led by Gil-Galad.
ferrumvir wrote:
Magic seems to be a little bit cheap or over powered, which ever way you swing. So we were really trying to limit things like pulling in cheep elf magic etc.
You've gone a long way towards doing this already. At 1250 the ability to take elf allies is limited anyway. The limit on epics keeps out the Thranduil types or at least limits who else you can have along. I'm not sure an allies ban is actually needed on top of what you already have, as this does a great job of stopping potentially problematic allied epics and legendaries.
One concern is that
every good army might turn up with either gandalf or radagast, not because they want to, but because their other options for dealing with certain bugbears have been removed (ents, eagles, dwarf warriors etc). That might not happen though.
ferrumvir wrote:
Thanks, I really like the 5 levels of magic restriction. However the, "stops multiple dragons" etc. just gives me the shivers. Sound like you are the person to ask. Does having 40% of the army in one model make for a fair and fun game?
Yeah the limit of 5 for magic hit a chord with everyone we ran it past, so I think we are on to a good thing there.
On the 'fair and balanced' side, I feel powerful units and epics are a fun part of the game. However, what is never fun is an army that goes straight through another one like the proverbial hot knife through butter. I have no love for those games, regardless of which side of the equation I'm on. That thought was behind our second restriction.
One 'big deal' per army tends to be okay in my opinion, not that
I would want to sink the points into a balrog or dragon at 1250 anyway.
ferrumvir wrote:
I'm surprised people have not thought that we were being too restrictive... So far most people seem to be happy.
It's really clear you are wanting to provide a level playing field for fun games, and who could object to that?

Oh, right... while I'm not sure about the allies ban, it's not a deal-breaker. I'd happily turn up if only I were in the right hemisphere.