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 Post subject: Legendary Army?
PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 1:03 am 

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I just thought of sumthing :D If someone really wanted to, they could take an entire army of legendarys (and one common). and since i dont have my rulebook with me atm, are winged nazgul a legendary formation? cause if so, then you could have an entire army of nazgul :shock:

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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:30 am 

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Yes to all the above. Plus if you want to do that, just take the Winged Nazgul battlehost for some extra abilities.
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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 11:27 am 

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You could do that if you wanted to blow 600$ for all of those winged nazgul models.
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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:25 pm 

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Thorin & Co. wrote:
You could do that if you wanted to blow 600$ for all of those winged nazgul models.

Yeah... :rofl:

I'm pretty sure such an army wouldn't win many games.

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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:30 pm 
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General Elessar wrote:
Thorin & Co. wrote:
You could do that if you wanted to blow 600$ for all of those winged nazgul models.

Yeah... :rofl:

I'm pretty sure such an army wouldn't win many games.

I totally agree, but you got to admit it would look sexy as hell.
Certainly not $600 worth of sexy, but pretty sexy all the same.
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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:39 pm 
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General Elessar wrote:
I'm pretty sure such an army wouldn't win many games.


Less than £300 for an army, which, is probably what you would be spending on a mass of infantry and cavalry companies anyway...

Plus, the 9, all mounted on Fellbeasts, with, say a Tainted Palantir (2500 army exactly) is not to be sniffed at. You can throw out a ridiculous amount of spells each turn, gain the benefits of improved survivability from staying near the Witch-king, and if you can co-ordinate all 9 to swoop over the same enemy formation, that's 45 d3 (a potential 45-135) strength 6 hits...

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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:54 pm 
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Woah! O_o that's pretty powerful stuff, not to mention expensive. I'm sure some guy who starves himself and spends 3/4 of his salary on figures has done it before.

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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 5:02 pm 
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spuds4ever wrote:
Woah! O_o that's pretty powerful stuff, not to mention expensive. I'm sure some guy who starves himself and spends 3/4 of his salary on figures has done it before.


Apparently you haven't heard of Dorth....

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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 5:06 pm 
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spuds4ever wrote:
not to mention expensive.

But it really isn't expensive.

A platic Fellbeast kit is £35 (£315 for all 9). In game, that's 250 points each.

2 boxes of infantry is £33. 6 companies, on average 25-30 points, 150-180 points. Assuming of course you choose something that come's in 8's. So, no fighting Uruks...

So, in reality, £315 is relatively good value for a complete 2500 point force. I reckon, especially with an Evil force, that you'd be hard pressed to come up with a good list of equal points value for the same price.

That's about 19 Infantry boxes worth. Bear in mind, you'll also need movement trays...

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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:28 pm 
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I think the price shock comes from getting the modules individually vs. collecting slowly over time as more traditional armies are. As you posted above dollar value to point of army isn't really that off.

TBH, building a Moria, Orc or Fighting Uruk Hai army would scare me more financially. Not a lot of expensive Heroes to suck up points and box sets running about $25 - $30 for (at best) 3 Companies each. And then you need to get maybe two - three boxes per Formation and only have about 180 - 200 points. I'm so glad that I've been collecting a backlog of Isengard and Mordor over the years here and there so I have a lot to draw on. But I really want to do a good Moria force in time and when I started looking at building up such an army from scratch to about 1000 points (without using the Balrog) it about knocked me out. :shock:

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 Post subject: not a wise idea
PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:21 pm 

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wouldn't advise taking an army with loads of winged nazgul. they don't have strike, only have one might and can still be dueled seen as they have might.

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 Post subject: Re: not a wise idea
PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:54 pm 
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Rikin wrote:
wouldn't advise taking an army with loads of winged nazgul. they don't have strike, only have one might and can still be dueled seen as they have might.

They have the exact same thing when mounted on fellbeasts as they do when on foot. So yes, they do have epic strike.

That said they are merely hard to kill (or very hard to kill when taken as the battlehost) so when they do fail at heroic duels they can potentially die very quickly.
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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 9:43 pm 
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Though VH2K is a bit better, I put no faith in H2K. So far I've seen Trolls go down pretty much on their first turn of battle every game we've played. VH2K is a bit better, but I still took out Glorfindel with a few Companies of Morannon Orc on their second combat. I wouldn't put too much faith in anything that can die with a couple lucky 6's.

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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 11:45 pm 

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Hellfury wrote:
They have the exact same thing when mounted on fellbeasts as they do when on foot. So yes, they do have epic strike.

No they don't, they only get the individual special rule. Only Epic Heroes are allowed to have Epic abilities, unless otherwise specified in their entry (like Gulavhar for example. It doesn't specify in WN's entry that it has Epic Strike). Add to that the actual rule saying "Each Winged Nazgul also has a unique special rule" - note the letter "a" clearly referring to only one of the Ringwraith specific rules, and not the Epic action.

But then again, who cares about Epic Strike when you have 9 Black Darts? :roll: And if you don't want them, you have 9x Strength from Corruption which can kill 9d6 models too on top of the the 45d3 (or average 90) S6 hits.

In LotR 4-Nazgul army in 700pts is considered to be pretty competitive, I would say in WotR it will also be from 1500+ pts.

Oh and btw, you can't give a Winged Nazgul a Tainted Palantir guys, they're not epic heroes...

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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:39 am 
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BlackMist wrote:
Hellfury wrote:
They have the exact same thing when mounted on fellbeasts as they do when on foot. So yes, they do have epic strike.

No they don't, they only get the individual special rule. Only Epic Heroes are allowed to have Epic abilities, unless otherwise specified in their entry (like Gulavhar for example. It doesn't specify in WN's entry that it has Epic Strike). Add to that the actual rule saying "Each Winged Nazgul also has a unique special rule" - note the letter "a" clearly referring to only one of the Ringwraith specific rules, and not the Epic action.

Hmm looking closer at the rules after you pointed that out, I think I have to agree with you there.

Gah. I hate how easy it is to misinterpret stuff in this game at times because it requires very careful reading on a few things in order to get a real grasp of what they are trying to achieve.

And because of detailed scrutiny of some things, it makes a player think everything must be carefully scrutinized and ...that just leads down a path of tears.
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 5:00 am 
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Generally speaking, no "Hero" in a Legendary Formation comes with any of his/her/its Special Rules from their Epic Hero form. It's pretty much a blanket covering.

I do agree that there are some gaps in WotR rules, but I think there are more issues of either not connecting a rule on Page X with a rule on Page Y (ambiguity) or else people reading too much into some rules.

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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 5:56 am 
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Beowulf03809 wrote:
Generally speaking, no "Hero" in a Legendary Formation comes with any of his/her/its Special Rules from their Epic Hero form. It's pretty much a blanket covering.

I understand that. The confusion arises from the fellbeast entry that transposes special rules (of which epic actions are not among them) to the fellbeast carrying a particular nazgul.

Its not a typical legendary formation by any means because of that.

Beowulf03809 wrote:
I think there are more issues of either not connecting a rule on Page X with a rule on Page Y (ambiguity) or else people reading too much into some rules.

Totally agree there. Cases in point: Overlord rule and Epic Strike respectively.
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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 7:44 am 
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True. It's easy to forget that Epic Actions and Special Rules are two different categories in a Profile.

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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 9:17 am 

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Ya one of the nasty one i heard is gandalf uses that spell to reduce the fight of the balrog to 0 and then boromir goes in and rips him a new one

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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:13 pm 

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Well legendary units such as erkenbrands riders, keep their profile rules. You pay for the hero in the base cost and the banner. ts the formation that benefit from there. the price really is that that hero can't leave the formation, so if the formation is about to be wiped out the hero can't jump into another formation.
As long as everything in the heroes profile matches with the legendary profile for the hero including :special rules, fight, defense, might and cost etc. then they count as the same model.
the nazgul and the winged nazgul have totally different profiles.

at least thats how we do it. please tell me if i am wrong.

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