GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Telchar wrote:
xJEDIx wrote:
Thanks for your point of view.
I don't mind to deal against evil spams or powerlists, as long as everyone could have access to them and not only one or two factions.
Everyone except Elves. Why do GW hate elves? What have they ever done wrong (except for the Kinslayings and the wars for the Silmarils, that is)
Elves have the Galadriel, Radagast, Dain, other Elven Spellcasters and Councellors etc combo.
All of which cost so much any selfrespecting list will kill you through weight of numbers and defence values.
xJEDIx wrote:
Well, concerning Elves, I dunno how they work in LOTR/WOTR but regarding with the LOTR mythos the Elves were a declining faction, most of them already in exile.
So it doesn't surprise me that Elves are scarce in WOTR/LOTR and a bit underpowered when compared with their Silmarillion cousins, who were stronger than Valar!
I meant in relativity to other factions, only a ghost-built Angmar (which is a bad idea, go Carn Dum) is anywhere near as failing. And the Elves were still strong enought to raze Dol Guldur to the ground, so they were quite strong.Oh, and Silmarillion Elves were far, far weaker then the Valar. They were just FAR, FAR stronger then in the 3rd age.
Xelee wrote:
I don't think GW hates the Elves in WOTR... they just over-estimated the degree to which their stats would help them. Their heroes are pretty good. You can have a 1000pt list that can even fit in a decent amount of their over-costed base troops just by taking Galadriel then all of the cheapest Epic Heroes the Elves have (who Galadriel can keep recharging with might). .
Well, they gave them the crappiest battlehosts ever as well. 75 pts for gaining priority on a tie when Celeborn and Galadriel are in the same company? Seriously?
You can fit in a relatively proper amount by that combo, after which you just get slaughtered for your low defence and lack of hitting power, not that and numbers.
"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings