1. The Battle for GondolinThe forces of Morgoth deployed for the storming of the city of Gondolin after four years preparation were overwhelming. Despite this, the opposition they met on the walls was beyond any forecast. Angband hosts eventually breached in, and are now spreading into the city. But they suffered tremendous losses, and still they are, fighting house by house against an irreducible foe. For the first time Urulòki and Balrogs have fallen, and in numbers, upon a battlefield; and the best among the Orc leaders have been killed in the head of their troops.
Gothmog, the supreme leader on the field, knows that the moment is decisive and victory might still escape from his hands, for his legions are now tired and frightened, whilst with dawn the great eagles might swoop down on them to turn the tide.
But he has perceived that the Elves are now rallying their last regiments and dispersed troops in the King's Square. By destroying these latter, the city must fall. So he has gathered together his reserves and is now driving them personally towards that square with a pincher maneuver on three columns, with the intent of crushing them utterly and put the battle to an end swiftly. But his doesn't know that his eastern echelon has been stopped by the valor of Glorfindel and will fail the appointment.
For the Gondolindrim, therefore, this is the endmost chance: if they can resist these last fresh forces of Angband, and at the same time they maintain an efficient host of regulars, there is still hope for driving back the invaders at daybreak, with the help of the great eagles.
Otherwise, the city is lost.
This is very though a scenario for the Elves. Magic may be decisive in keeping the Uruloki at bay, but the two Balrogs are hardly affected.
Buildings and roads proved to be appropriate. Deployment for Morgoth is not so easy, seen the size, but still allows for interesting options.
Download here below:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/132ys ... ndolin.pdf 