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 Post subject: Gondor Formation sized
PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:34 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:30 am
Posts: 98
Ok. I've got a sizable gondor army and am having some trouble figuring out how big I want certain formations.

For example. i have enough knights including banners and captains to field 2 full formations of 6 regular knights and 1 full formation of Dol Amroth knights. On paper these look nasty. I haven't had a chance to put them into play yet. Has anyone here tried to use full knight formations with any success.

on the same token, how big would you make their infantry formations. I'm debating on whether to pick up another box of warriors to green stuff into companies 4-6 of osgiliath veterans or not.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:39 pm 

Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:13 pm
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Infantry win you games. Cavalry support infantry in achieving those goals.

Get infantry into fights, then flank charge with cavalry. Don't just make a single cavalry horde or you'll lose out on some objective types/scenarios.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:29 pm 
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It has to be six companies for infantry. They are so durable, most evil foes need a '6' to hit and they can stand there for turn after turn.

I use my infantry as the rock upon which the evil attacks flounder, and then, when they are wilting hit them hard with the cavalry.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:42 pm 
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As till now we have played smaller games, 500-1000 points

I like my cav or wargs to have 4 companies or they get killed to fast after a charge or two.

With infantry no less than 3 if you can, but 4 is nice if you can.

Haven t played over 1000 yet but sounds interesting on 6 company units.

love to see your conversions for those veterans, that is the next unit of good I want to build, but man are the figs expensive!!

Anyone know of any good conversions to look at online for those right now?
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:32 pm 
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I use 6 company formations of Morannon Orcs and find they work really well myself. For mainline infantry formations, I would advise between 4-6 companies, unless you're playing Moria, then 6-9. For cavalry, I would recommend trying to stick to around four companies- any higher, and the unit can get really unwieldy. This is the size of my Morgul Knight unit, and they do remarkably well. I wouldn't really recommend building an army around lots and lots of large cavalry units, unless you're doing Rohan. Riders are a bit more flexible with all the weapon options they get standard than your knights will be. Osgiliath Veterans are an excellent idea, the unit is great, and so are the Swan Knights.

Still, just my two cents.

The secret to Elves being Terror causers, isn't that they're scary. They're so shiny they blind you.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:57 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:04 am
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I'll just reinforce the conventional wisdom here...

For Gondor, I'm using 3 x 4-company formations for WoMT, sometimes 6 cos in an Osgiliath Veteran's unit as it's just so durable. (Even though my "fluff logic" tells me that "veterans" should have fewer, but better quality companies.) My "levy" units (Clansmen, MaAoDA and Rangers are in 3 company formations) Blackroot Vale Archers in 2 companies for now.
I have 4 companies of WoMT Archers and field them 2 ways: either in 2 x 2 company formations strictly for shooting out towards the flanks, or 1 x 4 company formation that doubles as another battle-line formation with a bit less defense.

In my experience, cav should be no fewer than 4 companies at 1500 pts and above. I field a 4-company of KoMT and a 5-company of SKoDA.

By comparison, my Mordor army at the same point values fields 6-company minimum foot formations (9 at >2000pts), 4 co Morgul Knights, 5 companies Haradrim Raiders fielded 3, even 4 wide to maximize their shooting.

Warg Riders should be no less than 6, possibly 9. They're just so vulnerable to massed shooting. If small, keep 'em hidden or screened until they can make an end-around or get out on a flank.
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